Добрый день русские(слава богу) люди.
Ситуация в которую я попал мне не до конца понятна, поэтому прошу у вас прояснить ее и дать дельный совет (тролли и гоблины сразу идите... мимо).
Несколько месяцев назад начал играть в SWTOR, игра в принципе понравилась, но гораздо больше понравился аукцион, и после того как я дошел до 55 уровня я начал просто копить деньги. Позже перешел на другой сервер к другу, там в принципе так же играл, но это все присказка.
Вчера, когда захотел в очередной раз зайти поиграть, меня не пустили и написали проверить почту, вот что я там нашел:
Dear Customer,
We are contacting you regarding your account for Star Wars: The Old Republic.
We wish to notify you that you have carried out a serious violation of our Terms of Service and upon a full investigation of your account we have determined that your character has carried out the following violation:
Intention to buy, sell, or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction) an Account or game characters, items, credits or copyrighted material, or any other intellectual property owned or controlled by BioWare or our licensors without first obtaining our express written permission.
Due to the nature of this violation of our Terms of Service we are left with no option other than to close your account. We are permanently closing your account with immediate effect.
Please note that your account will no longer be billed and we have removed your credit card information.
Should you wish to review our Terms of Service they can be found here
If you feel you have received this 'account closure' notice in error, please contact us at
[email protected].
в ответ я написал:
Good afternoon,
I dont understand on what base were promoted your charges. I did not create any conditions of purchasing or saling of any items. Please return my account that i could go playing on.
на что мне ответили не сильно прояснившим письмом:
Dear Customer,
Account Name SnowmanScary
Email address:
[email protected]
Thank you for contacting us regarding the closure of your account. The sanction on your account pertains to the following violation:
Intention to buy, sell, or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction) an Account or game characters, items, credits or copyrighted material, or any other intellectual property owned or controlled by BioWare or our licensors without first obtaining our express written permission.
Having completed a thorough investigation into your account and the complaint that you have made, we must advise that your account was sanctioned correctly, in full compliance with our policies and procedures. Following our review into the actions taken on your account we wish to confirm that we shall not be removing this ban from your account.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. As a valued customer, your feedback is very important to us.
Yours sincerely,
Поясните ситуацию, что именно они посчитали нарушением прав и что можно с этим поделать.
Тому кто поможет мне разбанить чара я дам ТРИ МИЛЛИОНА КРЕДИТОВ на сервере The progenitor или ToFN!!!
Нежалко кредитов, лишь бы чара разбанили.