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Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Автор темы: coticus
Дата создания: 25.01.2020 23:59
Аватар для Romulas
GoHa.Ru I Степени
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
А когда введут возможность создавать группы?
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Сообщение от Romulas:
А когда введут возможность создавать группы?
Хенрик даже такое обещал? Хз, по мне и так норм.
И я не понимаю как эти группы будут работать в рамках МО. Ты будешь видеть хп бары сопартийцев как у петов? И определённого цвета ник? И что это даст?

🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
Аватар для Romulas
GoHa.Ru I Степени
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Сообщение от Kitezh:
Хенрик даже такое обещал? Хз, по мне и так норм.
И я не понимаю как эти группы будут работать в рамках МО. Ты будешь видеть хп бары сопартийцев как у петов? И определённого цвета ник? И что это даст?
Цвет ника, мб пометка дополнительная над ником
Таски делать попроще будет, чтоб не 25% урона (хилеры привет), ориентироваться в людях, чтоб быстрее считывать кто перед тобой

а то вроде бы социальная игра, а такой мелочи нет
Аватар для Элай
Волшебник Медаль "1К лайков" 20 лет вместе!
Награжден за: 20 лет вместе! С Новым 2020 годом!
Награжден за: С новым годом! (darkeh)
GoHa.Ru - 10 лет
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Меня больше смущает, что до интересного контента не дни а месяцы дроча, который я не понимаю как выглядит
Ну вон там некроманта если делать, то когда дадут призвать скелета..хз

Аватар для Romulas
GoHa.Ru I Степени
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Сообщение от Элай:
Меня больше смущает, что до интересного контента не дни а месяцы дроча, который я не понимаю как выглядит
Ну вон там некроманта если делать, то когда дадут призвать скелета..хз
Ну только ради некроманта я б не стал играть, мне кажется этого того не стоит.
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Сообщение от Romulas:
Цвет ника, мб пометка дополнительная над ником
Таски делать попроще будет, чтоб не 25% урона (хилеры привет), ориентироваться в людях, чтоб быстрее считывать кто перед тобой

а то вроде бы социальная игра, а такой мелочи нет
Пати нет, потому что такой концепт игры.
Да если и появится, то точно никаких отметок у ника игрока не будет, максимум цвет ника и хп бары. Но для магов да, это было бы намного удобней.
Сообщение от Элай:
Меня больше смущает, что до интересного контента не дни а месяцы дроча, который я не понимаю как выглядит
Ну вон там некроманта если делать, то когда дадут призвать скелета..хз
Ну если знать что и как делать, по тем же гайдам, то вполне быстро. Хотя сейчас можно просто нафармить голду за месяц к примеру и купить уже готовый спеллбук, где будут все школы магии. А саму некромантию можно прокачать довольно быстро.

🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
Аватар для Romulas
GoHa.Ru I Степени
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Сообщение от Kitezh:
Пати нет, потому что такой концепт игры.
такой бред
а вот показывать названия гильдии, тож концепт))) не, а че, пусть тоже учат и запоминают кто там с ними вместе бегает
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Сообщение от Romulas:
такой бред
а вот показывать названия гильдии, тож концепт))) не, а че, пусть тоже учат и запоминают кто там с ними вместе бегает
Так это надо навестись на игрока, чтобы узнать его имя и гильдию, а ты я так понял хочешь, чтобы было как во всех ММОРПГ, над головами маячили иконки, поэтому я и написал что такого не будет, так как это противоречит концепции.

🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
Аватар для Romulas
GoHa.Ru I Степени
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Сообщение от Kitezh:
Так это надо навестись на игрока, чтобы узнать его имя и гильдию, а ты я так понял хочешь, чтобы было как во всех ММОРПГ, над головами маячили иконки, поэтому я и написал что такого не будет, так как это противоречит концепции.
ники показывать сбоку, как маунтов с хп/стамина/маной и цвет менять при наведении

Иконки конечно нет
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Тестовый сервер открыт


🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
Аватар для Romulas
GoHa.Ru I Степени
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Сообщение от Kitezh:
Тестовый сервер открыт

чет жиденько, когда новый материк и воровство?
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Сообщение от Romulas:
чет жиденько, когда новый материк и воровство?
Новый материк на фиг не нужен, потому что сурдюка в МО1 была убожеством. А воровство появится после того, как они проапгрейдят криминал систему.

🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Вышел новый патч с лохотроном

Engine Upgrade
  • Upgraded Unreal Engine to the latest version 5.4.4.
  • The DirectX 11 option has been removed because multiple engine features and plugins now require Shader Model 6, which is not supported by DirectX 11.
Server Upgrade

  • We’ve upgraded our servers to next-generation hardware, which will significantly enhance server performance for large-scale populations and improve latency.
Lottery System

Ready to test your luck?
Lottery vendors have now arrived in every town, offering you a chance to win hoards of gold! Simply purchase a ticket, redeem it at the same vendor, and check your mail to collect any winnings. Match 3 numbers to win that amount in gold, or match 3 symbols to claim the ever-growing jackpot. Each ticket redeemed increases the prize pool!
See if Caerus the god of fortune favors you.
  • Added the lottery system that allows players to purchase and redeem tickets with a chance to win enormous prizes.
  • Added lottery vendors to all cities.
  • Visit the NPC for details on the mechanics of the lottery.
Fledgling Flag

  • Added the “Fledgling” flag. When you leave haven you will be marked as a Fledgling for 168 hours (1 week) per account. Fledglings have yellow names and a small bird symbol under their name, indicating that their account is new.
  • You can now write /endfledgling in the chat to stop being a fledgling.
  • You can now write /fledgling in the chat to see the remaining fledgling time left.
Dungeon Logout Prevention

  • Added a new system for keeping players in the game world if they crash while inside a dungeon. Characters will remain for two hours before being killed by the server, if a player is a spirit they will instead be teleported to the nearest priest.
Pet Balance Overhaul

This update marks the most extensive balance pass and overhaul to pet gameplay we’ve ever made.
Currently, there are 36 tameable pets with Beast Mastery abilities, each featuring 4 abilities. In total, there are 144 Beast Mastery abilities, each with its own set of stats for damage, focus costs, and applied buffs.
Nearly all Beast Mastery abilities have been updated, resulting in over 500 value changes. Every creature has received individual attention, with each one being adjusted to better fit specific combat or utility roles.
  • You can no longer set your pet to attacking or use beast mastery skills if you do not have enough pet points to control it.
  • Removed the “Focus Required” mechanic from Beast Mastery abilities (which was set to 500 Focus for every ability). All abilities now only have a Focus Cost.
  • Pets now gain XP when close (within 30m) to their owner who gains Glory from combat.
  • All pets now have different amounts of experience required to level up. Weaker and more easily obtained pets require less experience per level than stronger and harder to obtain pets.
  • Pet experience gained per passive tick is now always the same, loyalty or if it’s in combat does not affect this. Animal care still increases the frequency of this passive tick.
  • (non-ritual) Pet attacks which don’t require focus now deal 25% damage (previously 50%), up to 50% damage (previously 100%) based on Beast Mastery skill level.
  • Pets now always gain focus if below their focus threshold.
  • How much Focus your pet has no longer affects damage dealt by passive pet attacks.
  • When using a Beast Mastery ability which requires a target, you no longer have to tell your pet to attack the target first before triggering the ability. Instead your pet will update its attack target to whatever you told it to use the ability on.
  • When using a Beast Mastery ability which buffs your pet, it no longer needs to be in combat to activate the ability.
  • You no longer have to aim at your pet when it is attacking for it to gain maximum focus per tick.
  • Pets now always gain focus above their focus threshold if they are either in combat or being ridden.
  • Beast Mastery skill now adds +45 focus per tick at level 100, added to the base amount of +5 focus per tick. This means Focus will tick up at a rate of 50 at 100 Beast Mastery skill.
  • Focus gain is now no longer doubled when targeting your pet or your pet’s target during combat.
  • Fixed issue where Pet Leveling did not update your available pet points.
  • Pets that get told to use a pet skill that targets the pet itself like a buff will no longer start attacking the target the player has.
  • Celaeno Echolocation now correctly adds a skill to its owner when used. Previously this only worked on Alvarin players.
  • Decreased amount of hunger gained by reptiles with the ability “Active Regeneration” from 200 to 100
  • Increased Rabies stamina regeneration reduction from 40% to 50%
  • Poison damage now ticks damage every 3 seconds instead of 5
  • Fixed bug where queued AI attacks would only reset upon dealing damage to their target.
New “Armor Pierced” Mechanic

