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Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
Автор темы: Nature_renamed_562435_14022021
Дата создания: 26.03.2018 13:50
Аватар для Nature_renamed_562435_14022021
Награжден за: За победу в 2х конкурсах на GoHa.Ru Зомби мутанта
Награжден за: гЫх! Признанный автор
Награжден за: Ведение и создание стартовых гайдов по Warhammer Online Просветитель
Награжден за: За помощь форуму и посетителям раздела Warhammer Online
Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
Уже 27 марта англоязычная версия MMORPG Tree of Savior получит обновление. У вас и ваших друзей с помощью высокоуровневых field-боссов, гильдейских квестов и уникального рейдового подземелья получится раздобыть новые Legend-карточки, которые понадобятся вам в опасных приключениях.

Станут доступны два новых Gimmick'а, поэтому обязательно поговорите с Anastazija в городе Fedimian и попробуйте поиграть с котом Dexter’ом в Klaipeda. Разработчики введут целых шесть новых коллекций. Раздобыть их можно через Treasure-яшики и NPC (после выполнения заданий в зоне и Gimmick'ов). Помимо прочего, будут добавлены шесть новых браслетов и новые Kupole-эмотиконы.

Но самое главное – это то, что с 27 марта по 29 мая команда собирается праздновать 2 день рождения Steam’овской версии Tree of Savior. У вас будет возможность абсолютно бесплатно забрать специальное DLC.

Оно подарит вам один Token на 15 дней, открывающий премиумные бонусы, милого питомца Leaf Penguin, праздничный браслет, десять купонов на Enhancement-скидку, один Warp-свиток (через него удастся раздобыть 2 костюма), разнообразные бутыльки и 5 Goddess-скульптур.

Кроме того, если ваш класс попал под балансные правки этого обновления, то тогда вы получите бесплатный предмет на сброс характеристик (удаленные скиллы и атрибуты вернуться вам в виде очков). Полный список изменений патча для Tree of Savior находится в комментариях к новости.

(c) GoHa.Ru
Аватар для Nature_renamed_562435_14022021
Награжден за: За победу в 2х конкурсах на GoHa.Ru Зомби мутанта
Награжден за: гЫх! Признанный автор
Награжден за: Ведение и создание стартовых гайдов по Warhammer Online Просветитель
Награжден за: За помощь форуму и посетителям раздела Warhammer Online
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC

  • NEW Legend Cards
    - New Legend Cards added:
    • Demon Lord Blut
    • Demon Lord Helgasercle
    • Demon Lord Marnox
    • Demon Lord Mirtis
    • Demon Lord Nuaele
    • Demon Lord Rexipher
    • Demon Lord Zaura
    • Heretic Pantorex
    • Prodigious Kugheri Balzermancer

    - You can get Legend Cards from high-level field bosses, guild quests, the Unique raid dungeon and more.
    [How to Unlock the Legend Card Slot]
    - In order to equip a Legend Card, you must first complete the quest to unlock the Legend Card slot.
    - The quest can be completed only once per character, and it unlocks the Legend Card slot only for the corresponding character.
    - The quest appears automatically at Lv 100 and it involves acquiring all 7 Revelations through their corresponding quests (this can display differently depending on your progress).
    - After completing the quest, you can unlock the Legend Card slot at the Statue of Goddess Ausrine in the city of Klaipeda.
    [How to Enhance Legend Cards]
    - Legend Cards can only be upgraded via the Legend Card enhancement system.
    - To enhance a Legend Card, switch to Rest Mode and press the Legend Card enhancement shortcut key.
    - You can use a maximum of 4 fodder cards (regular Monster Cards, Legend Cards or Legend Enhancement Cards) in each attempt to enhance a Legend Card.
    - Your chances of success/failure/card loss are calculated according to the grade and level of the fodder cards and the level of the Legend Card being enhanced.
    - Enhancing a Legend Card also requires a set amount of an item called 'Belorb', which you can purchase from Magic Association NPCs.
    - Fodder cards and Belorbs are consumed when enhancing a Legend Card, regardless of whether the attempt is successful.
    - If your Legend Card of 6 or more stars is destroyed in a failed enhancement attempt, you will receive one Legend Enhancement Card.
    [Unequipping Legend Cards]
    - One level of the Legend Card is reduced whenever it is unequipped.
    - A fee of [card level * 1,000,000] Silver is required to unequip a Legend Card with no level loss.
    [Legend Card Summoning Effects]
    - Added new visual effects for Legend Card bosses summoned with the Summoning skill.
    - Legend Card summons will appear 1.5 times bigger and display additional effects when summoned.
  • NEW Legend Enhancing Cards
    - New Legend Enhancing Cards:
    - Ripped Legend Enhancement Card (max. 4 stars)
    - Old Legend Enhancement Card (max. 6 stars)
    - Legend Enhancement Card (max. 8 stars)
    - Shining Legend Enhancement Card (max. 10 stars)
    - You can obtain Legend Enhancing Cards from guild quests, or when a Legend Card of level 6 and above is destroyed in a failed attempt to enhance it.
    - Legend Enhancing Cards can be upgraded via synthesis with regular Monster Cards.
    - Legend Enhancing Cards can only be used to enhance Legend Cards. They cannot be combined into regular cards or equipped.
  • 2 NEW Gimmicks
    [Adventurer Gimmick]
    - Interact with Adventurer Anastazija in the city of Fedimian.
    - Find the locations hidden in her riddles and collect 'Adventurer's Tokens'.
    - You can play 1 time per day. The gimmick resets the next day at 00:00 (server time) with a new riddle.
    - If you found the Adventurer's Token but fail to deliver it to Anastazija before 00:00, your play counts as failed and you will receive a new riddle.
    [Playing with Dexter]
    - Find a cat named Dexter next to the Benevolent Old Man in the city of Klaipeda.
    - Pet Dexter and play with him.
    - Within Klaipeda, find the number of animals corresponding to the number of times Dexter meows and befriend them.
  • 6 NEW Collections
    - Collections obtained from Treasure Chests
    • Coast Area
    • Narvas Temple Area

    - Collections obtained from an NPC after completing all the quests in the area
    • Fantasy Library
    • Ranko Waters

