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Gracia+ > Freya : заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Автор темы: BIOHell
Дата создания: 26.06.2009 12:51
Аватар для BIOHell
Gracia+ > Freya : заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Уважаемые друзья, начинаю выполнять свое давнее обещание.

как и планировал, буду брать информацию из клиента игры плюс тягать с чужих разделов все, что может пригодится :)
да, вот такой мы читерский класс - тырим буффы других классов не только в игре.
Последний раз редактировалось NorseSunset_renamed_652826_08122020; 10.10.2010 в 22:25. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
Аватар для BIOHell
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
взято из гайда темных лучников, респект Ставру за проделанную работу!

Зачем точить?
Итак, что такое заточка скиллов и с чем её едят?
Пока персонаж имел зелёненький значок, все с ним было прозрачно. Новые уровни приносили повышение статов и позволяли учить новые уровни скиллов. Но после 74го уровня всё кардинально меняется. Статы персонажей растут, их сопротивления (урону и различным эффектам) скачут с бешенной скоростью... а вот скиллы новые уровни не получают. Дабы решить эту проблему NC-soft придумала достаточно элегантное решение, позволив игрокам затачивать (на манер заточки оружия) скиллы 2й профы и, начиная с Интерлюда, скиллы третей профы несколькими различными способами, тем самым создавая некую индивидуальность персонажам казалось бы одного уровня и одинаково одетым.
Понятно дело, что для индивидуализации необходим был какой-то сдерживающий фактор. И корейские ребята не долго думая, выбрали в качестве этого фактора старый проверенный метод - функцию rnd(), доверив процесс везению игроков и багам сервера.

Что-же на самом деле может дать заточка скилла игроку и нужно ли это делать вообще? Большинство скиллов (в частности, все пассивные) при заточке повышают свою эффективность, т.е. к примеру, если скилл повышал P.Def или наносил урон, то с его заточкой по определённой ветке P.Def или урон будет повышаться и дальше. Некоторые активные скиллы имеют опции заточки, добавляющие скиллу дополнительные эффекты. И, кроме того, все активные скиллы, требующе цели с повышением уровня заточки повышают т.н. Learn Level, тем самым, вне зависимости от направления заточки, повышают проходимость/продолжительность: и т.п.

Таблица зависимости Learn Level от степени заточки скилла: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?k...Zg&output=html

1) Skill enchantment.
Это т.н. "обычный энчант", который в большинстве случаев и производится игроками. Для любого не заточенного скилла можно выбрать любую из доступных веток энчанта (см. ниже), что потребует специальную книжку, а также некоторое количество SP и Exp (затрата SP = затрате EXP).
В случае если скилл уже заточен хотя-бы на +1, выбор ветки не предоставляется и книжка не требуется, но затраты SP и Exp растут тем быстрее, чем сильнее заточен скилл.
Каждая попытка заточки скилла имеет свой шанс, указанный в окошке энчанта. В случае провала уровень заточки скилла обнулится (тем самым вы безвозвратно теряете книгу и все потраченные на заточку SP и Exp) и для повторной попытки заточки вам снова понадобиться книжка.
Книжки Giant's Codex, требующиеся для такой заточки, можно получить следующими способами:
1) Одну штуку ("для разогрева") выдают за прохождение квеста на 3ю профессию.
2) Лорды замков могут покупать эти книжки за фрукты с манора.
3) Купить в олип-шопе за 5500 OT/NGP.
4) Купить на рынке книги из замков/нобель-шопа.

2) Safe enchantment.
Это т.н. "сейф энчант", который чаще всего производится игроками 80+ уровней для достижения впечатляющих (в первую очередь, попавших под такой скилл врагов) уровней заточки скиллов.
Такая заточка возможна только для заточенных хотя-бы на +1 скиллов. Каждая попытка безопасной заточки требует специальную книгу и тратит в 5 раз больше Exp и SP, чем в случае заточки этого-же скилла "обычным энчантом". Шансы удачной заточки такие-же как и при "обычном энчанте". В случае неудачи, пропадает только книга, Exp и SP на данную попытку, уровень заточки скилла остаётся неизменным.
Книжки Giant's Codex - Mastery, требующиеся для такой заточки, можно получить следующими способами:
1) Купить у NPC Fortress Border Patrol, бродящего вокруг каждого форта, за 1800KE + 1.8kka.
2) Выбить в Pailaka форта/замка.
3) Купить на рынке у персонажей, купивших её у NPC за KE или выбивших в форте/замке.

3) Untrain enchanted skills.
Эта опция позвоялет обнулить уровень заточки скилла. При этом возвращается 80% SP, затрачиваемого на "обычный энчант" до того уровня заточки, который был у вашего скилла. Потраченный Exp теряется безвозвратно.
Применяется обнуление скиллов в случае если ошибся при выборе ветки энчанта, но не успел заточить особенно сильно (например, заточил на +1 и понял свою ошибку).
Такая анти-заточка возможна только для заточенных хотя-бы на +1 скиллов. Дураку понятно, что одно обнуление одного скилла = одна книжка.
Книжки Giant's Codex - Oblivion, требующиеся для такой заточки, можно получить следующими способами:
1) Купить у NPC Fortress Border Patrol, бродящего вокруг каждого форта, за 200KE + 1kka.
2) Выбить в Pailaka форта/замка.
3) Купить на рынке у персонажей, купивших её у NPC за KE или выбивших в форте/замке.

4) Change enchanted routes.
Эта опция предназначена для смены направления заточки скилла. При смене направления возможна (редко) потеря до 3х уровней заточки. Чаще всего применяется, либо если по ошибке заточили скилл не на ту ветку, либо если ожидаемый эффект от заточки по данной ветке сильно разошёлся с реальным эффектом. Иногда применяется при обновлении игры до новых хроник, когда разработчики добавляют новые интересные опции заточки к старым скиллам.
Такая заточка возможна только для заточенных хотя-бы на +1 скиллов. Каждая смена направления заточки требует специальную книгу и НЕ требует Exp или SP.
Книжки Giant's Codex - Discipline, требующиеся для такой заточки, можно получить следующими способами:
1) Купить у NPC Fortress Border Patrol, бродящего вокруг каждого форта, за 540KE + 1.26kka.
2) Выбить в Pailaka форта/замка.
3) Купить на рынке у персонажей, купивших её у NPC за KE или выбивших в форте/замке.

Таблица шансов заточки скиллов в зависимости от уровня:

Общие сведения о заточке скиллов.
Как и зачем "точить" скиллы.
От чего зависит шанс заточки.

ввиду большого объема данных, в описании заточки скиллов указал только ту часть скилла, которая подвергается изменению.

то есть, базовая часть скилла и базовый бонус не меняются, смотрим только на прирост от заточки

Abyssal Power
Increases M. Atk. by 10%
++1 Increases M. Atk. by 10.1%
++2 Increases M. Atk. by 10.3%
++3 Increases M. Atk. by 10.5%
++4 Increases M. Atk. by 10.6%
++5 Increases M. Atk. by 10.8%
++6 Increases M. Atk. by 11%
++7 Increases M. Atk. by 11.1%
++8 Increases M. Atk. by 11.3%
++9 Increases M. Atk. by 11.5%
+10 Increases M. Atk. by 11.6%
+11 Increases M. Atk. by 11.8%
+12 Increases M. Atk. by 12%
+13 Increases M. Atk. by 12.1%
+14 Increases M. Atk. by 12.3%
+15 Increases M. Atk. by 12.5%
+16 Increases M. Atk. by 12.6%
+17 Increases M. Atk. by 12.8%
+18 Increases M. Atk. by 13%
+19 Increases M. Atk. by 13.1%
+20 Increases M. Atk. by 13.3%
+21 Increases M. Atk. by 13.5%
+22 Increases M. Atk. by 13.6%
+23 Increases M. Atk. by 13.8%
+24 Increases M. Atk. by 14%
+25 Increases M. Atk. by 14.1%
+26 Increases M. Atk. by 14.3%
+27 Increases M. Atk. by 14.5%
+28 Increases M. Atk. by 14.6%
+29 Increases M. Atk. by 14.8%
+30 Increases M. Atk. by 15%
Enchant Power: Increases M. Atk

Critical Sense
Increases critical rate by 25% and critical attack power by 317.
++1 Increases critical rate by 25.1%
++2 Increases critical rate by 25.3%
++3 Increases critical rate by 25.5%
++4 Increases critical rate by 25.6%
++5 Increases critical rate by 25.8%
++6 Increases critical rate by 26.0%
++7 Increases critical rate by 26.1%
++8 Increases critical rate by 26.3%
++9 Increases critical rate by 26.5%
+10 Increases critical rate by 26.6%
+11 Increases critical rate by 26.8%
+12 Increases critical rate by 27.0%
+13 Increases critical rate by 27.1%
+14 Increases critical rate by 27.3%
+15 Increases critical rate by 27.5%
+16 Increases critical rate by 27.6%
+17 Increases critical rate by 27.8%
+18 Increases critical rate by 28.1%
+19 Increases critical rate by 28.1%
+20 Increases critical rate by 28.3%
+21 Increases critical rate by 28.5%
+22 Increases critical rate by 28.6%
+23 Increases critical rate by 28.8%
+24 Increases critical rate by 29.0%
+25 Increases critical rate by 29.1%
+26 Increases critical rate by 29.3%
+27 Increases critical rate by 29.5%
+28 Increases critical rate by 29.6%
+29 Increases critical rate by 29.8%
+30 Increases critical rate by 30.0%
Enchant Power: Increases critical rate
++1 Critical power increased by 322
++2 Critical power increased by 327
++3 Critical power increased by 331
++4 Critical power increased by 336
++5 Critical power increased by 341
++6 Critical power increased by 346
++7 Critical power increased by 350
++8 Critical power increased by 355
++9 Critical power increased by 360
+10 Critical power increased by 365
+11 Critical power increased by 369
+12 Critical power increased by 374
+13 Critical power increased by 379
+14 Critical power increased by 384
+15 Critical power increased by 388
+16 Critical power increased by 393
+17 Critical power increased by 398
+18 Critical power increased by 403
+19 Critical power increased by 407
+20 Critical power increased by 412
+21 Critical power increased by 417
+22 Critical power increased by 422
+23 Critical power increased by 426
+24 Critical power increased by 431
+25 Critical power increased by 436
+26 Critical power increased by 441
+27 Critical power increased by 445
+28 Critical power increased by 450
+29 Critical power increased by 455
+30 Critical power increased by 460
Enchant Power: Increases Critical power