  • Added a new, weaker type of ‘Weak Spot’ effect, called ‘Armor Pierced’. This effect does not have a chance to trigger like Weak Spot, instead it is triggered while affected by a certain buff and causes attacks to bypass 15% of your target’s armor.
  • Alvarin clade gift “Runner’s High” now adds Armor Pierce for all physical attacks made while the buff is active. This effect applies to all types of weapon, including bows.
Clade Gifts & Mastery

  • Fixed Alvarin Cladegift ‘Runner’s High’ not getting increased movement speed from Mastery Gifts.
  • Fixed Alvarin Cladegift ‘Alvarin Warcry’ not getting increased movement speed from Mastery Gifts.
  • Increased Human “Athlete” gift Max Stamina from +5 to +10
  • Increased Human “Well Built” gift Armor Weight from +1kg to +2kg
  • Increased Alvarin “Runner” gift Max Stamina from +5 to +15
  • Increased Alvarin “Sprinter” gift Max Stamina from +5 to +15
  • Increased Alvarin “Naiad” gift underwater breath time from +10 seconds to +20 seconds
  • Increased Alvarin “Naiad” gift stamina use while swimming reduction from -10% to -20% less stamina
  • Increased Oghmir “Hefty” gift Max Constitution from +2 to +4
  • Mastery “Chance to Ignore Spell Interrupt” gifts now give 5% chance instead of 2%, allowing for a 100% chance to ignore spell interrupts from physical attacks with all Mastery gifts and 100 Concentration.

  • Fixed issue where you would not receive a Weak Spot hit if you were blocking in any direction. You will now not get hit by ‘Weak Spot’ or ‘Armor Pierced’ effects when receiving a hit only if you successfully block or parry the attack.
  • Fixed issue where [Arm] and [Handle] hits could Weak Spot.
  • When hitting a shield [Equipment hit] with a [Weak Spot] or [Armor Pierced], the defence of the shield will now get bypassed 70% for Weak Spots and 15% for Armor Pierced attacks. Then the same effects / calculations are applied on the torso armor.
AI, Creatures and NPCs

  • Improved navmesh generation in the world.
  • Ai can no longer run up rock walls or slopes the player can not follow.
  • Fixed issues where AI would leash in the middle of combat due to not having available attacks.
  • AI spellcasters will no longer leash when affected by Benumb mind causing them to not be able to cast spells.
  • Adjusted the leash range of a specific Sator camp from 40m to 70m.
UI and Interactions

  • Fixed minor issue in the face customization UI where clicking between sliders would rotate the camera instead of blocking the mouse input.
  • Fixed minor UI bug where the focus bar on pet frames would sometimes say “100%” for the first few seconds of getting a pet.
  • Pet points in the UI now get updated when Creature Control & Advanced Creature Control skills increase or decrease in level.

  • Improved localizations for all languages.
Territory Control

  • Added a missing Supply Tower that was visible on the map, but was not there in-game.

