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Интересные факты о Anarchy Online
Автор темы: Mavritanic_renamed_686_28022020
Дата создания: 02.12.2013 20:17
Аватар для Mavritanic_renamed_686_28022020
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Интересные факты о Anarchy Online
shemian - happy swingin (original mix)



Development on Anarchy Online by Funcom started in: 1995 (Oslo, Norway)
Peak number of developers working on Anarchy Online: 70
Officially announced by Funcom at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in: 2000
Public Beta started approximately: Wednesday 13th June, 2001
Public USA and Norway launch: Wednesday 27th June, 2001
Public European/Rest of the world launch: Thursday 28th June, 2001
Subscriptions reached 150,000 in: 2002
Won MMO of the Year (PC Gamer): 2002
Won Editor's Choice awards (IGN, CNet, Gamespot, Gamespy): 2003
Free Play program started on: December 15th, 2004
Gained 400,000 new subscriptions as a result of the Free Play program in: 2004
Subscriptions reached a record 700,000 in: 2005
Total Subscriptions (paid and free) reached a staggering 1 million in: 2006
Announced work on the new graphics engine in: June 2007
Introduced the Paid Points system in: 2008
Reached peak subscription count of almost 2 million in: 2008
Decomissioned Die Neue Welt dimension in: 2010
Merged remaining two dimensions, Atlantean and Rimor in: January 2013
One of the first Science-Fiction themed MMORPGs
One of the first MMORPGs to be available for download online
One of the first MMORPGs to offer free trial subscriptions
One of, if not the longest-running MMORPGs still in operation after 12 years


Notum Wars (booster) main features included land control (towers) and flying vehicles and was released in: 2002
Shadowlands (expansion) main features included seven themed geographical zones, perks, increased max level to 220 and was released in: 2003
Alien Invasion (expansion) main features included perks, player cities and was released in: 2004
Lost Eden (expansion) main features included research, PvP overhaul, battle stations and was released in: 2006
Legacy of the Xan (booster) main features were focused around end-game content in the form of several new max level encounters and was released in: 2009


First Player to achieve 100: Fiezerald

First Player to achieve 200: Kicky (RK1) 2001-11-23 Tibanna (RK2) 2002-07-24
- Adventurer: Mayleen (RK1) 2002-03-04 Fojojojo (RK2) 2002-06-13
- Agent: Zarloc (RK1) 2001-11-23
- Bureaucrat: Bettylu (RK2) 2002-06-13
- Doctor: Unknown
- Enforcer: Kinkstaah (RK1) 2002-02-20 Shtylez (RK2) 2002-05-18
- Engineer: Prologic (RK1) 2002-05-06 Ethernal (RK2) 2002-08-05
- Fixer: Hextorr (RK1) Trystar (RK2) 2002-07-15
- Keeper: Fulforce (RK1) 2003-10-08 Lenaic (RK2) 2003-11-25
- Martial Artist: Tarzal (RK2) 2002-05-27
- Meta-Physicist: Armaklaesy (RK2) 2002-09-17
- Nano Technician: Gunnandahalf (RK1) 2002-02-06 Tibanna (RK2) 2002-04-15
- Shade: Unknown
- Soldier: Zerosignal (RK1) 2002-04-13 Ccomander (RK2) 2002-05-23
- Trader: Noer (RK1) 2002-04-27 Mobiggly (RK2) 2002-05-06

First Orgs (In Order):
  1. Omni-Pol (RK1) 2001-06
  2. Shadow Ops (RK2) 2001-08 Reference #1
  3. Storm (RK1) 2001-11-23
  4. Komodo (RK2) 2001-06-27
  5. Unknown
Notum Wars

First tower Victory: Storm (Clan, RK1) vs. Dust Brigade (Neutral, Advisors of Rubi-Ka playing Dust Brigade Commandos)
First real tower Victory: Enfraam's Eleven - 17 hour battle - Who won/lost???
First tower Loss: Unknown
Longest held tower site: Guardian Nemesis (RK1) - 2002-12-06 to 2007-06-29 ( ~ 4.5 years )
First Neutral held tower site: Underworld (RK1)


First Player to become Shadowlands faction aligned: Gunnandahalf
First player to decipher the Xan Alphabet: Dyna18
First Team/Player to loot BoC: Innersanctum
First Team/Player to defeat Beast: Innersanctum (RK1) 2004-05-02 [lynette11] with the help of:
- Ajuna
- Cobalt9
- Sepho
- Forgottenone
- Zyphoria
- Askiles
- Rismik
- Therealjacky
- Tararin
- Kimarzt
- Mardiv
- Kaecia
- Milanoalyssa
- Djeliah
- Ivanius