    - Collections obtained from an NPC according to the number of times their gimmick is completed
    • Dexter's Gifts
    • Exploration Finds
  • NEW Klaipeda/Orsha NPCs
    - Traveling Merchant Geraldas has expanded his family business to Klaipeda and Orsha.
    - You can now find [Kedora Alliance] Geraldasia in the city of Klaipeda and [Kedora Alliance] Geraldason in the city of Orsha.
    - The NPCs appear in their corresponding cities every 3 hours (starting at 00:00 server time) for 1 hour.
    - At the new NPCs you can trade Silver for a random gem (Lv 1-6 Red/Blue/Green/Yellow/White Gem or 1 out of approx. 290 types of Monster Gems).
    - Your first transaction of the day consumes 10,000 Silver, with 5,000 Silver added to the total of every transaction made after that on the same day.
    - Instead of Silver you can also pay an Ancient Gold Coin for a random gem (Lv 4-6 Red/Blue/Green/Yellow/White Gem or 1 out of approx. 290 types of Monster Gems). Ancient Gold Coin transactions also increase in price throughout the day.
    - You can get Ancient Gold Coins from monsters in Hunting Grounds.
    - Your daily transactions are counted on a per-team basis and reset at 06:00 (server time).
    - Only characters of level 100 and above can use this service.
  • 6 NEW Bracelets
    - Achiva Bracelet
    - Aiskus Bracelet
    - Akro Galia Bangle
    - Mirti Bracelet
    - Pik'o Pearl Bracelet
    - Ufhor Pearl Bracelet
  • NEW Kupole Emoticons
    - You can get the new Kupole emoticons from the following collections/gimmicks:
    - Emoticon: Kupole (Nervous) - Exploration Finds
    - Emoticon: Kupole (Shocked) - Dexter's Gifts
    - Emoticon: Kupole (Evil) - Adventurer Gimmick (20 times)
    - Emoticon: Kupole (Sigh) - Adventurer Gimmick (40 times)