Rapier Mastery
P. Atk. increases by 96.4 when using a short sword
++1 P. Atk. increases by 103
++2 P. Atk. increases by 104
++3 P. Atk. increases by 105
++4 P. Atk. increases by 107
++5 P. Atk. increases by 108
++6 P. Atk. increases by 110
++7 P. Atk. increases by 111
++8 P. Atk. increases by 112
++9 P. Atk. increases by 114
+10 P. Atk. increases by 115
+11 P. Atk. increases by 116
+12 P. Atk. increases by 118
+13 P. Atk. increases by 119
+14 P. Atk. increases by 121
+15 P. Atk. increases by 122
+16 P. Atk. increases by 123
+17 P. Atk. increases by 125
+18 P. Atk. increases by 126
+19 P. Atk. increases by 128
+20 P. Atk. increases by 129
+21 P. Atk. increases by 130
+22 P. Atk. increases by 132
+23 P. Atk. increases by 133
+24 P. Atk. increases by 134
+25 P. Atk. increases by 136
+26 P. Atk. increases by 137
+27 P. Atk. increases by 139
+28 P. Atk. increases by 140
+29 P. Atk. increases by 141
+30 P. Atk. increases by 143
Enchant Power: Attack power increases
++1 Increases Atk. Spd. by 1.1%
++2 Increases Atk. Spd. by 1.2%
++3 Increases Atk. Spd. by 1.4%
++4 Increases Atk. Spd. by 1.5%
++5 Increases Atk. Spd. by 1.6%
++6 Increases Atk. Spd. by 1.8%
++7 Increases Atk. Spd. by 1.9%
++8 Increases Atk. Spd. by 2%
++9 Increases Atk. Spd. by 2.2%
+10 Increases Atk. Spd. by 2.3%
+11 Increases Atk. Spd. by 2.4%
+12 Increases Atk. Spd. by 2.6%
+13 Increases Atk. Spd. by 2.7%
+14 Increases Atk. Spd. by 2.8%
+15 Increases Atk. Spd. by 3%
+16 Increases Atk. Spd. by 3.1%
+17 Increases Atk. Spd. by 3.2%
+18 Increases Atk. Spd. by 3.4%
+19 Increases Atk. Spd. by 3.5%
+20 Increases Atk. Spd. by 3.6%
+21 Increases Atk. Spd. by 3.8%
+22 Increases Atk. Spd. by 3.9%
+23 Increases Atk. Spd. by 4%
+24 Increases Atk. Spd. by 4.2%
+25 Increases Atk. Spd. by 4.3%
+26 Increases Atk. Spd. by 4.4%
+27 Increases Atk. Spd. by 4.6%
+28 Increases Atk. Spd. by 4.7%
+29 Increases Atk. Spd. by 4.8%
+30 Increases Atk. Spd. by 5%
Enchant Swiftness: Increases Atk. Spd

Light Armor Mastery
When light armor is equipped, P. Def. increases by 65.6, evasion increases by 6, and received critical attack rate/damage decreases by 5%

++1 P.Def. increases by 69
++2 P.Def. increases by 69
++3 P.Def. increases by 70
++4 P.Def. increases by 70
++5 P.Def. increases by 71
++6 P.Def. increases by 72
++7 P.Def. increases by 72
++8 P.Def. increases by 73
++9 P.Def. increases by 73
+10 P.Def. increases by 74
+11 P.Def. increases by 74
+12 P.Def. increases by 75
+13 P.Def. increases by 75
+14 P.Def. increases by 76
+15 P.Def. increases by 76
+16 P.Def. increases by 77
+17 P.Def. increases by 78
+18 P.Def. increases by 78
+19 P.Def. increases by 79
+20 P.Def. increases by 79
+21 P.Def. increases by 80
+22 P.Def. increases by 80
+23 P.Def. increases by 81
+24 P.Def. increases by 81
+25 P.Def. increases by 82
+26 P.Def. increases by 82
+27 P.Def. increases by 83
+28 P.Def. increases by 84
+29 P.Def. increases by 84
+30 P.Def. increases by 85
Enchant Power: Increases P. Def.
++1 evasion increases by 7
++2 evasion increases by 7
++3 evasion increases by 7
++4 evasion increases by 7
++5 evasion increases by 7
++6 evasion increases by 7
++7 evasion increases by 7
++8 evasion increases by 8
++9 evasion increases by 8
+10 evasion increases by 8
+11 evasion increases by 8
+12 evasion increases by 8
+13 evasion increases by 8
+14 evasion increases by 8
+15 evasion increases by 9
+16 evasion increases by 9
+17 evasion increases by 9
+18 evasion increases by 9
+19 evasion increases by 9
+20 evasion increases by 9
+21 evasion increases by 9
+22 evasion increases by 9
+23 evasion increases by 10
+24 evasion increases by 10
+25 evasion increases by 10
+26 evasion increases by 10
+27 evasion increases by 10
+28 evasion increases by 10
+29 evasion increases by 10
+30 evasion increases by 11
Enchant Power: Increases evasion

Magic Immunity
Increases M. Def. by 108 and resistance to damage magic by 25%
++1 Increases M. Def. by 113
++2 Increases M. Def. by 114
++3 Increases M. Def. by 115
++4 Increases M. Def. by 115
++5 Increases M. Def. by 116
++6 Increases M. Def. by 117
++7 Increases M. Def. by 117
++8 Increases M. Def. by 118
++9 Increases M. Def. by 119
+10 Increases M. Def. by 119
+11 Increases M. Def. by 120
+12 Increases M. Def. by 121
+13 Increases M. Def. by 121
+14 Increases M. Def. by 122
+15 Increases M. Def. by 123
+16 Increases M. Def. by 123
+17 Increases M. Def. by 124
+18 Increases M. Def. by 125
+19 Increases M. Def. by 125
+20 Increases M. Def. by 126
+21 Increases M. Def. by 127
+22 Increases M. Def. by 127
+23 Increases M. Def. by 128
+24 Increases M. Def. by 129
+25 Increases M. Def. by 129
+26 Increases M. Def. by 130
+27 Increases M. Def. by 131
+28 Increases M. Def. by 131
+29 Increases M. Def. by 132
+30 Increases M. Def. by 133
Enchant Power: Increases M. Def.

Increases resistance to Hold, Sleep, and Mental attacks.
++1 Increases Hold resistance by 22
++2 Increases Hold resistance by 24
++3 Increases Hold resistance by 26
++4 Increases Hold resistance by 28
++5 Increases Hold resistance by 30
++6 Increases Hold resistance by 32
++7 Increases Hold resistance by 34
++8 Increases Hold resistance by 36
++9 Increases Hold resistance by 38
+10 Increases Hold resistance by 40
+11 Increases Hold resistance by 42
+12 Increases Hold resistance by 44
+13 Increases Hold resistance by 46
+14 Increases Hold resistance by 48
+15 Increases Hold resistance by 50
Enchant Power: Increases hold resistance
++1 Increases Sleep resistance by 22
++2 Increases Sleep resistance by 24
++3 Increases Sleep resistance by 26
++4 Increases Sleep resistance by 28
++5 Increases Sleep resistance by 30
++6 Increases Sleep resistance by 32
++7 Increases Sleep resistance by 34
++8 Increases Sleep resistance by 36
++9 Increases Sleep resistance by 38
+10 Increases Sleep resistance by 40
+11 Increases Sleep resistance by 42
+12 Increases Sleep resistance by 44
+13 Increases Sleep resistance by 46
+14 Increases Sleep resistance by 48
+15 Increases Sleep resistance by 50
Enchant Power: Increases sleep resistance
++1 Increases Mental attack resistance by 22
++2 Increases Mental attack resistance by 24
++3 Increases Mental attack resistance by 26
++4 Increases Mental attack resistance by 28
++5 Increases Mental attack resistance by 30
++6 Increases Mental attack resistance by 32
++7 Increases Mental attack resistance by 34
++8 Increases Mental attack resistance by 36
++9 Increases Mental attack resistance by 38
+10 Increases Mental attack resistance by 40
+11 Increases Mental attack resistance by 42
+12 Increases Mental attack resistance by 44
+13 Increases Mental attack resistance by 46
+14 Increases Mental attack resistance by 48
+15 Increases Mental attack resistance by 50
Enchant Power: Increases mental attack resistance