First Player to achieve 220: Myrielh (RK1) 2004-01-11 Insilico (RK2) 2004-02-10
- Adventurer : Unknown
- Agent : Buffdispense (RK1) 2004-02-23
- Bureaucrat : Cynkgramm (RK2) 2004-04-07
- Doctor : Myrielh (RK1) 2004-01-11
- Enforcer : Hooters (RK1) 2004-01-14
- Engineer : Aleph (??) 2004-02-27
- Fixer : Kijomimi (RK2) 2004-07-16
- Keeper : Sepho (RK1) 2004-02-16 Eevatytar (RK2) 2004-04-25
- Martial Artist : Unknown
- Meta-Physicist : Unknown
- Nano Technician : Gunnandahalf (RK1) 2004-01-20
- Shade : Unknown
- Soldier : Unknown
- Trader : Nerfmeee (RK1) 2004-05-28 Hitomi (RK2) 2004-05-21

Alien Invasion

First Team/Player to loot ACDC: Kuznechik (RK2) 2006-12-09
First Player to achieve AI30: Booooyaaa (RK1) 2005-05-16 Scumtron (RK2) 2005-09-24

Lost Eden

Dust Brigade 1

Dust Brigade 2

First RK1 team to defeat Aune: Avatars Reloaded
First RK2 team to defeat Aune: Black Bands

Dust Brigade 3

Legacy Of The Xan


First player to achieve Experienced rank in the legacy PvP system: Stromm (RK1) [COLOR=Red](Disputed with Gunnandahalf (RK1))
First player to achieve Expert rank in the legacy PvP system: Rekido (RK1)
First player to achieve Master rank in the legacy PvP system: Cortez (RK1)


First player to loot from Tara: Trilyt (RK1)

Mercenary Camp

First team/player to kill Ian Warr: Wolfe (RK1) 2003-01-05

Advisors of Rubi-Ka

First and Longest running time as ARK: Eponyx (Generation 6)
Generation 6 ARKs: Eponyx, Conator, Vicaris, Howler, Astinus


- Adventurer: fl0w_ (Flojojojo) Serena
- Agent: MorphX (Morphex) Tekkor
- Bureaucrat: Amanite Charles (Kithrak)
- Doctor: Destria Letah
- Enforcer: Arinia MiKEBoND (Kinkstaah)
- Engineer: Munchausen krneki (Prologic)
- Fixer: Argulace_MoK (Argulace) Nettie
- Martial Artist: Davedread Filik
- Meta-Physicist: Ipsa Xtremtech
- Nano Technician: Drabin Fingers (Phinger)
- Soldier: Tindish (Tindstar) Zerosignal
- Trader: Noer Zyxlquith


These are either ultra-specific (breed or race or other stuff) or otherwise currently unsorted milestones.

First Nanomage Martial-Artist to achieve 200 on RK2: Lovegod
First Atrox Doc with Glutton of the Xan : Ironmax
Who was the first person to sell Loot Rights:
Who was the first person to sell and buy combined for over 1B:

Халявная игра в Anarchy Online (Froob Account)
Anarchy online mass PvP//Каталог полезных статей//Тотальная война в Anarchy Online
AO: Molotoff C0cktail (RK1) Mavritanic, PvP Rank: Master
Prof: Nanotechnician, lvl: 220
NT style // Нанотехник от 1 до 205. Большой гид
Когда я был моложе, я нашел эту планету остывающей. Со всей моей веселой яростью, я благословил её проклятием сказав «Пусть все, все, все получают то, что они хотят».
© Ньярлхотеп

Последний раз редактировалось Mavritanic_renamed_686_28022020; 08.12.2013 в 14:01.
Аватар для Nano_renamed_2710_05082023
Re: Интересные факты о Anarchy Online
First Team/Player to loot ACDC: Kuznechik (RK2) 2006-12-09
И ведь при мне дело было :)
Помню все подохли и осталось человек 5. Все, кто имел права лута погибли... вокруг бегали мобы, которые сметали все на своем пути. Я открыл лут, посмотрел что лежит, но взять не решился. А вот Кузя взял :)
Вскоре все слегли.
Аватар для Не Он_renamed_980186_29012021
Re: Интересные факты о Anarchy Online
Сообщение от Nano:
И ведь при мне дело было :)
Я открыл лут, посмотрел что лежит, но взять не решился. А вот Кузя взял :)
Вот именно так всегда и делается история. Главное - в нужный момент решиться подобрать то, что плохо лежит. Неважно что - власть, деньги, бизнес, чужую славу....
Аватар для Kylubun_renamed_31536_25052022
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Re: Интересные факты о Anarchy Online
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