Вот что они мне ответили, перевел и не понял все равно, что от меня хотят . Перса создал написал им на каком сервере, что он зареган на такую то почту, написал почту на которую был зареган Ru аккаунт (оба акка на 1 почту), а они 2 раз уже ответили.
Hello Nikolay,
Thank you for contacting us regarding transferring your Russian RIFT characters to our European shards. After a thorough investigation, it seems that we have not yet received your transfer information from Belver. Due to this, we will need you to provide for us your Playpass Login ID in order for us to transfer your characters to our servers.
You MUST create a character on a European shard so that we can transfer your characters from the Russian shards over. You can download and install the patcher from this link:
Once you have provided your Playpass ID, we can proceed with transferring your characters. Please be aware that while we are able to transfer your characters, we will not be able to transfer your subscription time, loyalty, or game ownership.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know. Thank you for your continued support of Trion Worlds and for playing RIFT.
Your reference number for this ticket is 140121-000363.
GM Jaradus
Trion Worlds Inc.