Increases resistance to Poison and Bleed.
++1 Increases Poison resistance by 22
++2 Increases Poison resistance by 24
++3 Increases Poison resistance by 26
++4 Increases Poison resistance by 28
++5 Increases Poison resistance by 30
++6 Increases Poison resistance by 32
++7 Increases Poison resistance by 34
++8 Increases Poison resistance by 36
++9 Increases Poison resistance by 38
+10 Increases Poison resistance by 40
+11 Increases Poison resistance by 42
+12 Increases Poison resistance by 44
+13 Increases Poison resistance by 46
+14 Increases Poison resistance by 48
+15 Increases Poison resistance by 50
Enchant Power: Increases poison resistance
++1 Increases Bleeding resistance by 22
++2 Increases Bleeding resistance by 24
++3 Increases Bleeding resistance by 26
++4 Increases Bleeding resistance by 28
++5 Increases Bleeding resistance by 30
++6 Increases Bleeding resistance by 32
++7 Increases Bleeding resistance by 34
++8 Increases Bleeding resistance by 36
++9 Increases Bleeding resistance by 38
+10 Increases Bleeding resistance by 40
+11 Increases Bleeding resistance by 42
+12 Increases Bleeding resistance by 44
+13 Increases Bleeding resistance by 46
+14 Increases Bleeding resistance by 48
+15 Increases Bleeding resistance by 50
Enchant Power: Increases bleeding resistance

Death Mark
Marks the enemy with a Death Mark. For 30 seconds, decreases P. Def. and M. Def. by 23% and consumes 63 HP per second
++1 consumes 63 HP per second
++2 consumes 63 HP per second
++3 consumes 63 HP per second
++4 consumes 64 HP per second
++5 consumes 64 HP per second
++6 consumes 64 HP per second
++7 consumes 64 HP per second
++8 consumes 64 HP per second
++9 consumes 64 HP per second
+10 consumes 64 HP per second
+11 consumes 64 HP per second
+12 consumes 64 HP per second
+13 consumes 64 HP per second
+14 consumes 65 HP per second
+15 consumes 65 HP per second
+16 consumes 65 HP per second
+17 consumes 65 HP per second
+18 consumes 65 HP per second
+19 consumes 65 HP per second
+20 consumes 65 HP per second
+21 consumes 65 HP per second
+22 consumes 65 HP per second
+23 consumes 65 HP per second
+24 consumes 66 HP per second
+25 consumes 66 HP per second
+26 consumes 66 HP per second
+27 consumes 66 HP per second
+28 consumes 66 HP per second
+29 consumes 66 HP per second
+30 consumes 66 HP per second
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 success rate 80%
++2 success rate 81%
++3 success rate 82%
++4 success rate 82%
++5 success rate 83%
++6 success rate 84%
++7 success rate 84%
++8 success rate 85%
++9 success rate 86%
+10 success rate 86%
+11 success rate 87%
+12 success rate 88%
+13 success rate 88%
+14 success rate 89%
+15 success rate 90%
+16 success rate 90%
+17 success rate 91%
+18 success rate 92%
+19 success rate 92%
+20 success rate 93%
+21 success rate 94%
+22 success rate 94%
+23 success rate 95%
+24 success rate 96%
+25 success rate 96%
+26 success rate 97%
+27 success rate 98%
+28 success rate 98%
+29 success rate 99%
+30 success rate 100%
Enchant Chance: Increases the success rate

Surrender to the Unholy
For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 30 and increases resistance to divine attacks by 15
++1 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 30
++2 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 31
++3 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 31
++4 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 32
++5 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 32
++6 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 33
++7 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 33
++8 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 34
++9 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 34
+10 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 35
+11 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 35
+12 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 36
+13 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 36
+14 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 37
+15 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 37
+16 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 38
+17 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 38
+18 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 39
+19 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 39
+20 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 40
+21 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 40
+22 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 41
+23 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 41
+24 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 42
+25 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 42
+26 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 43
+27 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 43
+28 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 44
+29 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 44
+30 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to Dark attacks by 45
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 For 33 seconds
++2 For 36 seconds
++3 For 39 seconds
++4 For 42 seconds
++5 For 45 seconds
++6 For 48 seconds
++7 For 51 seconds
++8 For 54 seconds
++9 For 57 seconds
+10 For 1 minute
+11 For 1 minute 3 seconds
+12 For 1 minute 6 seconds
+13 For 1 minute 9 seconds
+14 For 1 minute 12 seconds
+15 For 1 minute 15 seconds
+16 For 1 minute 18 seconds
+17 For 1 minute 21 seconds
+18 For 1 minute 24 seconds
+19 For 1 minute 27 seconds
+20 For 1 minute 30 seconds
+21 For 1 minute 33 seconds
+22 For 1 minute 36 seconds
+23 For 1 minute 39 seconds
+24 For 1 minute 42 seconds
+25 For 1 minute 45 seconds
+26 For 1 minute 48 seconds
+27 For 1 minute 51 seconds
+28 For 1 minute 54 seconds
+29 For 1 minute 57 seconds
+30 For 2 minute
Enchant Power: Increase Time
несмотря на то, что в клиенте присутствует описание скилла и его заточки на тайм,
в настоящий момент данный тип заточки скилла недоступен
++1 success rate 80%
++2 success rate 81%
++3 success rate 82%
++4 success rate 82%
++5 success rate 83%
++6 success rate 84%
++7 success rate 84%
++8 success rate 85%
++9 success rate 86%
+10 success rate 86%
+11 success rate 87%
+12 success rate 88%
+13 success rate 88%
+14 success rate 89%
+15 success rate 90%
+16 success rate 90%
+17 success rate 91%
+18 success rate 92%
+19 success rate 92%
+20 success rate 93%
+21 success rate 94%
+22 success rate 94%
+23 success rate 95%
+24 success rate 96%
+25 success rate 96%
+26 success rate 97%
+27 success rate 98%
+28 success rate 98%
+29 success rate 99%
+30 success rate 100%
Enchant Chance: Increases the success rate

Voice Bind
Seals an enemy's voice, blocking their ability to cast magic for 20 seconds
++1 success rate 80%
++2 success rate 81%
++3 success rate 82%
++4 success rate 82%
++5 success rate 83%
++6 success rate 84%
++7 success rate 84%
++8 success rate 85%
++9 success rate 86%
+10 success rate 86%
+11 success rate 87%
+12 success rate 88%
+13 success rate 88%
+14 success rate 89%
+15 success rate 90%
+16 success rate 90%
+17 success rate 91%
+18 success rate 92%
+19 success rate 92%
+20 success rate 93%
+21 success rate 94%
+22 success rate 94%
+23 success rate 95%
+24 success rate 96%
+25 success rate 96%
+26 success rate 97%
+27 success rate 98%
+28 success rate 98%
+29 success rate 99%
+30 success rate 100%
Enchant Chance: Increases the success rate
++1 blocking for 25 seconds
++2 blocking for 30 seconds
++3 blocking for 36 seconds
++4 blocking for 41 seconds
++5 blocking for 46 seconds
++6 blocking for 52 seconds
++7 blocking for 57 seconds
++8 blocking for 62 seconds
++9 blocking for 1 minute, 8 seconds
+10 blocking for 1 minute, 13 seconds
+11 blocking for 1 minute, 18 seconds
+12 blocking for 1 minute, 24 seconds
+13 blocking for 1 minute, 29 seconds
+14 blocking for 1 minute, 34 seconds
+15 blocking for 1 minute, 40 seconds
+16 blocking for 1 minute, 45 seconds
+17 blocking for 1 minute, 50 seconds
+18 blocking for 1 minute, 56 seconds
+19 blocking for 2 minutes, 1 second
+20 blocking for 2 minutes, 6 seconds
+21 blocking for 2 minutes, 12 seconds
+22 blocking for 2 minutes, 17 seconds
+23 blocking for 2 minutes, 22 seconds
+24 blocking for 2 minutes, 28 seconds
+25 blocking for 2 minutes, 33 seconds
+26 blocking for 2 minutes, 38 seconds
+27 blocking for 2 minutes, 44 seconds
+28 blocking for 2 minutes, 49 seconds
+29 blocking for 2 minutes, 54 seconds
+30 blocking for 3 minutes
Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration

Shadow Bind
Imprisons an enemy's shadow, holding them for 15 seconds
++1 success rate 80%
++2 success rate 81%
++3 success rate 82%
++4 success rate 82%
++5 success rate 83%
++6 success rate 84%
++7 success rate 84%
++8 success rate 85%
++9 success rate 86%
+10 success rate 86%
+11 success rate 87%
+12 success rate 88%
+13 success rate 88%
+14 success rate 89%
+15 success rate 90%
+16 success rate 90%
+17 success rate 91%
+18 success rate 92%
+19 success rate 92%
+20 success rate 93%
+21 success rate 94%
+22 success rate 94%
+23 success rate 95%
+24 success rate 96%
+25 success rate 96%
+26 success rate 97%
+27 success rate 98%
+28 success rate 98%
+29 success rate 99%
+30 success rate 100%
Enchant Chance: Increases the success rate
++1 holding for 20 seconds
++2 holding for 26 seconds
++3 holding for 31 seconds
++4 holding for 37 seconds
++5 holding for 42 seconds
++6 holding for 48 seconds
++7 holding for 53 seconds
++8 holding for 59 seconds
++9 holding for 1 minute 4 seconds
+10 holding for 1 minute 10 seconds
+11 holding for 1 minute 15 seconds
+12 holding for 1 minute 21 seconds
+13 holding for 1 minute 26 seconds
+14 holding for 1 minute 32 seconds
+15 holding for 1 minute 37 seconds
+16 holding for 1 minute 43 seconds
+17 holding for 1 minute 48 seconds
+18 holding for 1 minute 54 seconds
+19 holding for 1 minute 59 seconds
+20 holding for 2 minutes 5 seconds
+21 holding for 2 minutes 10 seconds
+22 holding for 2 minutes 16 seconds
+23 holding for 2 minutes 21 seconds
+24 holding for 2 minutes 27 seconds
+25 holding for 2 minutes 32 seconds
+26 holding for 2 minutes 38 seconds
+27 holding for 2 minutes 43 seconds
+28 holding for 2 minutes 49 seconds
+29 holding for 2 minutes 54 seconds
+30 holding for 3 minutes
Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration

Curse of Life Flow
For 30 seconds, inflicts a curse on the enemy that causes him to lose the power of life. Regenerates the target's HP if damaged at a certain rate.
++1 success rate 80%
++2 success rate 81%
++3 success rate 82%
++4 success rate 82%
++5 success rate 83%
++6 success rate 84%
++7 success rate 84%
++8 success rate 85%
++9 success rate 86%
+10 success rate 86%
+11 success rate 87%
+12 success rate 88%
+13 success rate 88%
+14 success rate 89%
+15 success rate 90%
+16 success rate 90%
+17 success rate 91%
+18 success rate 92%
+19 success rate 92%
+20 success rate 93%
+21 success rate 94%
+22 success rate 94%
+23 success rate 95%
+24 success rate 96%
+25 success rate 96%
+26 success rate 97%
+27 success rate 98%
+28 success rate 98%
+29 success rate 99%
+30 success rate 100%
Enchant chance: Success rate is increased
++1 duration is increased for 39 seconds
++2 duration is increased for 48 seconds
++3 duration is increased for 57 seconds
++4 duration is increased for 1 minute, 6 seconds
++5 duration is increased for 1 minute, 15 seconds
++6 duration is increased for 1 minute, 24 seconds
++7 duration is increased for 1 minute, 33 seconds
++8 duration is increased for 1 minute, 42 seconds
++9 duration is increased for 1 minute, 51 seconds
+10 duration is increased for 2 minutes
+11 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 9 seconds
+12 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 18 seconds
+13 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 27 seconds
+14 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 36 seconds
+15 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 45 seconds
+16 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 54 seconds
+17 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 3 seconds
+18 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 12 seconds
+19 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 21 seconds
+20 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 30 seconds
+21 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 39 seconds
+22 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 48 seconds
+23 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 57 seconds
+24 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 6 seconds
+25 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 15 seconds
+26 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 24 seconds
+27 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 33 seconds
+28 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 42 seconds
+29 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 51 seconds
+30 duration is increased for 5 minutes
Enchant time: Duration is increased

Soul Web
Spreads a soul net to decrease the moving speed near the enemy by 30% for 1 minute.
++1 success rate 60%
++2 success rate 60%
++3 success rate 61%
++4 success rate 61%
++5 success rate 61%
++6 success rate 62%
++7 success rate 62%
++8 success rate 62%
++9 success rate 63%
+10 success rate 63%
+11 success rate 63%
+12 success rate 64%
+13 success rate 64%
+14 success rate 64%
+15 success rate 65%
+16 success rate 65%
+17 success rate 65%
+18 success rate 66%
+19 success rate 66%
+20 success rate 66%
+21 success rate 67%
+22 success rate 67%
+23 success rate 67%
+24 success rate 68%
+25 success rate 68%
+26 success rate 68%
+27 success rate 69%
+28 success rate 69%
+29 success rate 60%
+30 success rate 70%
Enchant chance: Success rate is increased
++1 duration is increased for 1 minute, 8 seconds
++2 duration is increased for 1 minute, 16 seconds
++3 duration is increased for 1 minute, 24 seconds
++4 duration is increased for 1 minute, 32 seconds
++5 duration is increased for 1 minute, 40 seconds
++6 duration is increased for 1 minute, 48 seconds
++7 duration is increased for 1 minute, 56 seconds
++8 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 4 seconds
++9 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 12 seconds
+10 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 20 seconds
+11 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 28 seconds
+12 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 36 seconds
+13 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 44 seconds
+14 duration is increased for 2 minutes, 52 seconds
+15 duration is increased for 3 minutes
+16 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 8 seconds
+17 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 16 seconds
+18 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 24 seconds
+19 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 32 seconds
+20 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 40 seconds
+21 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 48 seconds
+22 duration is increased for 3 minutes, 56 seconds
+23 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 4 seconds
+24 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 12 seconds
+25 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 20 seconds
+26 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 28 seconds
+27 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 36 seconds
+28 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 44 seconds
+29 duration is increased for 4 minutes, 52 seconds
+30 duration is increased for 5 minutes
Enchant time: Duration is increased
++1 MP consumption decrease to 66
++2 MP consumption decrease to 65
++3 MP consumption decrease to 63
++4 MP consumption decrease to 62
++5 MP consumption decrease to 61
++6 MP consumption decrease to 60
++7 MP consumption decrease to 60
++8 MP consumption decrease to 58
++9 MP consumption decrease to 57
+10 MP consumption decrease to 56
+11 MP consumption decrease to 55
+12 MP consumption decrease to 53
+13 MP consumption decrease to 52
+14 MP consumption decrease to 51
+15 MP consumption decrease to 50
+16 MP consumption decrease to 48
+17 MP consumption decrease to 47
+18 MP consumption decrease to 47
+19 MP consumption decrease to 46
+20 MP consumption decrease to 45
+21 MP consumption decrease to 43
+22 MP consumption decrease to 42
+23 MP consumption decrease to 41
+24 MP consumption decrease to 40
+25 MP consumption decrease to 38
+26 MP consumption decrease to 37
+27 MP consumption decrease to 36
+28 MP consumption decrease to 36
+29 MP consumption decrease to 35
+30 MP consumption decrease to 33
Enchant cost: MP consumption is decreased

Dark Flame
Unleash a soul to frighten enemies in front of you. Consumes 5 Souls. Power 76.
++1 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 78 Power
++2 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 78 Power
++3 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 79 Power
++4 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 79 Power
++5 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 79 Power
++6 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 79 Power
++7 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 80 Power
++8 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 80 Power
++9 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 80 Power
+10 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 80 Power
+11 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 81 Power
+12 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 81 Power
+13 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 81 Power
+14 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 81 Power
+15 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 82 Power
+16 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 82 Power
+17 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 82 Power
+18 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 82 Power
+19 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 83 Power
+20 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 83 Power
+21 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 83 Power
+22 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 83 Power
+23 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 84 Power
+24 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 84 Power
+25 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 84 Power
+26 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 84 Power
+27 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 85 Power
+28 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 85 Power
+29 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 85 Power
+30 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 85 Power
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 77 Power and MP consumption decrease to 89
++2 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 77 Power and MP consumption decrease to 88
++3 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 77 Power and MP consumption decrease to 87
++4 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 77 Power and MP consumption decrease to 85
++5 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 77 Power and MP consumption decrease to 84
++6 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 77 Power and MP consumption decrease to 83
++7 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 77 Power and MP consumption decrease to 82
++8 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 77 Power and MP consumption decrease to 80
++9 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 77 Power and MP consumption decrease to 79
+10 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 78 Power and MP consumption decrease to 78
+11 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 78 Power and MP consumption decrease to 77
+12 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 78 Power and MP consumption decrease to 75
+13 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 78 Power and MP consumption decrease to 74
+14 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 78 Power and MP consumption decrease to 73
+15 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 78 Power and MP consumption decrease to 72
+16 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 78 Power and MP consumption decrease to 70
+17 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 78 Power and MP consumption decrease to 69
+18 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 78 Power and MP consumption decrease to 68
+19 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 78 Power and MP consumption decrease to 67
+20 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 79 Power and MP consumption decrease to 67
+21 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 79 Power and MP consumption decrease to 65
+22 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 79 Power and MP consumption decrease to 64
+23 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 79 Power and MP consumption decrease to 63
+24 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 79 Power and MP consumption decrease to 62
+25 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 79 Power and MP consumption decrease to 60
+26 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 79 Power and MP consumption decrease to 59
+27 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 79 Power and MP consumption decrease to 58
+28 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 79 Power and MP consumption decrease to 57
+29 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 79 Power and MP consumption decrease to 55
+30 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 80 Power and MP consumption decrease to 54
Enchant Cost+Power: Enchant cost: MP consumption is decreased and Power is increased
++1 success rate 80%
++2 success rate 81%
++3 success rate 82%
++4 success rate 82%
++5 success rate 83%
++6 success rate 84%
++7 success rate 84%
++8 success rate 85%
++9 success rate 86%
+10 success rate 86%
+11 success rate 87%
+12 success rate 88%
+13 success rate 88%
+14 success rate 89%
+15 success rate 90%
+16 success rate 90%
+17 success rate 91%
+18 success rate 92%
+19 success rate 92%
+20 success rate 93%
+21 success rate 94%
+22 success rate 94%
+23 success rate 95%
+24 success rate 96%
+25 success rate 96%
+26 success rate 97%
+27 success rate 98%
+28 success rate 98%
+29 success rate 99%
+30 success rate 100%
Enchant Сhance: Success rate is increased
++1 Increases Dark damage by 21
++2 Increases Dark damage by 22
++3 Increases Dark damage by 23
++4 Increases Dark damage by 24
++5 Increases Dark damage by 25
++6 Increases Dark damage by 26
++7 Increases Dark damage by 27
++8 Increases Dark damage by 28
++9 Increases Dark damage by 29
+10 Increases Dark damage by 30
+11 Increases Dark damage by 31
+12 Increases Dark damage by 32
+13 Increases Dark damage by 33
+14 Increases Dark damage by 34
+15 Increases Dark damage by 35
+16 Increases Dark damage by 36
+17 Increases Dark damage by 37
+18 Increases Dark damage by 38
+19 Increases Dark damage by 39
+20 Increases Dark damage by 40
+21 Increases Dark damage by 41
+22 Increases Dark damage by 42
+23 Increases Dark damage by 43
+24 Increases Dark damage by 44
+25 Increases Dark damage by 45
+26 Increases Dark damage by 46
+27 Increases Dark damage by 47
+28 Increases Dark damage by 48
+29 Increases Dark damage by 49
+30 Increases Dark damage by 50
Enchant Dark Attack: Increases Dark damage
++1 Dark resistance is weakened by 2
++2 Dark resistance is weakened by 4
++3 Dark resistance is weakened by 5
++4 Dark resistance is weakened by 7
++5 Dark resistance is weakened by 9
++6 Dark resistance is weakened by 10
++7 Dark resistance is weakened by 12
++8 Dark resistance is weakened by 14
++9 Dark resistance is weakened by 15
+10 Dark resistance is weakened by 17
+11 Dark resistance is weakened by 18
+12 Dark resistance is weakened by 20
+13 Dark resistance is weakened by 22
+14 Dark resistance is weakened by 23
+15 Dark resistance is weakened by 25
+16 Dark resistance is weakened by 27
+17 Dark resistance is weakened by 28
+18 Dark resistance is weakened by 30
+19 Dark resistance is weakened by 32
+20 Dark resistance is weakened by 33
+21 Dark resistance is weakened by 35
+22 Dark resistance is weakened by 36
+23 Dark resistance is weakened by 38
+24 Dark resistance is weakened by 40
+25 Dark resistance is weakened by 41
+26 Dark resistance is weakened by 43
+27 Dark resistance is weakened by 45
+28 Dark resistance is weakened by 46
+29 Dark resistance is weakened by 48
+30 Dark resistance is weakened by 50
Enchant Weaken Dark: The target's Dark resistance is weakened