  • Several places where players reported issues of getting stuck have been fixed.
  • Added 14 new Bandit Camps into the World, focusing on areas of the map which needed them.
  • Over 100+ fixes related to small art issues, death traps and other abnormalities.
  • Fixed TC Keep and Stronghold destruction steps so loot doesn’t float out of reach anymore.

  • Reduced the complexity of all player hairstyles in preparation for the main character optimization pass. Hair physics has been updated to fix issues where hairstyles could get stuck in weird poses.

  • Fixed a simple bug so now the Scarlett Wormstar fish can be butchered properly.
  • Fixed a bug with item transfer from containers.
  • Fixed an issue causing melee damage check for knocking of a mount to use damage before buff damage reduction
Known Issues

  • You will need to replace your existing Beast Mastery abilities on your action bars for them to work properly. Attempting to use an ability previously dragged to an action bar slot will not work correctly.

🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
Аватар для Smeh
GoHa.Ru II Степени
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Там скидочку хорошую привезли в Стиме 60% ,400₽
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Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк

Новый маунт - паук. Для дуэлей сделали ранкед систему. Добавили всплывающее меню для взаимодействия с игроками. Сделали возможность просматривать инвентарь другого игрока, чтобы не убивать(раньше нужно было писать в чат /droploot и скидывать весь лут на землю). Добавили в мастери больше мирных гифтов. Добавили возможность реролла персонажа. Оптимизация и тд.

  • Added a new type of “Daily” task for each Taskmaster which can be done once per 24 hours and offers higher rewards. These tasks do not award a quick execution bonus.
  • Veteran Bandits now count toward Bandit tasks
  • All Risar now count toward regular Risar tasks.
Radial Interaction Menu
  • Added a radial menu for interaction with player characters. You can now look at a player and hold down your use keybind to open the radial menu, then select an option by hovering over it with your mouse and releasing the use key.

