У нас-то гики есть, но их не такое большое количество, как в других странах.
Lineage 2, Silkroad Online, Ragnarok Online, StarWarsGalaxies, Requiem Online, Eve Online, Matrix Online, AoC, Guild Wars, LOTRO, Pirates of the Burning Sea,World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, STO, Battle of Immortals , APB, APB:Reloaded, Ragnarok 2 Online, Champions Online, T.E.R.A., SWTOR, DarkFall Online, Dragon Nest, C9, Vindictus, Rift, Runes of Magic, ArcheAge CBT, PlanetSide 2, Guild Wars 2, Path Of Exile, Scarlet Blade, Royal Quest, DFUW, Ragnarok 2, ArcheAge KR, Wildstar
Now Playing: Overwatch