  • Damage Calculation Changes
    - Damage increase/decrease calculations changed from sum/subtraction to multiplication formulas.
    - Property damage increase/decrease effects now processed in final multiplications.
    - More details at our dev blog here: https://treeofsavior.com/page/news/view.php?n=1229
  • Earth Tower
    [Entry Rules]
    - Entry limit changed to 1 entry per week (resets every Monday at 06:00, server time).
    - One additional entry allowed to Token users (total 2 per week).
    - Each entry is now counted only after receiving the corresponding rewards.
    - New reward: Condensed Earth Tower 00F Cube x1.
    - Symbols and Earth Fragments now received along with the final rewards.
    - Reduced Condensed Earth Tower Cube reopening fees by 60% for Token users.
    [Earth Fragment Distribution]
    5F: Lv1 Earth Fragment x10
    10F: Lv1 Earth Fragment x12
    15F: Lv1 Earth Fragment x15
    20F: Lv1 Earth Fragment x17
    25F: Lv2 Earth Fragment x10
    30F: Lv2 Earth Fragment x15
    35F: Lv2 Earth Fragment x20
    40F: Lv2 Earth Fragment x25
    [Condensed Earth Tower Cube Reopening Prices]
    5F: 1,400,000 (1 time) / 560,000 (2 times)
    10F: 2,100,000 (1 time) / 840,000 (2 times)
    15F: 2,800,000 (1 time) / 1,200,000 (2 times)
    20F: 3,500,000 (1 time) / 1,400,000 (2 times)
    25F: 3,500,000 (1 time) / 1,400,000 (2 times)
    30F: 4,200,000 (1 time) / 1,680,000 (2 times)
    35F: 4,900,000 (1 time) / 1,960,000 (2 times)
    40F: 6,300,000 (1 time) / 2,520,000 (2 times)
    [Floor Design]
    - Every 5th floor starting at 4F will now include a set number of elite monsters to defeat per area.
    - The number of elite monsters increases by 10 in each stage (e.g. 50 on 4F, 60 on 9F, 70 on 14F, and so on).
  • Challenge Mode
    - New rewards applied every 100 levels starting at Lv 200.
    - Lv 200-299: Lv 200 Challenge Cube
    - Lv 300-399: Lv 300 Challenge Cube
    - Old cube changed to Lv 300 Challenge Cube.
  • Field Bosses
    [Increased Combat Power]
    - Awakening buff added: when the boss' HP is at 10% or less, it will become invincible for 5 seconds and recover 15% HP every 0.5 seconds (one time only).
    - High grade field boss stats: HP increased 5x, defense increased approx. 10 times, attack increased approx. 5x.
    [New Cube Names]
    - First Blow Party Ranks 2-5: 'Demon Lord [name] Cube'
    - Last Blow Party Rank 1: 'Shining Demon Lord [name] Cube'
    - Cubes acquired before this change are renamed to '(Old) [boss name] Cube'.
    [New Field Boss Names]
    - Mirtis >> Demon Lord Mirtis
    - Rexipher >> Demon Lord Rexipher
    - Helgasercle >> Demon Lord Helgasercle
  • Guild Events
    - Designation changed to Guild Quests.
    - The system will now provide 3 tickets, regardless of guild level.
    - Tickets now charge every Monday at 06:00 (server time).
    - Quests now require always 1 ticket.
    - Tickets are now consumed only when receiving the rewards after completing the quest.
    - Quests can be initiated by the Guild Master or other members with Guild Quest authority.
    - Guild Quests consist of Guild Boss Raids and Guild Missions.
    - You can now enter the quest by interacting with the NPC at the starting point.
    - Rewards will now consist of old and new items delivered to the Guild Storage in the form of a box. There is also a chance of receiving additional rewards.
    - Note: If the reward you receive after completing a Guild Quest is the same as the one you already have in your Guild Storage, you need to refresh the storage to apply the correct quantity.
    [New Reward Items]
    - Guild Quest Reward: Hair Accessory Box (drops 1 of 3 random accessories)
    - Recipe - Monster Card Album: Black (use the Black Album with characters of Lv 300+ to summon regular album bosses or field bosses)
    - Guild Quest Reward Coin: Bronze/Silver/Gold (use to increase guild EXP)
    [Random Item Acquisition System]
    - After completing certain guild quests, the participating guild members can bid and obtain different items through this system.
    - The system can only be used by the members who participated in the guild quest, in the region where it was completed.
    - After the guild quest is completed, you have 30 seconds to decide on whether to join the draw.
    - Every character rolls the dice, and whoever rolls the highest number gets the items.
    - A guild message is displayed when the guild member obtains the items.
    - Items acquired through this system are delivered directly to the character's inventory.
  • Guilds - General
    - Roxona Underground Facility quest improved.
    - Ripped and Old Legend Enhancement Cards added as rewards for the Roxona Underground Facility guild quest.
    - Adjusted the amount of EXP required for each Guild Level (some guilds may see a change in their level as a result).
    - Adapted Guild, Guild Quests and Guild Hangout help text.
  • Monster Cards
    - Field boss cards can now be obtained only through Card Albums and Mercenary Post missions. Field bosses will now drop Legend Cards instead.
    - Red Album / Catacombs Mission: Mirtis, Rexipher, Helgasercle
    - Blue Album / Siaulai Mission: Zaura, Nuaele
    - Green Album / Seven Valley Mission: Blut
    - Purple Album / Crystal Mine Mission: Marnox
    - Boss monsters summoned with Card Albums will now drop Enhancement Cards or a Monster Card of the corresponding boss.
    - Reduced the drop rate of Monster Card Album: Green.
    - Monster Cards can now be unequipped for [card level * 20,000] Silver.
  • Gem Abrasives
    - Changed the name of Gem Abrasive items in order to better refer to their effects.
    - Shining Basic Gem Abrasive >> Shining 2 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Shining Intermediate Gem Abrasive >> Shining 3 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Shining Advanced Gem Abrasive >> Shining 4 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Shining Superior Gem Abrasive >> Shining 5 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Lv1 Gem Abrasive >> Gem Abrasive: 3,000
    - Lv2 Gem Abrasive >> Gem Abrasive: 15,500
    - Lv3 Gem Abrasive >> Gem Abrasive: 31,000
    - Lv4 Gem Abrasive >> Gem Abrasive: 62,000
    - Lv5 Gem Abrasive >> Gem Abrasive: 124,000
    - Basic Gem Abrasive >>> 2 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Intermediate Gem Abrasive >> 3 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Advanced Gem Abrasive >> 4 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Superior Gem Abrasive >> 5 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Lv9 Gem Abrasive >> 7 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Lv10 Gem Abrasive >> 8 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Shining Lv9 Gem Abrasive >> Shining 7 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Shining Lv10 Gem Abrasive >> Shining 8 Star Gem Abrasive
    - Shining Lv7 Gem Abrasive >> Shining Gem Abrasive: 145,340
  • Fish Etching Buff
    - Added new Fish Etching 1st Place buff (increased Looting Chance). The 1st Place winner will also receive a sum in Silver.
    - The 1st Place buff will not stack with itself, and its duration is always 30 minutes.
  • Personal Shops
    - When you are logged out, only the last shop you opened will remain active in-game.
    - If you are logged in, you will be allowed to have a maximum of 2 shops open.
    - You can also check this information on Personal Shops in the in-game Help menu.
  • Saalus Convent
    - Boss monsters reincarnated in Saalus Convent missions will now only drop Cubes of Blessing as reward (no Saalus Cubes).
    - After completing a mission, Saalus Cubes will now drop approx. 3 seconds after the Cubes of Blessing. Note that, if you leave the mission before the Saalus Cubes are distributed, you can no longer receive them. Please stay in the mission until all rewards have been distributed.
  • Summons
    - Due to changes in the number of targets provoked by summon, the number of monsters that can recognize the summon as an attack target have been restricted to 5 in regular fields and 8 in dungeons.
    - Summoned Marnox attack type changed to the following: 1st skill - Strike / 2nd skill - Strike / 3rd skill - Magic
  • Hunting
    - Looting Chance max. value capped at 4,000.
    - Increased number of Brown Colimen in the Netanmalek Mausoleum region.
  • Item Weight
    - Inventory weight will now be displayed in decimal points (ex. 8000 >> 8000.0).
    [Items with New Weight Values]
    - Broadhead Arrow: 0.1
    - Bodkin Point Arrow: 0.1
    - Hail Mary Arrow: 0.1
    - Barbed Arrow: 0.1
    - Divine Machine Arrow: 0.2
    - Magic Arrow: 0.2
    - Holy Water: 0.5
    - Holy Powder: 0.5
    - Gyslotis: 0.5
    - Ninjutsu Bomb: 0.5
    - Claymore: 0.5
    - Magic Powder: 0.1
    - Strange Yellow Paper: 0.1
    - Rune Stone: 0.5
    - Time Crystal: 0.5
    - Time Crystal Fragment: 0.1
    - Wire: 0.2
    - Enchant Round: 0.5
    - Oak Wood: 0.5
    - Ash Wood: 0.5
    - Pine Wood: 0.5
    - Cedar Wood: 0.5
  • Item Crafting
    - Changed the required amount of materials and corresponding amount of crafted products for the following items.
    - Broadhead Arrow: Oak Wood x20 required to craft 100 arrows
    - Bodkin Point Arrow: Ash Wood x20 required to craft 100 arrows
    - Hail Mary Arrow: Pine Wood x20 required to craft 100 arrows
    - Barbed Arrow: Cedar Wood x20 required to craft 100 arrows
    - Divine Machine Arrow: Oak Wood x20, Gunpowder x10 required to craft 100 arrows
    - Magic Arrow: Ash Wood x20, Phlogistone x10 required to craft 100 arrows
    - Enchant Round: Magic Powder x100 to craft 10 rounds
  • Items
    - Time will no longer count for x4 and x8 EXP Tomes inside the Unique raid dungeon.
    - Hunting Grounds monsters now drop Phydecium and Terranium.
    - Fishing Spots can now drop Ripped Book Pages.
    - Rank Cards will no longer register in the Adventure Journal.
    - Green Rubblem Gem changed to Confined Long-Branched Tree Gem (same effects). Players with Green Rubblem Gems in their inventory will receive the corresponding amount in Confined Long-Branched Tree Gems via Message Box.
    - First Shelter raid dungeon cube name changed to '(Old) First Shelter Raid Dungeon Cube'.
    - Gele Plateau Treasure Chest level changed from 5 to 4.
    - Magic Powder: Item will now be sold at the Wizard and Thaumaturge Masters and cost 100 Silver.
    - Dimensional Fragment: Name changed to Time Crystal, and price changed to 2,000 Silver (selling price = 400 Silver).
    - Red Hohen Mage Gem: Tooltip changed from Pistol Shot +1 to Quick and Dead +1.
    - Masinios Pistol: Tooltip information changed from Pistol Shot to Quick and Dead.
    - Enchant Round: Now requires 10 Magic Powder to craft 1 Round. Crafting time reduced to 1.5 sec.
    - Popolion Gem: Tooltip edited to "Magic Shield Skill Lv +1".
  • UI
    - Collections shortcut (F11) removed from system menu.
    - Pressing F11 will no longer open the Collections window, but you can still set the F11 key to open it under the shortcut settings.
    - New error messages added to reflect more specific instructions for each type of error.
    - After clicking on a tab of the Adventure Journal, closing it, then reopening it, the Journal will now open on the main page and not on your last viewed tab.
    - The Adventure Journal will now display subquests when you click on certain quests in the corresponding tab.
    - When entering certain maps, a window message is now displayed according to your level (max. 5 times) about the following features: equipment, instanced dungeons, mercenary missions, daily quests, party quests, Saalus Convent, Uphill Defense, Challenge Mode, Unique raid dungeon, Monster Cards.
    - Changed the location of the Combine Badges shortcut key in Rest Mode.
    - Prices in Squire Repair shops and Pardoner Spell Shops will now display with a comma (ex. 3,000).
    - In personal shops, a message will now pop up asking you to confirm your purchase.
    - An alert message will now appear every time you retrieve items that cannot be transferred via Team Storage from your Lodge Message Box.