    This new menu allows you to perform various actions on another player, such as challenging them to a ranked or unranked duel, along with things like sending them a whisper by pre-filling their name in your chat box or sending them a friend request.
  • Added Ranked Dueling System, initiated through the radial interaction menu. There are 8 different rank tiers to progress through as you increase your rank score, each with 5 divisions.
  • The Rankings menu shows a profile tab where you can see your current duel rank score, max rank score,wins,losses and duel match history. It also shows the current season’s leaderboard to view both the top ranked players as well as people around your ranked score.
  • You can now choose between challenging opponents to ranked or unranked Duels.
  • Duel winner will now be declared upon reaching mercy mode instead of death.
  • Running away from a duel will result in a disqualification due to ring-out.
Clade Gifts & Mastery
  • Added new gifts to the Mastery Tree
    • Maximum Broker Slots
    • Maximum Stable Slots
    • Broker Tax Fee
    • Vendor Sell Price
    • Vendor Buy Price
    • Ore Extraction Yield
    • Butchery Extraction Yield
    • Alchemy Potion Potency Increase
    • Alchemy Potion Yield Increase
    • Fishing Reeling Speed Increase
    • Fishing Bite Chance Increase
    • Crafting Durability Increase
    • Crafting Material Cost Decrease
    • Loot Luck Increase
    • Loot Amount Increase
  • Mastery Gift Balance
    • Bow Sway Reduction increased from 3% to 4% (15% to 20% total)
    • Bow Draw Speed Increase increased from 2% to 4% (10% to 20% total)
    • Marksmanship Headshot Weakspot Bonus increased from 2% to 3% (10% to 15% total)
    • Fall Damage Reduction increased from 1.25% to 2.5% (5% to 10% total)
    • Jump Height Increase increased from 1% to 2% (3% to 6% total)
Account Items & Character Re-roll
  • Added support for character rerolls, these can be accessed from the in-game account items menu, once used your character will be logged out and before you can login that character again you need to go through the character creation again.
  • You will keep your current trained skills, Clade Level and Mastery Level. You will need to use a Clade Reset Potion and Shards of Oblivion if you wish to change your learned gifts after rerolling. Your attributes and nation standing will also be kept, but will be reduced if your new maximum is lower than before.
  • Rewards in-game menu renamed to Account Items.
  • Increased the normalization window of player attacks slightly, which should allow higher ping players to parry faster attacks easier.
  • Increased Stone Wall duration from 5 seconds to 8 seconds
  • Increased Stone Wall mana cost from 40 to 50
  • Decreased Flamestrike base damage from 34-42 to 33-41
Surrender System
  • Added the ability to Surrender.
    This is an action which can be found in the skill list and it can be activated when idle, during mercy mode and even while mounted. While surrendering, other players will be able to peek inside your inventory, which is useful in case you want to negotiate a deal with potentially hostile players or to show them you have nothing worth killing you over (without putting yourself at risk by doing /droploot).
  • Horses can now be tamed with no points invested into the Taming skill.
  • Updated the required Taming skill level range for all pets. You can now customize your Taming skill point investment based on which pets you want to be able to tame, rather than always needing 100 Taming for most pets regardless of their strength or utility. Weaker pets generally require less Taming skill point investment.
  • Beast Influence & Mastery skills now level roughly 5 times faster from each use.
  • Pets no longer lose loyalty when telling it to attack a target.
  • Hitting your own pets now decreases loyalty by 25% of damage dealt, previously this was 500%.
  • Decreased Hunter Lizard's "Sneak Attack" damage multiplier from 3 to 2.5
  • Increased Hunter Lizard's "Sneak Attack" Focus cost from 200 to 300
  • Increased Water Lizard's "Spit Venom" range from 18m to 20m
  • Increased Nitre Flinger's "Acid Spit" range from 15m to 18m
  • Increased Clothos Flinger's "Venomous Silk Spit" range from 16m to 22m
  • Changed Coralis Crabs to be omnivores instead of herbivores
  • Added Skill for crafting Spider bags.
  • The following Creatures are now mountable.
    • Clothos Worker.
    • Clothos Flinger.
    • Clothos Maiden.
    • Mountain Spider.
  • Lykiators and Spiders can traverse steeper slopes than other mounts and even players. Spiders can climb steeper than Lykiators.
UI and Interactions
  • Removed the auto return of mails if they were not picked up within a certain time.
  • We now have our own system for leaderboards. These leaderboards are global (meaning it does not matter if you are on EOS or Steam you will see the same leaderboards).
  • The leaderboards are per-character and use the character name.
  • Leaderboards menu in the game menu renamed to Rankings.
  • We will convert more of the legacy leaderboards to this new system. For now the legacy leaderboards have been removed from ingame but are still updated on the store you used to buy the game.
  • Deleting a character will remove them from the leaderboards but not from duel match history.
  • Interaction timer on players reduced from 1 second to 0.1 sec.
Sound and Audio
  • Lowered volume on several Biomes that had a bit too loud ambient sounds, such as crickets, birds, wind etc.
Territory Control
  • Changed the Keep gate expansion's destroyed state to allow for shooting Boulders at the gate behind it.
  • Decreased Stone requirement on Stone Cutting tents from 10,000 to 8,000
  • Decreased Wood requirement on Boltsmith's tents from 10,000 to 8,000
  • Decreased Metal requirement on Boltsmith's tents from 5,000 to 3,000
  • Decreased Wood requirement on Fire Pot tents from 4,000 to 3,000
  • Decreased Stone requirement on Fire Pot tents from 8,000 to 5,000
  • Increased Siege Challenge cost from 500g 10k Prominence to 1000g 25k Prominence
  • Decreased time to loot destroyed keeps from 1 hour to 30 minutes
  • Increased Guild Defence lost per 20 minutes from 6% to 10%
  • Decreased Guild Defence gained per 20 minutes from 2% to 1%
  • Increased Manganon boulder damage from 50k per boulder to 52k
  • Decreased "Health Lost Per Shot" per Manganon boulder from 1.25% to 1%. (80 shots per Manganon increased to 100 shots)
  • Updated Guild Supply Cap increases per Guild Tier upgrade. You can now reach a maximum of 10,000 Supply at Tier 8.
  • Fixed many environmental issues
  • Fixed door collision at Meduli tower ruins.
  • Fixed an issue where some crafting materials were not displayed correctly on Maul heads.
  • Improved AI navigation in Risar Dungeon.
  • Thickened player physics shapes to remove targeting gaps on big muscular characters like Thursars.
  • Optimized the new server to reduce lag.
  • Rebuilt server handling of mailed items.
  • All character heads, beards, and hairstyles have been re-rigged using a minimal number of skeletal joints. All combinations of body and head meshes have been merged into a single mesh component, which affects humanoids, including players, NPCs, and Risars. This is solely a technical update aimed at improving game performance and should not result in any visual differences.
  • Rebuilt all Landscape proxies to improve performance and lower RAM usage.
  • Optimized LODs on all TC buildings to improve performance and lower RAM usage.
  • We’ve made significant behind-the-scenes enhancements to improve server stability and overall gameplay experience. Helping to reduce lag spikes and improve network response for a smoother and more responsive experience.
  • Fixed an issue with the Broker where buying "faulty" items would remove actual items from sales.
  • Fixed Risen Urials and Urials mercy mode being rotated wrong.
  • Fixed missing logout volumes in various dungeons.
  • Fixed missing interest list transitional volumes in several dungeons.
  • Fixed an issue where leaves and small branches on the trees in Meduli biome blocked weapon swings.
  • Fixed issue where outside the Celaeno Caves where your mounts would ride slower.

🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
Аватар для Duka
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Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Новые серверы помогли?
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Сообщение от Duka:
Новые серверы помогли?
На ПТР не был, не знаю. Первые массовые ПвП после патча покажут.

🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Вкратце о МО

🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк

Добавили реликвии, которые в виде метеоритов падают на землю. Легендарное оружие\армор. Геральдика, табарды. Групповые таски. Улучшили интерфейс брокера и тд.

Relic Wars

A rumble from the sky announces the arrival of a Relic. Keep your eyes open for it streaking across the sky, landing somewhere on Myrland. Once on the ground it will need to cool down for 30 minutes, before cracking open and revealing the Relic inside. There are several different types of Relics:
  • Reliquary Relics: Construct the new Reliquary structure and place the Reliquary Relic inside to gain a guild-wide buff. Purchase a Reliquary Siphon from the Quartermaster to deplete the shield containing someone else’s Relic and steal it for yourselves.
  • Equipment: These are powerful weapons and armor.
  • Ore: Mineable meteorites that provide valuable resources.
  • Wave: Several consecutive waves of enemies followed by a boss.
  • Hoard: Loot spawns around this Relic frequently, with chances to find some rather valuable items.
Guild Heraldry

Showcase your guild's identity with our new Heraldry system! Design unique tabards that represent your guild throughout the world of Nave. Create distinctive patterns, choose your colors, and display your guild's prestige with this comprehensive customization tool.
  • Heraldry is a guilds-only feature.
  • Tabards are only available for players that are part of a guild.
  • Tabard visibility can be toggled in the character window with no additional items required.
  • Access the heraldry designer via the in-game menu - anyone can access the designer, but only guild members rank 8 or higher can apply designs.
  • Base cost for applying heraldry is 2000 gold and 50000 Prominence.
  • Additional cost of 100 gold and 5000 Prominence per guild level.
Essence Orbs

As many of you may have guessed, this is the secret feature which was displayed as a question mark on the Sprint 8 Roadmap.

