Возможно фейк, но очень правдоподобный.
Патч выходит 4 сентября на PS3 тогда узнаешь окончательно.
Reduced the reload time of: SCAR-L, AEK-971, F2000, AN-94, AK-74, PP2000, G3A3, SKS, MG36, JNG-90, MK3A1, SCAR-H, SVD, QBZ-95B, AUG A3, 44 Magnum, KH2002, Pecheneg, L85A2, QBB-95, M1911, MP7, M4A1, FAMAS, M39 EBR, M416, PP-19, QBU-88
Increased the reload time of: P90
Increased damage from near the UMP 45 and reduced to a distance
Increased the damage of the PP2000 remote to highlight its role as a Mid-Range
Increased the minimum damage of the M1911 to fit better in Magnum and M9/MP443
Reduced damage, range and recoil of the M93R
Increased the ratio of fire and the charging time of the MP412 REX to highlight the improved performance of CQB 44.Magnum
Decreased the horizontal recoil of SG553 to make this weapon more 'controllable
Reduced vertical recoil MG36 to make the weapon more controllable
Reduced recoil horizontal / vertical first shot of the M416 to mark more 'difference with M16
Increased the recoil of the M16
Increased the recoil of the M4
Reduced the recoil of the first shot of G36
Increased the bonus provided by bipode of: F2000, G3A3, M27, M416, Pecheneg, Type88, FAMAS, MG36
Adding the mode 'of fire 3 shots on M5K
Slightly reduced the added bonus of the heavy barrel on assault rifles from 5.56mm, 5.45mm, 6.5mm
Slightly reduced the penalty range for the suppressor of 5.56 mm, 5.45 mm and 6.5 mm weapons: assault rifles, carbines and light machine guns
Slightly reduced the penalty range for the suppression of the SCAR-H
Increased the radius of maximum damage on LVG 40mm, total damage and range unchanged
Fixed not increase the recoil with the heavy barrel of SCAR-L
Fixed not award bonuses to laser designation of JET
Fixed BUG M320 Fumoggeno of the AUG A3
Increased the radius of damage and damage of Mortar
Adding the bar under barrel of L85 and FAMAS
The G3A3 accepts the grenade launcher sottocanna
Increased the damage of the Claymore infantry
Added back charger expanded to RPK, MG36 and QBB95
Increased the recoil of the F2000 vertical
Slightly increased the recoil of the Horizontal AEK971
Increased the recoil Horizontal / Vertical M417
Slightly increased the cooldown of JNG90, statistically the best of all sniper rifles except M98B, this serve 'to balance it
umentato little time to recharge the SPAS12, more and more 'seloce of 870MCS but more' slow in the levels of Pre-Patch
Increased the damage of the ACW-R because more 'weak in comparison with the other rifles, inserting the 6.5mm
Decreased the vertical recoil of the AS-VAL
Increased the accuracy of the RPG, to differentiate it from the distance of the SMAW
Fixed non-destructibility 'equipment with exploding bullets helicopter
Increased the damage of rockets and helicopters to helicopter JET, JET and infantry
Increased the damage of the gunner and IFV against Helicopters and JET
Increased the damage of AA infantry, less effective towards the wagons
Synchronized time animation of charging, in which it was possible to shoot with these weapons before you reload / delayed to fire after charging: M416, F200, FAMAS, KH2002, MK3A1, JNG90, MG36, QBU88, SVD, Pechenegs and SCAR -H, AN-94.
C-RAM and Pantisir are now destructible with multiple attacks
Increased the speed 'of the drone
Fixed glitch drone that exploded after launch
The radar shows the plane now allied vehicles and report those enemies
AA Mobile now can 'damage wagons
The guided missile attack on Jet now more 'quickly
The LAV is off 30%, no more 'than 50%
Decreased the damage of pink bullets against infantry and helicopters.
Adding C-RAM on the airplane carrier American Channels Nosharh to avoid SpawnCamping
Allied grenades now have a different color
Knife more 'reliable and relevant to melee attacks
Slightly reduced the sentence of time after a stabbing
The explosives now remain even after death
Adds the letters of the flags on the minimap
Reduced aim assist, aim assisted and 'slightly above the level pre Patch 1.05
Fixed glitch where on Close Quarters and Op Metro you could go puori map
The servers show map muccessiva at the end Martita
Changed the caliber of the ACW-R on Battlelog from 5.56mm to 6.5mm
Players using fixed and Mortars are now accoltellabili
Fixed the audio sometimes goes out of Sync
All players who have at least one star service with RPG and SMAW can choose which one to use
The premium can choose which one to use knives (ACB90 / Knife)
Decreased Ray Laser Designator
Added new Master of plates: M9/MP443/M1911 Tatt, Silent M1911, M67 Grenade, Tool Repair, Defibrillator
Removed for the Mini Mode 'Zealot / Hardcore