4. DLC


  • NEW! GM Keepsake Bundle
    - The GM Keepsake Bundle is an accessory set containing items from the characters of the "Behind the Scenes at IMC" webtoon series!
    - Items included: GM Orange's Smiley Orange; GM Papaya's Sardine Coffee; and Dr. No's Spiral Glasses!
    - This bundle will be available at the TP Shop from March 27 until further notice.
  • Leticia's Secret Cube AVAILABLE UNTIL NEXT WEEK
    - Remember that the current edition of Leticia's Secret Cube will be available at the TP Shop only until April 3, 2018.
    - Click here to see the full list of items included in this edition of Leticia's Secret Cube.


  • Compensation for Balance Changes
    - Classes affected by balance changes in this patch are eligible for free reset items.
    - The reset items can be picked up at the Reset Helper NPC in the city of Klaipeda.
    - Deleted skills and attributes will be converted to points and returned to your character.
    - Note: Rank Reset Vouchers do not reset your stat points. Skill Reset Potions do not reset your attributes.
    [Wizard Tree]
    - All Wizard tree characters eligible for Stat Reset Potion (1 Day) x1, Skill Reset Potion (1 Day) x1 and Rank Reset Voucher (1 Day) x1.
    - You can pick up your reset items once per day (resets at 00:00 server time) until April 10, 2018.
    [Shinobi C1]
    - Shinobi Circle 1 characters eligible for Stat Reset Potion (14 Days) x2, Skill Reset Potion (14 Days) x2 and Rank Reset Voucher (14 Days) x2.
    - You can pick up your reset items only once until April 10, 2018.
    [Skill Points Returned]
    - The following skills will be converted to points and returned to the corresponding characters:
    - Cryomancer
    • Gust

    - Elementalist
    • Meteor
    • Frost Cloud
    • Rain

    - Corsair
    • Unlock Chest

    [Attribute Points Returned]
    - Wizard
    • Lethargy: Enhance
    • Lethargy: Additional Damage
    • Reflect Shield: Reflect Damage

    - Cryomancer
    • Gust: Collision Damage
    • Snow Rolling: Enhance

    - Elementalist
    • Electrocute: Freezing Magic Damage
    • Meteor: Enhance
    • Meteor: Evasion
    • Rain: Monsoon
    • Frost Cloud: Enhance

    - Shinobi
    • Bunshin no Jutsu: Decreased Damage
  • Status Ailments
    - Basic Strike attacks will no longer have their damage increased 40% when attacking frozen enemies.
    - Frozen targets will now receive 50% additional damage from Lightning property attacks.
    - Petrified targets will now receive 50% additional damage from Fire property attacks.
    - Cursed targets will now receive 50% additional damage from Dark property attacks.
  • Enhance Attributes
    - All active skill Enhance attributes will now add 10% extra to the attribute's effects when upgraded to level 100.
  • Peltasta Provocation
    - 50x provocation value applied to all Peltasta attack skills.
  • Dragoon Helmet
    - Effects changed from 300 sec to unlimited and cooldown set to 1 sec.



Kneeling Shot

- Damage increase values will now accurately correspond to those displayed.



- Non-poisoned targets will no longer incorrectly become confused.



Storm Calling

- Corrected skill animations.
- Corrected visual errors occurring in female characters performing Storm Calling with two-handed blunt weapons equipped.



Umbo Blow

- Now adds 30% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.

Swash Buckling

- Now designates the first target to attack, similar to the function of the Matador's Capote.
- Now increases max. number of provoked targets for 20 sec in the same amount as the number of targets to which the skill is applied.
- Number of targets: 6 + (skill level * 1).
- Duration fixed at 5 sec.
- Range fixes at 400.
- Provoked monsters can be inflicted with debuffs and other effects, but provocation skills will not apply for 30 sec.
- Max. provocation buff duration increased to 35 sec.
- Provoked monsters have their movement speed increased.

Shield Lob

- Now adds 30% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.


- Now adds 100% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.

Umbo Thrust

- Now adds 30% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.

Peltasta: Double Provocation

- New attribute.
- Doubles the provocation value of Peltasta skills.

Swash Buckling: Maximum HP

- Name changed to Swash Buckling: Focused Defense.
- No longer increases HP.
- Now reduces damage received by 5% per attribute level for 10 sec.

Swash Buckling: Maintain Provocation

- Increases the duration of Swash Buckling by 1 sec per attribute level.


Shield Charge

- Now adds 30% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.

Targe Smash

- Now adds 30% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.

Shield Push

- Now adds 30% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.

Shield Shoving

- Now adds 30% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.

Shield Bash

- Now adds 30% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.


- Now adds 30% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.

Shooting Star

- Now adds 100% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.


Unlock Chest

- Skill removed.

Dust Devil

- Now applies 80% to physical attack and 60% to subweapon physical attack.
- Range increased by approx. 50%.

Double Weapon Assault

- In basic attacks, range increased by approx. 30% in length and width.
- In dagger attacks, range increased by approx. 40% in length, 50% in width.
- In pistol attacks, range increased by approx. 60% in length, 50% in width.
- Cooldown increased to 60 sec.
- Duration fixed at 300 sec.
- Damage increased by [30 + (skill level + 5)]%.

Hexen Dropper

- Now applies 80% to physical attack and 60% to subweapon physical attack.
- Range increased by approx. 50% in length, 100% in width.

Pistol Shot

- Name changed to Quick and Dead.
- Effects changed: skill's attack speed will now depend on your DEX.
- 15% added to min. critical chance.
- Cooldown reduced to 25 sec.
- Overheat increased to 3.