Essence Orbs are a brand new type of item which has been added to the game, in many ways acting similarly to the existing trinkets, however with some key differences.

Essence Orbs are glass orbs containing a magical essence, which when broken and absorbed, impart various different interesting effects onto your character. Each Essence Orb has two primary effects and two secondary utility based effects. Some of these effects are quite unique, and can augment gameplay in interesting ways.
  • Discover Essence Orbs, fragile containers of swirling, magical essence, each providing different types of augmentation and potent enchantments.
  • Similar to trinkets, they grant unique effects and will need to be identified once acquired. Unlike trinkets they do not lose charges upon death, however in order to unequip them you will need an “Empty Essence Orb”, which is sold by the Magic Vendor.
Group Tasks
  • Added support for Group Tasks, these tasks are multi-step tasks that require you to finish more than one objective to complete the task.
  • Almost all boss tasks have been turned into group tasks. These new tasks are meant for larger groups to do while doing a dungeon run.
  • All tasks now give progress if you earn at least 5% of the Glory from a kill, down from 25%.
  • Adjusted the task generation logic to select tasks with increased randomness, ensuring a more varied selection of tasks.
  • Fixed an issue where the daily task timer was not calculated correctly.
  • Reduced spawn timers on many pickables to improve Foraging task quality of life.
  • Adjusted the quantity required on several daily tasks to be lower.
Broker Update
  • The Broker backend has been moved and rebuilt, it should now be faster and give back more results per search. This also gives us the option to in the future show Broker information on web pages etc.
  • The Broker now by default shows the latest items sent up for sale/Buy Order when you have not chosen a category or filter. You can unselect a category to go back to this mode.
  • Brokers now have a new tab called "Recent Trades" in this tab you can see what items you have sold and what Buy Orders have been filled the last 7 days.
  • Updated the pagination of the Broker to use the same system the new matches and leaderboards use.
  • Minor updates to the Mail UI.
  • The Broker UI has been overhauled and is now much larger than before.
  • The Broker sorting has been moved into one drop box instead of being two clicks.
  • The Broker now handles escape better, closing the last opened window.
  • Broker categories now are all open by default.
  • The Broker now supports different “items per page” selections.
  • Broker sold items with very long names no longer become tiny and unreadable, instead they are cut off with ellipses.
  • The Pet Broker “My Market” no longer shows an always empty list for Buy Orders.
  • Update a lot of tooltips in the Broker to make it less confusing.
  • Days left on the Broker now shows the correct time left.
  • The create Buy Order UI has changed and is now much bigger, it will also filter using the search in real time instead of you having to click a button.
  • Added stamina drain and attack rate to tooltips. These may be adjusted or removed before the patch goes live.
  • Added a new category for House Decorations.
  • Added a new category for Structures.
  • Added a new category for Structure Upgrades.
  • Added a new category for Other Structures.
  • Added a new category for Keys.
  • Items added to the Broker while the person is in a guild will now be tagged with the guild name. This way you can filter equipment and sales from a specific guild in the Broker.
  • A lot more items can now be ordered using Buy Orders.
  • You can now see recent trades and “My Market” from other Brokers than the Broker you are currently interacting with.
  • Recent Sales and My Market can now be sorted.
  • Added option to filter only Buy Orders that you can currently fill with items in your inventory
  • Added a filter option when in the Broker, when you have selected a category you can now filter to find exactly what you are looking for.
  • The following filters are supported:
    • Durability
    • Strength Requirement
    • Weight
    • Stamina Drain
    • Blunt Defence
    • Piercing Defence
    • Slashing Defence
    • Speed
    • Stamina Drain
    • Blunt Damage
    • Piercing Damage
    • Slashing Damage
    • Bow Max Range
    • Pet Level
    • Pet Max Health
    • Pet Current Loyalty
    • Armor EquipSlot
    • Weapon Equip Type for one handed or two handed
    • Trinket Type
    • Weapon Skill type (Swords, Axes, Clubs etc)
    • Scroll magic school
    • Scroll min and max level to scribe
    • Trinket Gem Tier
    • Trinket Base Tier
    • Ring Attribute
    • Quantity
    • Pet Subtype
    • Pet Equipment fit
    • Pet Bag size
    • Quality of all crafted items
    • Ring Attribute
    • Ring Effect
    • Amulet Effect
    • Amulet Skill
    • Orb Effect Main
    • Orb Effect Secondary
Please note
Old items will not be tagged using the new system; only items added after the patch will be included when you use the more advanced search options.
The time for items added to the Broker pre-patch will be wrong in the UI; it is however correct on the server so they will return to your mail when their time on the Broker is up.