Supplements user's P. Atk. with 1 Power, stunning nearby enemies for 2 seconds and teleporting them to the rear. Teleport distance 500. Power is increased upon the consumption of up to 5 souls
++1 MP consumption decrease to 98
++2 MP consumption decrease to 96
++3 MP consumption decrease to 94
++4 MP consumption decrease to 92
++5 MP consumption decrease to 90
++6 MP consumption decrease to 90
++7 MP consumption decrease to 88
++8 MP consumption decrease to 86
++9 MP consumption decrease to 84
+10 MP consumption decrease to 82
+11 MP consumption decrease to 80
+12 MP consumption decrease to 80
+13 MP consumption decrease to 78
+14 MP consumption decrease to 76
+15 MP consumption decrease to 74
+16 MP consumption decrease to 72
+17 MP consumption decrease to 70
+18 MP consumption decrease to 70
+19 MP consumption decrease to 68
+20 MP consumption decrease to 66
+21 MP consumption decrease to 64
+22 MP consumption decrease to 62
+23 MP consumption decrease to 60
+24 MP consumption decrease to 60
+25 MP consumption decrease to 58
+26 MP consumption decrease to 56
+27 MP consumption decrease to 54
+28 MP consumption decrease to 52
+29 MP consumption decrease to 50
+30 MP consumption decrease to 50
Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption
++1 jump distance is increased by 13
++2 jump distance is increased by 26
++3 jump distance is increased by 40
++4 jump distance is increased by 53
++5 jump distance is increased by 66
++6 jump distance is increased by 80
++7 jump distance is increased by 93
++8 jump distance is increased by 106
++9 jump distance is increased by 120
+10 jump distance is increased by 133
+11 jump distance is increased by 146
+12 jump distance is increased by 160
+13 jump distance is increased by 173
+14 jump distance is increased by 186
+15 jump distance is increased by 200
+16 jump distance is increased by 213
+17 jump distance is increased by 226
+18 jump distance is increased by 240
+19 jump distance is increased by 253
+20 jump distance is increased by 266
+21 jump distance is increased by 280
+22 jump distance is increased by 293
+23 jump distance is increased by 306
+24 jump distance is increased by 320
+25 jump distance is increased by 333
+26 jump distance is increased by 346
+27 jump distance is increased by 360
+28 jump distance is increased by 373
+29 jump distance is increased by 386
+30 jump distance is increased by 400
Enchant Distance: Jump distance is increased

Soul Vortex
Stirs up a vortex connecting to the dimension of souls and inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy with 112 power added to magic power. For 30 seconds, decreases moving speed by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, and Casting Spd. by 30%. Consumes 12 MP every second. Over-hit.
++1 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 113 Power
++2 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 114 Power
++3 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 115 Power
++4 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 116 Power
++5 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 117 Power
++6 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 118 Power
++7 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 119 Power
++8 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 119 Power
++9 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 120 Power
+10 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 121 Power
+11 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 122 Power
+12 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 123 Power
+13 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 124 Power
+14 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 125 Power
+15 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 126 Power
Enchant Power: Power is increased
++1 MP consumption decrease to 101
++2 MP consumption decrease to 97
++3 MP consumption decrease to 93
++4 MP consumption decrease to 90
++5 MP consumption decrease to 87
++6 MP consumption decrease to 83
++7 MP consumption decrease to 80
++8 MP consumption decrease to 76
++9 MP consumption decrease to 73
+10 MP consumption decrease to 70
+11 MP consumption decrease to 66
+12 MP consumption decrease to 62
+13 MP consumption decrease to 58
+14 MP consumption decrease to 56
+15 MP consumption decrease to 52
Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption
++1 success rate 81%
++2 success rate 82%
++3 success rate 83%
++4 success rate 84%
++5 success rate 85%
++6 success rate 86%
++7 success rate 87%
++8 success rate 88%
++9 success rate 89%
+10 success rate 90%
+11 success rate 91%
+12 success rate 92%
+13 success rate 93%
+14 success rate 94%
+15 success rate 95%
Enchant Сhance: Success rate is increased
++1 - Duel Power: 114
++2 - Duel Power: 116
++3 - Duel Power: 118
++4 - Duel Power: 119
++5 - Duel Power: 121
++6 - Duel Power: 123
++7 - Duel Power: 124
++8 - Duel Power: 126
++9 - Duel Power: 128
+10 - Duel Power: 130
+11 - Duel Power: 131
+12 - Duel Power: 133
+13 - Duel Power: 135
+14 - Duel Power: 136
+15 - Duel Power: 138
Enchant Duel: Increases power during PvP

Triple Thrust
Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3069 Power in a blindingly quick triple jab.
Power is increased upon consumption of up to 5 souls.
Requires a short sword. Over-hit is possible
++1 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3255 Power
++2 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3278 Power
++3 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3300 Power
++4 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3322 Power
++5 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3344 Power
++6 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3366 Power
++7 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3388 Power
++8 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3411 Power
++9 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3433 Power
+10 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3455 Power
+11 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3477 Power
+12 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3499 Power
+13 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3521 Power
+14 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3544 Power
+15 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3566 Power
+16 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3588 Power
+17 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3610 Power
+18 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3632 Power
+19 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3654 Power
+20 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3676 Power
+21 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3699 Power
+22 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3721 Power
+23 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3743 Power
+24 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3765 Power
+25 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3787 Power
+26 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3809 Power
+27 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3832 Power
+28 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3854 Power
+29 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3876 Power
+30 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3898 Power
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3255 Power and MP consumption decrease to 59
++2 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3278 Power and MP consumption decrease to 58
++3 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3300 Power and MP consumption decrease to 57
++4 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3322 Power and MP consumption decrease to 56
++5 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3344 Power and MP consumption decrease to 55
++6 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3366 Power and MP consumption decrease to 54
++7 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3388 Power and MP consumption decrease to 53
++8 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3410 Power and MP consumption decrease to 52
++9 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3432 Power and MP consumption decrease to 51
+10 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3455 Power and MP consumption decrease to 50
+11 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3477 Power and MP consumption decrease to 49
+12 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3499 Power and MP consumption decrease to 48
+13 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3521 Power and MP consumption decrease to 47
+14 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3543 Power and MP consumption decrease to 46
+15 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3565 Power and MP consumption decrease to 45
+16 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3587 Power and MP consumption decrease to 44
+17 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3609 Power and MP consumption decrease to 43
+18 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3632 Power and MP consumption decrease to 42
+19 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3654 Power and MP consumption decrease to 41
+20 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3676 Power and MP consumption decrease to 40
+21 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3698 Power and MP consumption decrease to 39
+22 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3720 Power and MP consumption decrease to 38
+23 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3742 Power and MP consumption decrease to 37
+24 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3764 Power and MP consumption decrease to 36
+25 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3786 Power and MP consumption decrease to 35
+26 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3809 Power and MP consumption decrease to 34
+27 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3831 Power and MP consumption decrease to 33
+28 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3853 Power and MP consumption decrease to 32
+29 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3875 Power and MP consumption decrease to 31
+30 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 3897 Power and MP consumption decrease to 30
Enchant Cost+Power: MP consumption is decreased and Power is increased
++1 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 1
++2 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 3
++3 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 5
++4 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 6
++5 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 8
++6 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 10
++7 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 11
++8 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 13
++9 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 15
+10 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 16
+11 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 18
+12 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 20
+13 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 21
+14 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 23
+15 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 25
+16 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 26
+17 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 28
+18 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 30
+19 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 31
+20 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 33
+21 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 35
+22 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 36
+23 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 38
+24 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 40
+25 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 41
+26 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 43
+27 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 45
+28 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 46
+29 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 48
+30 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 50
Enchant Fire/Water/Wind/Earth Attack: Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage
++1 - Duel Power: 3123
++2 - Duel Power: 3177
++3 - Duel Power: 3230
++4 - Duel Power: 3284
++5 - Duel Power: 3338
++6 - Duel Power: 3391
++7 - Duel Power: 3445
++8 - Duel Power: 3499
++9 - Duel Power: 3552
+10 - Duel Power: 3606
+11 - Duel Power: 3659
+12 - Duel Power: 3713
+13 - Duel Power: 3767
+14 - Duel Power: 3820
+15 - Duel Power: 3874
+16 - Duel Power: 3928
+17 - Duel Power: 3981
+18 - Duel Power: 4035
+19 - Duel Power: 4089
+20 - Duel Power: 4142
+21 - Duel Power: 4196
+22 - Duel Power: 4249
+23 - Duel Power: 4303
+24 - Duel Power: 4357
+25 - Duel Power: 4410
+26 - Duel Power: 4464
+27 - Duel Power: 4518
+28 - Duel Power: 4571
+29 - Duel Power: 4625
+30 - Duel Power: 4679
Enchant Duel: Increases power during PvP