Impale Dagger

- New skill (exclusive to dagger subweapons).
- Attack factor: 311% (37.3% per skill level).
- Cooldown 20 sec.
- Overheat 4.

Impale Dagger: Enhance

- New attribute.
- Increases Impale Dagger's attack by 0.5% per attribute level.
- Max. level 100.



- AoE attack ratio increased to 15.
- Cooldown reduced to 10 sec.


- Cooldown reduced to 30 sec.
- Overheat increased to 5.
- Range increased by approx. 100% in length, 30% in width.


- Cooldown reduced to 15 sec.


- Cooldown increased to 30 sec.
- Overheat increased to 2.


- Cooldown reduced to 25 sec.



- Cooldown reduced to 10 sec.
- Overheat increased to 3.
- Skills performed by the clones now apply as 2 consecutive hits.

Bunshin no Jutsu

- The attack of clones is no longer influenced by effects (including attributes) other than equipment stats.
- The SP consumption and cooldown of skills used now increase in proportion to the number of clones.
- SP consumption increases by 10% per clone, while skill cooldown increases by 2 sec per clone + 10%.
- Cooldown decreased to 45 sec.
- Duration fixed at 20 sec.
- Can now be used with the following skills: [Peltasta] Butterfly, Langort, [Barbarian] Cleave, Seism, [Rodelero] Targe Smash, [Corsair] Dust Devil, Hexen Dropper, Impale Dagger, [Doppelsoedner] Mordschlag, Zwerchhau, Sturtzhau, [Squire] Deadly Combo, [Fencer] Sept Etoiles, Attaque Composee, Flash, [Dragoon] Dragontooth, Dragon Soar, [Shinobi] Mijin no Jutsu, Katon no Jutsu, [Templar] Mortal Slash, and [Nak Muay] Nak Muay stance basic attack.

Katon no Jutsu

- Cooldown reduced to 25 sec.
- Overheat increased to 2.

Mijin no Jutsu

- Skill factor increased to 1814% (99.8% per skill level).
- HP consumption decreased to 5000 - (skill level * 500).
- Clones will now disappear after casting the skill.

Kunai: Deadly Dagger

- New attribute.
- Doubles the critical rate of Kunai.
- Consumes +20% SP.
- Max. level 1.



- Cooldown reduced to 20 sec.


- Number of targets changed from unlimited to max. 10.
- Number of hits fixed at 2.
- Hit range increased in width and length by 2x.
- Magic circle destruction range increased in length by 2x.
- Skill factor increased to 332% (18.3% per skill level).


- Cooldown reduced to 20 sec.


Cassis Crista

- Effects changed from 240 sec to unlimited.
- Cooldown set a 1 sec.

Scutum Hit

- Now adds 30% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.

Shield Train

- Now adds 30% of your shield's defense to the skill's physical attack.
- Now gathers enemies pushed by the skill in one spot.
- After striking the ground with the shield, the enemies gathered in front of the caster due to the use of Shield Train receive damage.
- Gathered enemies stop moving for 0.5 sec.
- Updated skill motions.


- Duration increased to 10 + skill level.



- Provoked monsters can be inflicted with debuffs and other effects, but provocation skills will not apply for 30 sec.
- Provoked monsters have their movement speed increased.



Energy Bolt

- Skill factor increased to 109% (6% per skill level).


- Physical/magic attack reduction effect changed to -skill level * 1%.
- Evasion reduction effect changed to -skill level *5.
- Changed to increase damage received from magic attacks by 20%.
- Duration reduced to 20 sec.
- Cooldown increased to 20 sec.

Reflect Shield

- Skill name changed to Magic Shield.
- Removed damage reflecting effects.
- Damage reduction effects fixed at 20%.
- 1% of total SP consumed whenever damage is reduced (if your SP is too low, the count and effect will not apply).
- Now applies skill level * 1 times.
- Duration fixed at 300 sec.
- Cooldown increased to 45 sec.


- Changed to deal 2x the damage to ground monsters.
- Removed pre-cast delay.
- Can now hit flying monsters.
- Skill factor increased to 266% (14.6% per skill level).


- Changed to apply only to the caster on level 1, then on one additional target per level starting at level 2.
- Duration fixed to 300 sec.
- Cooldown reduced to 60 sec.

Magic Missile

- Number of bullets generated changed to 0.5 + (skill level / 2).
- Now casts approx. 2 times faster.
- Skill factor increased to 178% (12.5% per skill level).
- Attributes moved to C2.

Quick Cast

- Duration increased to 300 sec.
- Cooldown increased to 60 sec.

Lethargy: Enhance

- Attribute deleted.

Lethargy: Tile Specialty

- New attribute.
- Increases damage by 3% per attribute level on tile skill attacks to enemies affected by the Lethergy debuff.
- Max. level 5.
Lethargy: Additional Damage
- Name changed to Lethargy: Strike Specialty.
- Moved from C1 to C3.

Sleep: Dream Eater

- New attribute.
- Decreases Sleep's attack limit by 80% (min. 1 time), but doubles the damage of non-property and Psychokinesis property attacks on sleeping enemies.
- Max. level 1.

Reflect Shield: Reflect Damage

- Name changed to Magic Shield: SPR Efficiency.
- Attribute changed to Circle 2.
- Effects changed to reduce SP consumption by attribute level * SPR whenever Magic Shield is activated (always consumes min. 1 SP).
- Max. level 20.

Earthquake: Remove Knockdown

- New attribute.
- Removes knockdown effect and consumes +10% SP.
- Max. level 1.

Magic Missile: Enhance

- Changed from C3 to C2.


Ice Bolt

- Casting removed.
- Skill factor increased to 116% (6.4% per skill level).

Ice Pike

- Changed to ground target cast.
- Now deals damage only one time with ice spikes.
- Enemies hit by the spikes are frozen (100% chance).
- Freezing chances apply as 10% in PvP, and they do not apply to boss monsters.
- Max. 10 targets.
- Reduced cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 372% (20.5% per skill level).

Ice Wall

- Reduced cast delay.

Ice Blast

- Reduced cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 446% (24.5% per skill level).


- Skill removed.

Snow Rolling

- Changed from C3 to C2.
- Casting time fixed at 1 sec.
- At level 10, the size is now 1.5x bigger than level 5.
- Skill factor increased to 320% (22.4% per skill level).

Frost Pillar

- Will no longer gather monsters.
- Monsters within skill range will now be frozen (100% chance) for a value equal to the duration of the frost pillar.
- Frost pillar duration decreases 50% in PvP.
- Changed to deal Ice property magic damage to enemies within skill range.
- Range reduced by 20%.
- Now consumes 1 Cryorite.
- Added skill factor: 84% (10.1% per skill level).

