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Focus Group - Update #13
Автор темы: J.Walker_renamed_608656_09082022
Дата создания: 14.07.2012 14:09
Аватар для J.Walker_renamed_608656_09082022
Focus Group - Update #13
Dear community,

We hope you enjoy the new screens and new content in this week’s Focus Group update!

Because the GUI and AI systems are so interconnected we have been unable to inject pieces of Awakening into live for earlier partial releases. The focus group has been enduring several really tough testing sessions using both old and new user interface, which has made things very difficult - so many thanks to the focus group for working through strenuous circumstances.

We are happy to report that we have now removed nearly the entire old interface and have most the new systems in place. Development progress in the UI department of Awakening is now rapid and close to conclusion.

In terms of performance, the focus group has confirmed not only an improved overall frame-rate in the game, due to new interfaces (and the old removed), but that the new user interface is also very responsive. Gone are the laggy and strange behaviors of the old interface! Some systems which rely heavily on GUI interactions, such as magic, are much more responsive. The game both looks and feels totally new thanks these changes.

Next week we will move into finalizing this system; we are approaching the end game for one of our last remaining key components. The focus group has been most helpful in catching a lot of bugs and helping us to make rapid and solid progress.

The AI system is being tweaked, especially the AI behavior in dungeons and smaller spaces. This, along with some creature stat balancing and player skill testing, means we’re into the final phase of the AI systems as well. We have not been able to spend as much time we would like to on air and water creatures; we didn’t expect to have them in at all for Awakening, but we got them almost for free due to another system we built. We are going to make sure these work well enough to include during the upcoming test phases!

The dyes system is close to being finished and has turned out to be far more dynamic than we initially thought possible. We are now going through the colors which the players can discover; we want to make sure that the color style fits our world.

To dye an item, first collect ingreients from around the world. Different ingredients, whether a plant, coal, or just about anything else, can have different pigments for dyes. These ingredients can then be mixed into a vial using the alchemy potion-making process. The vial icon will reflect the pigment of the potion if it was to be used as a dye, so you can get a rough idea of what the potion is made of simply by its color.

Once you have your colored potion, you can now add it to your dye tub. A dye tub will typically start with clear water, but as you add your potions it will mix the color in the tub. You can combine as many potions/dyes of any color you like to create your end result color in the dye tub. For example, mixing a strong red dye with a weaker green dye will produce brown. Add another color, and your new color will be a combination of those.

The dye tub is used to dye various types of gear. At this point, only soft parts are able to be dyed with this system and not plate types; however, most clothes and leather/soft parts on armor can currently be changed.

With Awakening players can learn two new skills: tailoring and dyes. There won’t be a huge collection of cloth types to craft with Awakening, but this will grow over time.

Alchemy will get a real boost with Awakening. You will be able to craft your own vials and NPCs will no longer sell potions or vials. A good glassblower will be able to craft minor, medium, major and grand potions as well as perhaps make them exceptional. Exceptional vials are able to hold even more units.

Сообщение от Naldaer:
А разве автомат только себя хилит?
Аватар для arhimed69_renamed_758967_30122021
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
а на человеческий можно
Аватар для J.Walker_renamed_608656_09082022
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
а это какой?

Сообщение от Naldaer:
А разве автомат только себя хилит?
Аватар для MindF
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
одному мне кажется, что слоты в инвентаре выглядят как кнопки, а не как ячейки?)
Аватар для arhimed69_renamed_758967_30122021
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
англ язык это язык ****л в нем нет души,а нет души значит не человеческий
Аватар для J.Walker_renamed_608656_09082022
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
Сообщение от arhimed69:
англ язык это язык ****л в нем нет души,а нет души значит не человеческий
хватит смотреть концерты задорного

Сообщение от Naldaer:
А разве автомат только себя хилит?
Аватар для arhimed69_renamed_758967_30122021
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
да тут задорнов не причем на агле слово это слово которое несет информацию,а унас можно слова поднести в разных интонациях и понятиях.
Аватар для MindF
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
значит ты хреново знаешь английский, так и скажи
Аватар для arhimed69_renamed_758967_30122021
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
эм я его плоха знаю не спорю но я на эту тему разговаривал с теми кто его хорошо знает и они со мной согласны
Аватар для MindF
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
представь англичанина, говорящего на русском, у него будет та интонация или разные понятия о которых ты говоришь? нет, потому что он не носитель русского языка, использует его лишь для передачи информации удобным для собеседника образом. Так же и с английским для русских)) не замечал я чтобы англичанине говорили как роботы, тупо извергая односмысленную информацию))
Аватар для Kitezh
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Re: Focus Group - Update #13
Этот клоун Задорнов до сих пор засирает умы подрастающего поколения? Очень жаль вас.
Аватар для Crimmy
Гигант мысли
GoHa.Ru III Степени
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
Сообщение от arhimed69:
да тут задорнов не причем на агле слово это слово которое несет информацию,а унас можно слова поднести в разных интонациях и понятиях.
Школота, иди учись! (с) В английском как раз от интонации и тональности гораздо больше зависит, чем в великом и могучем.
По теме: новый интерфейс однозначно лучше.

Не стоит недооценивать интеллект кальмара и переоценивать интеллект краба. (Жак Ив-Кусто)
Аватар для arhimed69_renamed_758967_30122021
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
жалкие рабы вам мозг засрал язык дьявола
Аватар для freeze
Гигант мысли
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
13й фокус последний, не?

Аватар для J.Walker_renamed_608656_09082022
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
да поди угодай их)

Сообщение от Naldaer:
А разве автомат только себя хилит?
Аватар для MindF
Re: Focus Group - Update #13
говорили вроде как предпоследний, последний сделают с кучей инфы и ближе к релизу
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