UI and Interactions
  • Fixed an issue where the character sheet would appear blurry or distorted when viewed in fullscreen mode.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when accessing guild UI after returning from the main menu.
  • You can now click the Profile tab in the Rankings menu to go back to your own profile.
  • Fixed a bug with deleting characters and remaking them not adding a new duel profile.
  • Fixed issue where profile sometimes showed the wrong player’s profile.
  • Fixed Hyllspeia missing as an option when searching and creating your guild profile.
  • Fixed Tindrem missing as an option when creating your guild profile.
  • Fixed issue with Flamestrike blocking your vision with fire particles when someone cast it on you.
  • Reduced all mount fall damage by 50%.
Sound and Audio
  • Lowered volume on several Biomes that had a bit too high ambient sounds, such as crickets, birds, wind etc.
  • Opening loot bags is now significantly faster.
  • Items looted from someone you are at war with will now be stolen if the looted player was Neutral (blue) or a Fledgling (yellow).
  • Criminal actions is now required to be toggled on in order to fight players and pets you are at war with, due to the possibility for repercussions when spotted by guards while fighting.
  • Extensive optimization work has been made to improve level streaming and reduce stuttering.
  • Optimized level of detail on bows.
  • Reduced loading hitches when generating creature fur.
  • Client network optimizations.
  • Removed legacy package sending and bandwidth limits, this might solve client time-lag in larger battles.
  • Fixed issue where Risar Commanders and Risar Archers were not counting towards the Risar daily task.
  • Fixed Veteran Outlaws not counting toward Outlaw tasks.
  • Fixed Risar commanders in Risar Hideout dropping the wrong key.
  • Fixed issue where you could send pets to attack illegal targets using Beast Mastery skills while criminal actions were turned off.
  • Offering someone a ride on your mount said you offered yourself a ride, instead of the other player's name.
  • Fixed sliding/skating issue in some ai movement animations when characters are sized differently than default.
  • Fixed issue with Thursars that had the wrong ancestry, characters that have the wrong ancestry will be fixed when they login.
  • Fixed an invisible lootable corpse
  • Fixed a chest that did not spawn any items.
  • Fixed an issue in the Risar dungeon where Risars could get stuck under the floor.
  • Fixed an issue where a misplaced Proxy Mesh spawned close to the Celaeno cave.
  • Fixed missing Basileus pickables.
  • Fixed an issue where a Wisent spawner could spawn wisent inside a keep wall.
  • Removed the obsolete book Damage Assessment that some vendors still sold.
  • Fixed flickering painting textures in Melisars Vault.
Known Issues
  • Relic beams only show when a Relic is on the ground or inside a Reliquary. They do not show when a player is holding a Relic.

🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
На Twitch стартовали дропсы, за просмотр стримов по МО2 можно получить ёлочку для своего дома.

🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
Re: Mortal Online 2 - хардкорный камбэк
Будет свободный доступ к игре в период с 3 по 6 января

🤍🐇🐾Mᴏʀᴛᴀʟ Oɴʟɪɴᴇ 2🫧🧸🫧Sᴛᴀʀ Cɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ🐾🐈‍⬛🤍
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