Rod Mastery: Ice

- Ice property attack stat removed.
- Changed to increase damage of Ice property magic attacks by 5% per attribute level when equipping a staff.

Cryomancer: Freeze Specialty

- Removed additional Lightning damage to frozen enemies, changed to basic Freeze effects.
- Changed to increase Cryomancer skills' chances of freezing the enemy by 5% per attribute level (max. 100%).

Gust: Collision Damage

- Attribute removed.

Frost Pillar: Enhance

- New attribute.
- Increases the damage of Frost Pillar by 0.5% per attribute level.
- Max. level 100.



- Changed to ground target cast.
- Fireballs will no longer disappear after hitting an enemy, but they will not attack the same enemy twice.
- Fireballs will no longer be knocked down by Psychic Pressure.
- Duration reduced to 10 sec.
- Reduced cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 382% (21% per skill level).

Fire Wall

- Cell selection method changed to ground selection.
- Now installed in 8 tiles across from the direction of the caster.
- Overheat increased to 3.
- Cooldown reduced to 20 sec.
- Skill factor decreased to 158% (8.7% per skill level).

Enchant Fire

- Now applies only to the caster.


- Skill can now explode nearby fireballs, which inflict damage to surrounding enemies (damage does not repeat).
- Cooldown reduced to 20 sec.
- Reduced cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 545% (29.9% per skill level).

Flame Ground

- Attack cycle changed to 0.5 sec.
- Width increased by approx. 3 times.
- Now generated around the caster.
- Duration reduced to 8 sec.
- Reduced post-cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 111% (6.1% per skill level).

Fire Pillar

- Damage will no longer be nullified by effect resistance.
- Range increased by 30%.
- Cooldown reduced to 30 sec.
- Reduced cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 123% (8.6% per skill level).

Hell Breath

- Skill no longer canceled when the caster is attacked (Surespell effect).
- Length increased approx. 3 times.
- Width increased approx. 50%.
- Now consumes 1 Pyrite.
- Reduced cast delay.
- Factor increased to 169% (20.3% per skill level).

Staff Mastery: Fire

- Fire property attack stat removed.
- Changed to increase damage of Fire property magic attacks by 5% per attribute level when equipping a staff.

Fireball: Residual Heat

- New attribute.
- Increases the duration of fireballs by 1 sec per attribute level.
- Consumes +10% SP.
- Max. level 5.

Fire Wall: Knockback

- New attribute.
- Knocks back enemies hit with Fire Wall.
- Adds +5 sec to cooldown.
- Max. level 1.

Flame Ground: Diffusion

- New attribute.
- Applies the Heat debuff to enemies in the range of Flame Ground for 10 sec.
- Enemies affected by Heat get their resistance to Fire property reduced by 50.
- Can be attacked with Flare.
- Consumes +10% SP.
- Max. level 5.


Hangman's Knot

- Reduced cast delay.

Spiritual Chain

- Reduced cast delay.


- Duration increased to 15 + (skill level * 5) sec.
- Reduced cast delay.

Spirit Shock

- New skill.
- Links to the enemy's spirit and inflicts spiritual damage (can only be used on one target).
- Can be canceled by Unbind.
- Duration 3 + (skill level * 5) sec.
- Cooldown 15 sec.
- Attack factor 171% (12% per skill level).

Spiritual Chain: Enhance

- New attribute.
- Increases magic damage to enemies linked to Spiritual Chain by 3% per attribute level.
- Consumes +30% SP.
- Max. level 1.

Spirit Shock: Enhance

- New attribute.
- Increases the damage of Spirit Shock by 0.3% per attribute level.
- Max. level 100.

Spirit Shock: Confusion

- New attribute.
- 5% chance per attribute level of inflicting enemies hit by Spirit Shock with Confusion.
- Consumes +20% SP.
- Max. level 10.

Spirit Shock: Mental Pressure

- New attribute.
- Reduces magic defense of enemies hit with Spirit Shock by 25%.
- Applies additional damage equal to the difference between the casters' and the target's SPR value.
- Additional damage does not exceed 300%.
- Consumes +50% SP.
- Max. level 1.


Psychic Pressure

- Changed to increase damage by 50% on Mutant enemies.
- Skill factor increased to 265% (14.6% per skill level).


- Now increases damage to Mutant enemies by 50%.


- Reduced cast delay.


- Reduced cast delay.

Magnetic Force

- AoE attack ratio of 5 changed to fixed number of targets: 10.
- Now increases damage to Mutant enemies by 50%.
- Increased range by 50%.
- Skill factor increased to 965% plus 67.6% per skill level.


- Now removes all Heavy Gravity magic circles when cast.

Gravity Pole

- Number of targets increased to 10 + (skill level *1).
- Now increases damage on Mutant enemies by 50%.
- Skill factor increased to 183% (22% per skill level).

Heavy Gravity

- New skill.
- Enhances the forces of gravity in the designated area, dealing Psychokinesis property damage to enemies.
- In the designated area, flying enemies become ground targets.
- Automatically removes Raise magic circles when cast.
- Increases damage by 50% on Mutant enemies.
- Attack factor: 170% (11.9% per skill level).
- Duration 4 sec.
- Cooldown 25 sec.

Gravity Pole: Decreased Defense

- Now also decreases magic defense.

Heavy Gravity: Enhance

- New attribute.
- Increases the damage of Heavy Gravity by 0.5% per attribute level.
- Max. level 100.

Heavy Gravity: Slow Movement

- New attribute.
- Reduces the movement speed of enemies within the range of Heavy Gravity by 2 per attribute level.
- Effects do not apply to Large, Extra Large and Boss monsters.
- Consumes +10% SP.
- Max. level 5.

Heavy Gravity: Duration

- New attribute.
- Increases the duration of Heavy Gravity by 1 sec per attribute level.
- Consumes +30% SP.
- Max. level 2.



- Damage no longer decreases when transferred to the next target.
- First target range increased 3x in width, 1.5x in length.
- Overheat increased to 4.
- Cooldown increased to 35 sec.
- Fixed incorrectly displayed number of attacks.

Stone Curse

- Now applies additional hits to Fire and Psychokinesis attacks dealt to enemies affected by Stone Curse.
- No longer reduces Fire and Psychokinesis damage received when petrified.
- Cooldown reduced to 50 sec.
- Reduced cast delay.


