Just ascended amulets? what about the rest of the gear?
ColinJohanson Game Director
Good question!
Ascended rings will also be available for laurels as well. Back slot items will be made more widely available in the future and will likely tie into a different reward system.
(Please note, the ascended gear purchased for laurels will not have agony resistance built in, since that mechanic is currently unique to progression in the fractal dungeons. They are however statistically the same as any other ascended gear.)
We will also introduce an additional reward system (or systems) in the future to make these items more accessible to WvW players on top of the laurel system.
The remaining ascended item types will be introduced in future releases, and may or may not tie into the laurel system, TBD.
(Edited to add note about agony)
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за венки можно будет купить и кольца (бэкпэки нет, только в будущих патчах).
ascended цацки покупаемые за венки не имеют встроенного стата резиста агонии (т.е. не infused).
а где тогда брать infused amulets? таки есть дроп новых амулетов из дейли сундуков в фотм или нет?
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и еще немного цитат с офф форума:
ReginaBuenaobra. North American Community Team Lead
Hello, I’m here to crush your dreams.
There will be no mounts coming with the Flame and Frost story arc.
Also, to address further speculation we’ve seen about the concept art for Flame and Frost (and what it may portend): there will be no Cantha and no dragons coming with the Flame and Frost story arc, either.
Thank you.
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I’m sure I read somewhere that the achievement points we already have from previous dailies and monthlies will be taken into account with this update, so some of us will already have some currency to spend?
Game Director
Laurels are only earned through daily and monthly achievements (starting with the feb monthly) and will not reward for previous daily/monthly achievements completed since folks didn’t know this system was coming.
We will however introduce an expanded/new reward system in the future that will reward for other types of achievements, this system will reward previous achievement points earned. (But may require bringing back into line some infinitely repeatable achievements that would bloat/break this system)
Добавлено через 10 секунд
You will also be able to put infusions in the ascended gear from laurels, yes!