Еще не вышел Джэйс,а Морелло уже обещает нам 101 героя ЛоЛа:
While I maintain that Jayce's whole weapon-transforming thing is really fun, it's really not about some big mega-release milestone. It's a nice round number, sure, but I think it'd be kind of ****ty of us if we were holding something back for this that we'd had been capable of doing previously.
I kind of see it as every champion needs to be a milestone of some kind - just trying to do something we hadn't done before in regards to gameplay, art, lore, or any mixture of them. I'll talk more about a couple of the big issues (monsters, why 3 masculine-style males so close) in a future post, but for this I wanna focus on the specific "champ 100 thing." I feel if there was something more special we could have done here, why aren't we doing that for every champion?
I actually did a quick interview for a cool little video that takes a look back at our first 100 champions...it shows some of the process we use and a bit of revealing the man behind the curtain. I think that goes live next week.
So, I probably shouldn't do this, but what the Hell. I'm really stoked about champion 101 too because I got to work much much more directly on it than I usually do and it's an archetype I think we've needed. I'll....plant a little teaser for you.
(Hint, she's not made of flesh):