- Duration fixed to 10 sec.
- Skill factor increased to 603% (33.2% per skill level).


- Reduced cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 347% (19.1% per skill level).


- Moved from C2 to C3.
- Range increased by approx. 100%.
- Casting time fixed to 3 sec.
- Skill factor increased to 2376% (285.2% per skill level).

Freezing Spear

- Skill factor increased to 369% (25.8% per skill level).


- Skill removed.

Frost Cloud

- Skill removed.

Storm Dust

- New skill.
- Creates a dust storm in the designated spot, inflicting Earth property damage to enemies within the skill range.
- Deals only half the damage to flying targets.
- Cooldown 35 sec.
- Attack factor 204% (14.3% per skill level).

Electrocute: Freezing Magic Damage

- Attribute removed.

Prominence: Additional Summon

- New attribute.
- Increases the number of Prominence by 1 per attribute level.
- Max. level 4.

Meteor: Enhance

- Moved from C2 to C3.

Meteor: Flame Ground

- New attribute.
- Applies Meteor as 5 consecutive hits on enemies within the range of Flame Ground.
- Max. level 1.

Meteor: Evasion

- Attribute removed.

Rain: Monsoon

- Attribute removed.

Frost Cloud: Enhance

- Attribute removed.

Storm Dust: Enhance

- New attribute.
- Increases the damage of Storm Dust by 0.5% per attribute level.
- Max. level 100.

Storm Dust: Slow

- New attribute.
- Reduces the movement speed of enemies in the range of Storm Dust by 2 per attribute level.
- Max. level 100.

Storm Dust: Humpback

- New attribute.
- Extends the damage of Storm Dust to enemies within the skill range by 1.5 sec.
- Max. level 2.


Swell Left Arm

- No longer increases the attack of subweapons.
- Now consumes 1 Magic Powder.

Swell Right Arm

- No longer increases the attack of main weapons.
- Now consumes 1 Magic Powder.

Swell Brain

- Now consumes 2 Magic Powder.

Swell Left Arm: Summons

- New attribute.
- Increases your summons' physical/magic damage by 1% per attribute level within the range of Swell Left Artm.
- Max. level 10.

Swell Right Arm: Summons

- New attribute.
- Increases your summons' physical/magic defense by 1% per attribute level within the range of Swell Left Artm.
- Max. level 10.

Swell Brain: Fast Operation

- New attribute.
- Activates Quick Cast in the same level as Swell Brain for 3 sec per attribute level.
- Only applies to caster, regardless of Quick Cast level.
- Consumes +200% SP.
- Max. level 50.



- Reduced basic stats by 50%.
- Skill stats will now increase based on your SPR value.
- Duration increased to 30 + skill level * 6.
- Will now consume 1 Time Crystal Fragment.


- Will now consume 5 Time Crystal Fragments.


- Will now consume 3 Time Crystal Fragments.


- Reduced basic stats by 50%.
- Skill stats will now increase based on your SPR value.
- Duration increased to 40 + skill level * 8.
- Will now consume 1 Time Crystal Fragment.


- Will now consume 2 Time Crystal Fragments.
- Will now correctly display skill effects when pressing arrow or jumping keys.


- Passes skills can no longer be passed again until after they are used.
- Will now consume 1 Time Crystal Fragment.
- Reduced cast delay.


Summon Familiar

- Skill factor increased to 365%.

Summon Servant

- Now consumes 1 Empty Spellbook.

Attack Ground

- Reduced cast delay.


- Reduced cast delay.


- Reduced cast delay.


- Skill factor increased to 550% (66% per skill level).



- Skill factor increased to 1200% (66% per skill level).

Alchemistic Missile

- Skill factor increased to 878% (105.4% per skill level).


Gather Corpse

- Reduced cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 335% (18.4% per skill level).

Flesh Cannon

- Reduced cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 112% (6.2% per skill level).

Flesh Hoop

- Reduced cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 166% (9.1% per skill level).

Dirty Pole

- Reduced cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 185% (10.2% per skill level).

Flesh Strike

- Reduced cast delay.
- Skill factor increased to 2859% (343.1% per skill level).

Corpse Tower: Skeleton Soldier

- Soldiers created will now have limited durations as intended.

Rune Caster

Rune of Destruction

- Range increased by approx. 50%.
- Casting time reduced to 2 sec.
- Cooldown reduced to 40 sec.

Rune of Ice

- Effects changed to increase the damage of all Ice property attacks by 50%.
- Now also applies to magic circles.
- Casting time reduced to 2 sec.

Rune of Giants

- Effects changed to allow for the use of all buff skills when under the effect of Rune of Giants.
- Casting time reduced to 2 sec.

Rune of Justice

- Can now be cast while moving.
- Casting time reduced to 2 sec.
- Cooldown decreased to 30 sec.
- Consecutive hits now apply as x2 on Demon enemies.
- Skill factor increased to 293% (16.1% per skill level).

Rune of Protection

- Effects changed to apply knockback and knockdown immunity to caster.
- Casting time reduced to 2 sec.
- Duration increased to skill level * 30 sec.
- Cooldown increased to 200 sec.

Rune Caster: Skilled Casting

- Quick Cast duration fixed to 300 sec (5 min).
- Skill duration will no longer reduce if Quick Cast hasn't been learned.
- Skill factor increased to 1465% (80.6% per skill level).

Rune of Destruction: Magic Defense Destruction

- New attribute.
- Reduces the magic defense of enemies hit with Rune of Destruction by 3% per attribute level.
- Consumes +30% SP.

Rune of Protection: Critical Resistance

- Name changed to Rune of Protection: Maintain Casting.
- Effects changed to maintain the casting of Rune of Protection even when being attacked.
- Reduces the duration of Rune of Protection by 10 - (attribute level * 2).


Pole of Agony

- Skill factor increased to 281% (15.4% per skill level).
- Reduced cast delay.


- Skill factor increased to 605% (33.3% per skill level).
- Reduced cast delay.
- Summoned evil spirits will now attack the same number of times as the ones summoned by Dark Theurge.

Dark Theurge

- Cooldown reduced to 30 sec.
- Number of attacks changed to 5.
- Skill factor increased to 517% (28.4% per skill level).
- Reduced cast delay.


- Range increased by 50%.
- Skill factor increased to 1149% (63.2% per skill level).
- Reduced cast delay.

Evil Sacrifice

- Reduced cast delay.


- Effects changed to increase the damage of Dark property magic attacks by [no. of absorbed evil spirits * 10%].
- Max. number of evil spirits: skill level * 1.
- Buff duration 30 sec.
- Cooldown decreased to 40 sec.
- Reduced cast delay.

