Kelsen ответил на несколько вопросов крипов по поводу изменений геймплея в Изенгарде:
Now that the stat info has been released I'm able to speak more freely about some of the additional changes you'll be seeing in the Moors.
Q. Will Creeps have access to finesse and what does this mean?
A. Oh yes. All Creeps will start with a base of about 10% Finesse (meaning you reduce your targets BPE and Resistances by roughly 10%). An additional 15% Finesse comes from the new passive trait "Battlefield Promotion" and DPS classes can trait for a little extra. As stated above, finesse will allow you penetrate your targets BPE & Resistances making combat less binary (hit or miss).
Battlefield Promotion
Q. What are Battlefield Promotions and how do I get them?
A. Battlefield Promotions are a new passive trait that your trainer will teach you at each rank. This passive is designed to bolster ranked Creeps making them more potent and durable. Each rank increases your Max Health, Max Power, Damage, and Finesse. The current numbers (subject to change) are 20% Health, 20% Power, 15% Damage, 15% Finesse at Rank 15.
Q. Are we getting more trait slots?
A. Yes. Creeps are gaining an additional Class and Race trait slot.
Earning Rank
Q. Have any changes been made to the rate we earn rank?
A. Yes. We have added a small amount of Infamy/Glory to the quests in the Ettenmoors. This will allow both Freeps and Creeps to gain rank during off-peak hours and will hopefully spread the population and encourage smaller skirmishes around the entire Moors.
Q. Isn’t this devaluing the work I’ve put in?
A. I don’t think so. I congratulate anyone how has achieved high rank in PvMP, it is an impressive feat, but the rank grind is one of the biggest turn-offs to most players. If we want an active and engaging PvMP environment, the hurdles that scare most players away need to be addressed. With that said, the Infamy/Glory earned from questing is not destroying the curve, just reducing the severity. This will aide both new and veteran players in reaching ranks that seemed previously unattainable.
Additionally, with Battlefield Promotions the veteran Creeps will be significantly more powerful than their lower ranked allies. We’ve also added a new quest for both Freeps and Creeps of rank 10+ that will allow them to pick one of four unique titles to help distinguish them in the Moors.
Stat Cap Removal
Q. With stat caps being removed won’t Freeps be crazy powerful?
A. I understand the concern here, but we need to consider the fact that stat cap removal is going to force Freeps to make gear choices. Sure, they can stack a single stat, but that will come at the cost of another stat. Ex – A player may choose to stat for survivability at the cost of damage and vice versa.
We also need to consider diminishing returns on stats. At a certain point, a player will ultimately sacrifice efficacy by stacking too heavily in single stat.
Hope this helps.
1. Новая стата "Finesse" будет доступна крипам. Базовый рейтинг её: 10%. Ещё 15% будет добавлять пассивный талант "Battlefield Promotion". Также дпс классы смогут поднять Finesse чуть повыше.
2. "Battlefield Promotion" - пассивка, приобретаемая на каждом ранге. Увеличивает хп, ману, дамаг и Finesse. Приблизительный расчёт: на 15м ранге эта пассивка будет давать +20% хп, +20% маны, +15% дамага, +15% Finesse.
3. Крипы получат ещё по одному слоту в классовой и рассовой линейке талантов.
4. К наградам некоторых ежедневных квестов добавится [дурная] слава. Теперь ранги можно фармить без войны :D
5. Вайн ранговых крипов по поводу славы за квесты и задроченного времени разрабы успокаивают новой фичей "Battlefield Promotion", а также тем, что с новыми квестами ранги будут фармиться более непринуждённо. На 10м ранге и крипам и фрипам дадут квест на титул, который будет выделять их из толпы.
6. Вайн крипов по поводу снятия капа на статы фрипам... Бла бла, всё будет нормально!