Shining Edge
Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5479 Power in a deadly blade attack.
Power is increased upon consumption of up to 5 souls.
Requires a short sword. Over-hit is possible
++1 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5813 Power
++2 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5852 Power
++3 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5892 Power
++4 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5932 Power
++5 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5971 Power
++6 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6011 Power
++7 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6050 Power
++8 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6090 Power
++9 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6129 Power
+10 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6169 Power
+11 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6209 Power
+12 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6248 Power
+13 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6288 Power
+14 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6327 Power
+15 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6367 Power
+16 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6406 Power
+17 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6446 Power
+18 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6486 Power
+19 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6525 Power
+20 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6565 Power
+21 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6604 Power
+22 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6644 Power
+23 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6683 Power
+24 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6723 Power
+25 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6763 Power
+26 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6802 Power
+27 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6842 Power
+28 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6881 Power
+29 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6921 Power
+30 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6960 Power
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5497 Power and MP consumption decrease to 59
++2 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5515 Power and MP consumption decrease to 58
++3 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5534 Power and MP consumption decrease to 57
++4 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5552 Power and MP consumption decrease to 56
++5 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5571 Power and MP consumption decrease to 55
++6 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5589 Power and MP consumption decrease to 54
++7 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5608 Power and MP consumption decrease to 53
++8 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5626 Power and MP consumption decrease to 52
++9 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5645 Power and MP consumption decrease to 51
+10 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5663 Power and MP consumption decrease to 50
+11 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5682 Power and MP consumption decrease to 49
+12 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5700 Power and MP consumption decrease to 48
+13 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5719 Power and MP consumption decrease to 47
+14 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5737 Power and MP consumption decrease to 46
+15 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5755 Power and MP consumption decrease to 45
+16 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5774 Power and MP consumption decrease to 44
+17 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5792 Power and MP consumption decrease to 43
+18 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5811 Power and MP consumption decrease to 42
+19 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5829 Power and MP consumption decrease to 41
+20 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5848 Power and MP consumption decrease to 40
+21 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5866 Power and MP consumption decrease to 39
+22 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5885 Power and MP consumption decrease to 38
+23 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5903 Power and MP consumption decrease to 37
+24 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5922 Power and MP consumption decrease to 36
+25 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5940 Power and MP consumption decrease to 35
+26 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5959 Power and MP consumption decrease to 34
+27 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5977 Power and MP consumption decrease to 33
+28 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5996 Power and MP consumption decrease to 32
+29 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6014 Power and MP consumption decrease to 31
+30 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6032 Power and MP consumption decrease to 30
Enchant Cost+Power: MP consumption is decreased and Power is increased
++1 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 1
++2 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 3
++3 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 5
++4 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 6
++5 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 8
++6 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 10
++7 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 11
++8 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 13
++9 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 15
+10 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 16
+11 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 18
+12 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 20
+13 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 21
+14 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 23
+15 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 25
+16 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 26
+17 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 28
+18 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 30
+19 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 31
+20 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 33
+21 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 35
+22 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 36
+23 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 38
+24 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 40
+25 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 41
+26 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 43
+27 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 45
+28 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 46
+29 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 48
+30 Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage by 50
Enchant Fire/Water/Wind/Earth Attack: Increases Fire/Water/Wind/Earth damage
++1 - Duel Power: 5574
++2 - Duel Power: 5670
++3 - Duel Power: 5766
++4 - Duel Power: 5862
++5 - Duel Power: 5957
++6 - Duel Power: 6053
++7 - Duel Power: 6149
++8 - Duel Power: 6245
++9 - Duel Power: 6340
+10 - Duel Power: 6436
+11 - Duel Power: 6532
+12 - Duel Power: 6628
+13 - Duel Power: 6723
+14 - Duel Power: 6819
+15 - Duel Power: 6915
+16 - Duel Power: 7011
+17 - Duel Power: 7107
+18 - Duel Power: 7202
+19 - Duel Power: 7298
+20 - Duel Power: 7394
+21 - Duel Power: 7490
+22 - Duel Power: 7585
+23 - Duel Power: 7681
+24 - Duel Power: 7777
+25 - Duel Power: 7873
+26 - Duel Power: 7968
+27 - Duel Power: 8064
+28 - Duel Power: 8160
+29 - Duel Power: 8256
+30 - Duel Power: 8352
Enchant Duel: Increases power during PvP

Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark.
Power is increased upon consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword.
Ignores shield defense. Critical hit is possible
++1 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5813 Power
++2 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5852 Power
++3 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5892 Power
++4 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5932 Power
++5 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5971 Power
++6 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6011 Power
++7 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6050 Power
++8 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6090 Power
++9 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6129 Power
+10 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6169 Power
+11 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6209 Power
+12 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6248 Power
+13 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6288 Power
+14 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6327 Power
+15 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6367 Power
+16 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6406 Power
+17 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6446 Power
+18 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6486 Power
+19 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6525 Power
+20 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6565 Power
+21 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6604 Power
+22 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6644 Power
+23 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6683 Power
+24 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6723 Power
+25 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6763 Power
+26 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6802 Power
+27 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6842 Power
+28 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6881 Power
+29 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6921 Power
+30 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6960 Power
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5359 Power and MP consumption decrease to 50
++2 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5388 Power and MP consumption decrease to 49
++3 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5417 Power and MP consumption decrease to 48
++4 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5446 Power and MP consumption decrease to 47
++5 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5475 Power and MP consumption decrease to 46
++6 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5504 Power and MP consumption decrease to 46
++7 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5533 Power and MP consumption decrease to 45
++8 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5562 Power and MP consumption decrease to 44
++9 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5591 Power and MP consumption decrease to 43
+10 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5620 Power and MP consumption decrease to 42
+11 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5649 Power and MP consumption decrease to 41
+12 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5678 Power and MP consumption decrease to 41
+13 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5707 Power and MP consumption decrease to 40
+14 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5735 Power and MP consumption decrease to 39
+15 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5764 Power and MP consumption decrease to 38
+16 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5793 Power and MP consumption decrease to 37
+17 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5822 Power and MP consumption decrease to 36
+18 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5851 Power and MP consumption decrease to 36
+19 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5880 Power and MP consumption decrease to 35
+20 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5909 Power and MP consumption decrease to 34
+21 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5938 Power and MP consumption decrease to 33
+22 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5967 Power and MP consumption decrease to 32
+23 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 5996 Power and MP consumption decrease to 31
+24 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6025 Power and MP consumption decrease to 31
+25 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6054 Power and MP consumption decrease to 30
+26 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6083 Power and MP consumption decrease to 29
+27 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6112 Power and MP consumption decrease to 28
+28 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6141 Power and MP consumption decrease to 27
+29 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6170 Power and MP consumption decrease to 26
+30 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 6199 Power and MP consumption decrease to 26
Enchant Cost+Power: Enchant cost: MP consumption is decreased and Power is increased
++1 Increases Dark damage by 1
++2 Increases Dark damage by 3
++3 Increases Dark damage by 5
++4 Increases Dark damage by 6
++5 Increases Dark damage by 8
++6 Increases Dark damage by 10
++7 Increases Dark damage by 11
++8 Increases Dark damage by 13
++9 Increases Dark damage by 15
+10 Increases Dark damage by 16
+11 Increases Dark damage by 18
+12 Increases Dark damage by 20
+13 Increases Dark damage by 21
+14 Increases Dark damage by 23
+15 Increases Dark damage by 25
+16 Increases Dark damage by 26
+17 Increases Dark damage by 28
+18 Increases Dark damage by 30
+19 Increases Dark damage by 31
+20 Increases Dark damage by 33
+21 Increases Dark damage by 35
+22 Increases Dark damage by 36
+23 Increases Dark damage by 38
+24 Increases Dark damage by 40
+25 Increases Dark damage by 41
+26 Increases Dark damage by 43
+27 Increases Dark damage by 45
+28 Increases Dark damage by 46
+29 Increases Dark damage by 48
+30 Increases Dark damage by 50
Enchant Dark Attack: Increases Dark damage
++1 - Duel Power: 5285
++2 - Duel Power: 5391
++3 - Duel Power: 5497
++4 - Duel Power: 5602
++5 - Duel Power: 5708
++6 - Duel Power: 5814
++7 - Duel Power: 5920
++8 - Duel Power: 6025
++9 - Duel Power: 6131
+10 - Duel Power: 6237
+11 - Duel Power: 6343
+12 - Duel Power: 6448
+13 - Duel Power: 6554
+14 - Duel Power: 6660
+15 - Duel Power: 6766
+16 - Duel Power: 6871
+17 - Duel Power: 6977
+18 - Duel Power: 7083
+19 - Duel Power: 7188
+20 - Duel Power: 7294
+21 - Duel Power: 7400
+22 - Duel Power: 7506
+23 - Duel Power: 7611
+24 - Duel Power: 7717
+25 - Duel Power: 7823
+26 - Duel Power: 7929
+27 - Duel Power: 8034
+28 - Duel Power: 8140
+29 - Duel Power: 8246
+30 - Duel Power: 8352
Enchant Duel: Increases power during PvP