Ghastly Trail

- Will no longer apply additional damage.
- Now increased the damage of the evil spirits (skill level * 10%).
- Cooldown reduced to 30 sec.
- Max. duration increased to 10 sec.

Demon Scratch

- Skill factor increased to 2011% (241.3% per skill level).
- Overheat reduced to 2.


Blood Bath

- Skill factor increased to 208% (11.4% per skill level).

Blood Sucking

- Skill factor increased to 393% (21.6% per skill level).

Bone Pointing

- Skill factor increased to 208% (11.4% per skill level).
- Reduced cast delay.


- Skill factor increased to 974% (53.5% per skill level).

Kundela Slash

- Skill factor increased to 2001% (140.1% per skill level).

Blood Curse

- Skill factor increased to 1179% (82.5% per skill level).


- Skill factor increased to 562% (67.4% per skill level).


Enchant Lightning

- Now consumes 1 Enchant Round.
- Tooltip edited to "Grants lightning property damage buff to you and your party members and lightning property to melee and missile attacks. Additional damage to lightning property increases in proportion to the caster's INT and SPR."

Enchant Earth

- Now consumes 1 Enchant Round.

Enchant Lightning: Psychic

- New attribute.
- Changes the property of Psychic Pressure and Gravity Pole to Lightning while Enchant Lightning is active.
- Consumes +10% SP.
- Max. level 1.


Micro Dimension

- Skill factor increased to 1679% (92.3% per skill level).
- Reduced cast delay.

Ultimate Dimension

- Skill factor increased to 482% (26.5% per skill level).
- Reduced cast delay.

Dimension Compression

- Overheat increased to 2.
- Skill factor increased to 1392% (97.5% per skill level).


Shadow Thorn

- Skill factor increased to 2078% (114.3% per skill).

Shadow Conjuration

- Skill factor increased to 1063% (58.5% per skill).

Shadow Pool

- Invincibility effects now apply from the moment the skill is cast.

Shadow Condensation

- Skill factor increased to 2210% (154.7% per skill).


  • Items
    - Stamina recovery items will now work as intended when under the Hexing debuff.
    - Lepus Card attack speed effects will now apply correctly as intended.
  • Monsters
    - Boss monsters will now correctly generate inside the Saalus Convent Castle Mission when using the dice.
    - Greentoshell: Will no longer incorrectly receive 1 damage from summons when under a certain % of HP.
  • Quests
    - Prequisite Blessing: Blessing of the Sanctuary buff will no longer incorrectly apply for 30 seconds.
  • Graphics/Systems
    - The Former Fantasy Library can now be accessed on mouse mode as intended.
    - Corrected the Premium Snowflake Costume (Male) to no longer partially cover mounted companions.
    - White Snowflake Unicorn Horn and White Snowflake Glasse tooltips will no longer incorrectly compare items with Hair Costume 1 slot.
    - Noble Long Hair will no longer overlap with the Blue Maid Costume (Female) when mounting a Companion and using regular pistol attacks.
    - Corrected gesture glitches occurring in female Cleric characters wearing the Premium White Snowflake costume.

Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
Почему это еще не закрыли?

У нас был MoG, но в логику не сMoG.
Аватар для Brazik369_renamed_943340_08072024
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
С удовольствием провел в игре 350 часов. Такая расслабляющая игрушка из моей молодости. Но что-то у разрабов пошло не так.
Аватар для valerkyn
GoHa.Ru I Степени
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
Что с ними не так, весь контент за последний год в один патч запихнуть...

Добавлено через 2 минуты
И ведь сейчас опять на пол года пропадут, у имс на итос один человек выделен, который приходит раз в неделю и комп перезагружает.

Последний раз редактировалось valerkyn; 26.03.2018 в 14:38. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
Аватар для rogue
Медаль "1К лайков" GoHa.Ru - 10 лет Танк Герой пустоши
Награжден за: За участие в остановке конвоя в спецпроекте по Rage 2
Игрок Revelation. Проверено GoHa.Ru. Знатоку игры Albion Online
Награжден за: За участие в конкурсе по игре Albion Online
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
Сообщение от Nature:
англоязычная версия MMORPG Tree of Savior получит обновление
действительно, неужели до сих пор играют?
Аватар для valerkyn
GoHa.Ru I Степени
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
Сообщение от rogue:
действительно, неужели до сих пор играют?
Вчера адовый подъем онлайна был до 1700 человек ;)

Аватар для AM91X_renamed_1365916_30092023
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
Есть смысл выбрать NA сервер?
Аватар для Ksion
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
корейци хороши, игра хорошая.

Аватар для valerkyn
GoHa.Ru I Степени
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
Сообщение от AM91X:
Есть смысл выбрать NA сервер?
нет, смысл есть только в корейском, там горячий онлайн и обновления не идут годами

Аватар для lamas_renamed_644635_24012024
Зомби мутанта
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
если бы англ версию поддерживали евентами и патчами как корейскую,то было бы народу раз в 10 больше на серверах...

хотя с другой стороны не сильно напрягает - зашел раз в пол-годика на крупный патч, расслабился побегал с месяц и на пол-года можно забить)))
Аватар для Iamperfect
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
играл в свое время с удовольствием.
позавчера вот думал, опять поставить поиграть какую-нить медитативную ММОшку. и хотел в ТОС вернуться. но зашел на страницу стима и увидел в продаже зелья на постоянные + 1000 к статам.
в итоге поставил Л2 классик
Последний раз редактировалось Iamperfect; 27.03.2018 в 10:05.
Аватар для valerkyn
GoHa.Ru I Степени
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
Сообщение от Iamperfect:
увидел в продаже зелья на постоянные + 1000 к статам.
чего ??

Аватар для Iamperfect
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
Сообщение от valerkyn:
чего ??

"Day 10: 1 x Attribute Points 1,000 Ticket (Untradable)- Hit harder with your skills after investing attribute points!"
Аватар для Aman4ik_renamed_1068954_03122021
Награжден за: За вклад в развитие раздела Tree Of Savior
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
атрибут поинты это не статы
Аватар для valerkyn
GoHa.Ru I Степени
Re: Tree of Savior - Новые Legend-карточки и бесплатное DLC
Сообщение от Iamperfect:

"Day 10: 1 x Attribute Points 1,000 Ticket (Untradable)- Hit harder with your skills after investing attribute points!"

ну ты напугал, я думал, что упустил что-то совсем годное )))

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