Hey Guys. Static Korean IP's
Hey Guys.
I'm native korean and has been playing lots of MMORPG like more than for 15years from Ultima Online to GW2 nowadays. I'm looking for AA so seriously that completely integrated UO and DAOC
Btw I have one idea to share with u guys about VPN.
when u guys gonna select Proxy IPs(VPN) service company, there exist several remarkable stuffs to judge on whether it is good or not. such as uptime, speed, static or dynamic ip, and price for sure.
Guys u know Most of VPN service's IPs are just Hacked Zombie PC's IP like University Library and Internet Cafe except legal services company. Afterwords, PC shut down or anti Virus software detects it then suddenly VPN IP down no more available on it.
when it would happened on your vpn ip, However, you frequently need to find New Available VPN IP that may cause your acc got banned temp then need to verify it again.
these are the reason China VPN service to support Korean IPs is so cheap like 4~6$ per month
Btw, I own internet cafe in Korea, its spec like 200 PC's and 200 x static korean Ip's, 1 Giga bandwidth. it mean more than enough to cover hundreds of access at a time.
I'm thinking start to share my IP's with u guys that guarantees most stable and fastest than any other VPNs, besides Static IP per account, 24/7/365 uptime, less than 10mins downtime per week, though didn't decide the price and VPN (proxy) connection setting.
Is it attractive or not? what price is acceptable about on it ? any tech advice to related on VPN? how about installing free proxy server software on my entire PCs?
Post a reply about my plan or feel free to contact me.
Extra for price reference, In case top ranked legal VPN services to support Static non shared IP in korea are a bit expensive likely to over 20$.
And If this post in appropriate on this topic, sorry guys, plz moderator delete this or let me know where I can post this.
thx guys in advance.