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Автор темы: Genrix_renamed_919294_23122022
Дата создания: 02.02.2013 08:29
Аватар для Genrix_renamed_919294_23122022
Новости c оф. форума
Роб Хинкл обещает написать о состоянии PvP в игре, что разработчики об этом думают, и что собираются с этим сделать.

Сообщение от JovethGonzalez:
Debaucher: the vast majority of the pvp community that visits the forums feels dissapointed from the lack of replies from the PvP development team. Since you read the forums, would you be kind enouph to start replying to any constructive threads?

Also, any chance we get more Warhammer online Scenarios in SW:TOR? Ancient Hypergates is a success and personally, i 'd love a version of the Battle for Praag scenario revamped for the Star Wars universe. Perhaps in a Corellia setting, since its an urban enviroment and it matches the story of the planet?

Last but not least, the community needs a solid update on the future of ranked warzones/competitive play in general. Perhaps on the next "state of the game" article?

  • I agree, I haven't done a good job closing the feedback loop on the forums and that is something I would like to try to correct.
  • Glad to hear you are enjoying Ancient Hypergate! New Warzone ideas are floating around the team being discussed, and we definitely look at other games for possible influence when we are coming up with ideas. We aren’t 100% decided on the next gametype yet, and there are definitely some WAR inspired versions in the mix.
  • I’ll see what I can do about getting a good “State of the PvP Game” update out, to let everyone know what we are thinking and what is coming up. I think people will be excited!
Re: Новости c оф. форума
угу, ждем через пару месяцев....

Re: Новости c оф. форума
Сообщение от Netpass:
угу, ждем через пару месяцев....
Ты слишком оптимистичен. )

What shall we do to fill the empty spaces where waves of hunger roar? Shall we set out across the sea of faces in search of more and more applause?
Shall we buy a new guitar? Shall we drive a more powerful car? Shall we work straight through the night? Shall we get into fights? Leave the lights on?
Drop bombs? Do tours of the east? Contract diseases? Bury bones? Break up homes? Send flowers by phone? Take to drink? Go to shrinks? Give up meat?
Rarely sleep? Keep people as pets? Train dogs? Race rats? Fill the attic with cash? Bury treasure? Store up leisure? But never relax at all with our backs to the wall.

Аватар для iamshocker_renamed_780605_23012020
Re: Новости c оф. форума
напишет, что все ослепительно и игроки довольны.
Аватар для Витар Лаэда
Джентльмен На страже закона
Награжден за: За оперативное и грамотное модерирование в разделе Lineage 2
Re: Новости c оф. форума
Сообщение от iamshocker:
напишет, что все ослепительно и игроки довольны.
та не) раз они форумы читают то видят сколько там гневных статей. К сожалению я тоже не верю в быструю реакцию разрабов, они сильно тормозят в последнее время с исправлениями явных перекосов.

Master-Inquisitor Ordo Xenos

Re: Новости c оф. форума
У меня такое впечатление, что они вообще на развитие пвп болт положили. Вот вам новая вз, а теперь не мешайте нам картель шоп наполнять. А это сообщение на форуме просто отписка.

What shall we do to fill the empty spaces where waves of hunger roar? Shall we set out across the sea of faces in search of more and more applause?
Shall we buy a new guitar? Shall we drive a more powerful car? Shall we work straight through the night? Shall we get into fights? Leave the lights on?
Drop bombs? Do tours of the east? Contract diseases? Bury bones? Break up homes? Send flowers by phone? Take to drink? Go to shrinks? Give up meat?
Rarely sleep? Keep people as pets? Train dogs? Race rats? Fill the attic with cash? Bury treasure? Store up leisure? But never relax at all with our backs to the wall.

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