Spread Wing
Spreads wings to attack nearby enemies with 2192 Power added to P. Atk. Power is increased upon consumption of up to 5 souls. Over-hit is possible.
++1 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2325 Power
++2 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2341 Power
++3 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2357 Power
++4 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2373 Power
++5 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2389 Power
++6 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2405 Power
++7 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2420 Power
++8 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2436 Power
++9 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2452 Power
+10 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2468 Power
+11 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2484 Power
+12 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2500 Power
+13 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2515 Power
+14 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2531 Power
+15 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2547 Power
+16 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2563 Power
+17 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2579 Power
+18 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2595 Power
+19 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2610 Power
+20 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2626 Power
+21 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2642 Power
+22 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2658 Power
+23 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2674 Power
+24 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2690 Power
+25 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2705 Power
+26 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2721 Power
+27 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2737 Power
+28 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2753 Power
+29 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2769 Power
+30 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2784 Power
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2196 Power and MP consumption decrease to 74
++2 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2200 Power and MP consumption decrease to 73
++3 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2204 Power and MP consumption decrease to 72
++4 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2209 Power and MP consumption decrease to 72
++5 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2213 Power and MP consumption decrease to 71
++6 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2217 Power and MP consumption decrease to 70
++7 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2221 Power and MP consumption decrease to 69
++8 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2226 Power and MP consumption decrease to 69
++9 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2230 Power and MP consumption decrease to 68
+10 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2234 Power and MP consumption decrease to 67
+11 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2238 Power and MP consumption decrease to 66
+12 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2243 Power and MP consumption decrease to 66
+13 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2247 Power and MP consumption decrease to 65
+14 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2251 Power and MP consumption decrease to 64
+15 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2255 Power and MP consumption decrease to 64
+16 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2260 Power and MP consumption decrease to 63
+17 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2264 Power and MP consumption decrease to 62
+18 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2268 Power and MP consumption decrease to 61
+19 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2273 Power and MP consumption decrease to 61
+20 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2277 Power and MP consumption decrease to 60
+21 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2281 Power and MP consumption decrease to 59
+22 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2285 Power and MP consumption decrease to 58
+23 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2290 Power and MP consumption decrease to 58
+24 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2294 Power and MP consumption decrease to 57
+25 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2298 Power and MP consumption decrease to 56
+26 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2302 Power and MP consumption decrease to 55
+27 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2307 Power and MP consumption decrease to 55
+28 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2311 Power and MP consumption decrease to 54
+29 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2315 Power and MP consumption decrease to 53
+30 Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2319 Power and MP consumption decrease to 53
Enchant Cost+Power: MP consumption is decreased and Power is increased
Последний раз редактировалось NorseSunset_renamed_652826_08122020; 20.10.2010 в 20:31.
Аватар для BIOHell
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Life to Soul
Cannibalizes your own life to increase your soul by 5. HP consumption: 328
++1 Increases Soul by 6
++2 Increases Soul by 7
++3 Increases Soul by 7
++4 Increases Soul by 8
++5 Increases Soul by 8
++6 Increases Soul by 9
++7 Increases Soul by 9
++8 Increases Soul by 10
++9 Increases Soul by 10
+10 Increases Soul by 11
+11 Increases Soul by 11
+12 Increases Soul by 12
+13 Increases Soul by 12
+14 Increases Soul by 13
+15 Increases Soul by 13
+16 Increases Soul by 14
+17 Increases Soul by 14
+18 Increases Soul by 15
+19 Increases Soul by 15
+20 Increases Soul by 16
+21 Increases Soul by 16
+22 Increases Soul by 17
+23 Increases Soul by 17
+24 Increases Soul by 18
+25 Increases Soul by 18
+26 Increases Soul by 19
+27 Increases Soul by 19
+28 Increases Soul by 20
+29 Increases Soul by 20
+30 Increases Soul by 21
Enchant Power: Soul is increased
++1 HP consumption decrease to 323
++2 HP consumption decrease to 318
++3 HP consumption decrease to 312
++4 HP consumption decrease to 307
++5 HP consumption decrease to 301
++6 HP consumption decrease to 296
++7 HP consumption decrease to 290
++8 HP consumption decrease to 285
++9 HP consumption decrease to 279
+10 HP consumption decrease to 274
+11 HP consumption decrease to 268
+12 HP consumption decrease to 263
+13 HP consumption decrease to 257
+14 HP consumption decrease to 252
+15 HP consumption decrease to 247
+16 HP consumption decrease to 241
+17 HP consumption decrease to 236
+18 HP consumption decrease to 230
+19 HP consumption decrease to 225
+20 HP consumption decrease to 219
+21 HP consumption decrease to 214
+22 HP consumption decrease to 208
+23 HP consumption decrease to 203
+24 HP consumption decrease to 197
+25 HP consumption decrease to 192
+26 HP consumption decrease to 186
+27 HP consumption decrease to 181
+28 HP consumption decrease to 175
+29 HP consumption decrease to 170
+30 HP consumption decrease to 165
Enchant Cost: Decreases HP consumption

Soul Gathering
Gathers in nearby souls. Maximum amount of souls can be absorbed at once. Consumes 10 Spirit Ores. HP consumption: 200
++1 HP consumption decrease to 196
++2 HP consumption decrease to 193
++3 HP consumption decrease to 190
++4 HP consumption decrease to 186
++5 HP consumption decrease to 183
++6 HP consumption decrease to 180
++7 HP consumption decrease to 176
++8 HP consumption decrease to 173
++9 HP consumption decrease to 170
+10 HP consumption decrease to 166
+11 HP consumption decrease to 163
+12 HP consumption decrease to 160
+13 HP consumption decrease to 156
+14 HP consumption decrease to 153
+15 HP consumption decrease to 150
+16 HP consumption decrease to 146
+17 HP consumption decrease to 143
+18 HP consumption decrease to 140
+19 HP consumption decrease to 136
+20 HP consumption decrease to 133
+21 HP consumption decrease to 130
+22 HP consumption decrease to 126
+23 HP consumption decrease to 123
+24 HP consumption decrease to 120
+25 HP consumption decrease to 116
+26 HP consumption decrease to 113
+27 HP consumption decrease to 110
+28 HP consumption decrease to 106
+29 HP consumption decrease to 103
+30 HP consumption decrease to 100
Enchant Cost: HP consumption is decreased
++1 Reuse time 1770 seconds
++2 Reuse time 1710 seconds
++3 Reuse time 1710 seconds
++4 Reuse time 1680 seconds
++5 Reuse time 1650 seconds
++6 Reuse time 1620 seconds
++7 Reuse time 1590 seconds
++8 Reuse time 1560 seconds
++9 Reuse time 1530 seconds
+10 Reuse time 1500 seconds
+11 Reuse time 1470 seconds
+12 Reuse time 1410 seconds
+13 Reuse time 1410 seconds
+14 Reuse time 1380 seconds
+15 Reuse time 1350 seconds
+16 Reuse time 1320 seconds
+17 Reuse time 1290 seconds
+18 Reuse time 1260 seconds
+19 Reuse time 1230 seconds
+20 Reuse time 1200 seconds
+21 Reuse time 1170 seconds
+22 Reuse time 1110 seconds
+23 Reuse time 1110 seconds
+24 Reuse time 1080 seconds
+25 Reuse time 1050 seconds
+26 Reuse time 1020 seconds
+27 Reuse time 990 seconds
+28 Reuse time 960 seconds
+29 Reuse time 930 seconds
+30 Reuse time 900 seconds
Enchant Recovery: Reuse time is decreased

Dark Weapon
Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 20 minutes.
Can be used on party members
++1 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 30 for 20 minutes
++2 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 31 for 20 minutes
++3 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 32 for 20 minutes
++4 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 32 for 20 minutes
++5 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 33 for 20 minutes
++6 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 34 for 20 minutes
++7 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 34 for 20 minutes
++8 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 35 for 20 minutes
++9 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 36 for 20 minutes
+10 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 36 for 20 minutes
+11 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 37 for 20 minutes
+12 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 38 for 20 minutes
+13 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 38 for 20 minutes
+14 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 39 for 20 minutes
+15 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 40 for 20 minutes
+16 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 40 for 20 minutes
+17 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 41 for 20 minutes
+18 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 42 for 20 minutes
+19 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 42 for 20 minutes
+20 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 43 for 20 minutes
+21 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 44 for 20 minutes
+22 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 44 for 20 minutes
+23 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 45 for 20 minutes
+24 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 46 for 20 minutes
+25 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 46 for 20 minutes
+26 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 47 for 20 minutes
+27 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 48 for 20 minutes
+28 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 48 for 20 minutes
+29 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 49 for 20 minutes
+30 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 50 for 20 minutes
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 20 minutes 40 seconds
++2 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 21 minutes 20 seconds
++3 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 22 minutes
++4 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 22 minutes 40 seconds
++5 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 23 minutes 20 seconds
++6 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 24 minutes
++7 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 24 minutes 40 seconds
++8 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 25 minutes 20 seconds
++9 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 26 minutes
+10 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 26 minutes 40 seconds
+11 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 27 minutes 20 seconds
+12 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 28 minutes
+13 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 28 minutes 40 seconds
+14 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 29 minutes 20 seconds
+15 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 30 minutes
+16 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 30 minutes 40 seconds
+17 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 31 minutes 20 seconds
+18 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 32 minutes
+19 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 32 minutes 40 seconds
+20 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 33 minutes 20 seconds
+21 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 34 minutes
+22 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 34 minutes 40 seconds
+23 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 35 minutes 20 seconds
+24 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 36 minutes
+25 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 36 minutes 40 seconds
+26 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 37 minutes 20 seconds
+27 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 38 minutes
+28 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 38 minutes 40 seconds
+29 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 39 minutes 20 seconds
+30 Increases the target's Dark attack level by 20 for 40 minutes
Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration

Pride of Kamael
When using a Kamael-exclusive weapon, P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 3 minutes.
May be applied to Kamael party members
++1 P. Atk. is increased by 11%
++2 P. Atk. is increased by 12%
++3 P. Atk. is increased by 13%
++4 P. Atk. is increased by 14%
++5 P. Atk. is increased by 15%
++6 P. Atk. is increased by 16%
++7 P. Atk. is increased by 17%
++8 P. Atk. is increased by 18%
++9 P. Atk. is increased by 19%
+10 P. Atk. is increased by 20%
+11 P. Atk. is increased by 21%
+12 P. Atk. is increased by 22%
+13 P. Atk. is increased by 23%
+14 P. Atk. is increased by 24%
+15 P. Atk. is increased by 25%
+16 P. Atk. is increased by 26%
+17 P. Atk. is increased by 27%
+18 P. Atk. is increased by 28%
+19 P. Atk. is increased by 29%
+20 P. Atk. is increased by 30%
+21 P. Atk. is increased by 31%
+22 P. Atk. is increased by 32%
+23 P. Atk. is increased by 33%
+24 P. Atk. is increased by 34%
+25 P. Atk. is increased by 35%
+26 P. Atk. is increased by 36%
+27 P. Atk. is increased by 37%
+28 P. Atk. is increased by 38%
+29 P. Atk. is increased by 39%
+30 P. Atk. is increased by 40%
Enchant Power: Increases P. Atk
++1 M.Atk. is increased by 11%
++2 M.Atk. is increased by 12%
++3 M.Atk. is increased by 13%
++4 M.Atk. is increased by 14%
++5 M.Atk. is increased by 15%
++6 M.Atk. is increased by 16%
++7 M.Atk. is increased by 17%
++8 M.Atk. is increased by 18%
++9 M.Atk. is increased by 19%
+10 M.Atk. is increased by 20%
+11 M.Atk. is increased by 21%
+12 M.Atk. is increased by 22%
+13 M.Atk. is increased by 23%
+14 M.Atk. is increased by 24%
+15 M.Atk. is increased by 25%
+16 M.Atk. is increased by 26%
+17 M.Atk. is increased by 27%
+18 M.Atk. is increased by 28%
+19 M.Atk. is increased by 29%
+20 M.Atk. is increased by 30%
+21 M.Atk. is increased by 31%
+22 M.Atk. is increased by 32%
+23 M.Atk. is increased by 33%
+24 M.Atk. is increased by 34%
+25 M.Atk. is increased by 35%
+26 M.Atk. is increased by 36%
+27 M.Atk. is increased by 37%
+28 M.Atk. is increased by 38%
+29 M.Atk. is increased by 39%
+30 M.Atk. is increased by 40%
Enchant Power: Increases M. Atk
++1 lethal attack rate is increased by 11%
++2 lethal attack rate is increased by 12%
++3 lethal attack rate is increased by 13%
++4 lethal attack rate is increased by 14%
++5 lethal attack rate is increased by 15%
++6 lethal attack rate is increased by 16%
++7 lethal attack rate is increased by 17%
++8 lethal attack rate is increased by 18%
++9 lethal attack rate is increased by 19%
+10 lethal attack rate is increased by 20%
+11 lethal attack rate is increased by 21%
+12 lethal attack rate is increased by 22%
+13 lethal attack rate is increased by 23%
+14 lethal attack rate is increased by 24%
+15 lethal attack rate is increased by 25%
+16 lethal attack rate is increased by 26%
+17 lethal attack rate is increased by 27%
+18 lethal attack rate is increased by 28%
+19 lethal attack rate is increased by 29%
+20 lethal attack rate is increased by 30%
+21 lethal attack rate is increased by 31%
+22 lethal attack rate is increased by 32%
+23 lethal attack rate is increased by 33%
+24 lethal attack rate is increased by 34%
+25 lethal attack rate is increased by 35%
+26 lethal attack rate is increased by 36%
+27 lethal attack rate is increased by 37%
+28 lethal attack rate is increased by 38%
+29 lethal attack rate is increased by 39%
+30 lethal attack rate is increased by 40%
Enchant Power: Increases lethal rate
++1 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 3 minutes, 6 seconds
++2 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 3 minutes, 12 seconds
++3 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 3 minutes, 18 seconds
++4 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 3 minutes, 24 seconds
++5 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 3 minutes, 30 seconds
++6 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 3 minutes, 36 seconds
++7 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 3 minutes, 42 seconds
++8 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 3 minutes, 48 seconds
++9 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 3 minutes, 54 seconds
+10 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 4 minute
+11 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 4 minutes, 6 seconds
+12 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 4 minutes, 12 seconds
+13 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 4 minutes, 18 seconds
+14 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 4 minutes, 24 seconds
+15 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 4 minutes, 30 seconds
+16 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 4 minutes, 36 seconds
+17 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 4 minutes, 42 seconds
+18 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 4 minutes, 48 seconds
+19 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 4 minutes, 54 seconds
+20 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 5 minutes
+21 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 5 minutes, 6 seconds
+22 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 5 minutes, 12 seconds
+23 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 5 minutes, 18 seconds
+24 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 5 minutes, 24 seconds
+25 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 5 minutes, 30 seconds
+26 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 5 minutes, 36 seconds
+27 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 5 minutes, 42 seconds
+28 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 5 minutes, 48 seconds
+29 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 5 minutes, 54 seconds
+30 P. Atk., M. Atk. and critical attack rate are increased by 10% for 6 minutes
Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration

Protection from Darkness
Increases the target's resistance to Dark attacks by 30 for 20 minutes.
++1 Increases Dark resistance by 34 for 20 minutes
++2 Increases Dark resistance by 38 for 20 minutes
++3 Increases Dark resistance by 42 for 20 minutes
++4 Increases Dark resistance by 46 for 20 minutes
++5 Increases Dark resistance by 50 for 20 minutes
++6 Increases Dark resistance by 54 for 20 minutes
++7 Increases Dark resistance by 58 for 20 minutes
++8 Increases Dark resistance by 62 for 20 minutes
++9 Increases Dark resistance by 66 for 20 minutes
+10 Increases Dark resistance by 70 for 20 minutes
+11 Increases Dark resistance by 74 for 20 minutes
+12 Increases Dark resistance by 78 for 20 minutes
+13 Increases Dark resistance by 82 for 20 minutes
+14 Increases Dark resistance by 86 for 20 minutes
+15 Increases Dark resistance by 90 for 20 minutes
+16 Increases Dark resistance by 94 for 20 minutes
+17 Increases Dark resistance by 98 for 20 minutes
+18 Increases Dark resistance by 102 for 20 minutes
+19 Increases Dark resistance by 106 for 20 minutes
+20 Increases Dark resistance by 110 for 20 minutes
+21 Increases Dark resistance by 114 for 20 minutes
+22 Increases Dark resistance by 118 for 20 minutes
+23 Increases Dark resistance by 122 for 20 minutes
+24 Increases Dark resistance by 126 for 20 minutes
+25 Increases Dark resistance by 130 for 20 minutes
+26 Increases Dark resistance by 134 for 20 minutes
+27 Increases Dark resistance by 138 for 20 minutes
+28 Increases Dark resistance by 142 for 20 minutes
+29 Increases Dark resistance by 146 for 20 minutes
+30 Increases Dark resistance by 150 for 20 minutes
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 Increases Dark resistance by 31 for 20 minutes 40 seconds
++2 Increases Dark resistance by 32 for 21 minutes 20 seconds
++3 Increases Dark resistance by 33 for 22 minutes
++4 Increases Dark resistance by 34 for 22 minutes 40 seconds
++5 Increases Dark resistance by 35 for 23 minutes 20 seconds
++6 Increases Dark resistance by 36 for 24 minutes
++7 Increases Dark resistance by 37 for 24 minutes 20 seconds
++8 Increases Dark resistance by 38 for 25 minutes 20 seconds
++9 Increases Dark resistance by 39 for 26 minutes
+10 Increases Dark resistance by 40 for 26 minutes 40 seconds
+11 Increases Dark resistance by 41 for 27 minutes 20 seconds
+12 Increases Dark resistance by 42 for 28 minutes
+13 Increases Dark resistance by 43 for 28 minutes 40 seconds
+14 Increases Dark resistance by 44 for 29 minutes 20 seconds
+15 Increases Dark resistance by 45 for 30 minutes
+16 Increases Dark resistance by 46 for 30 minutes 40 seconds
+17 Increases Dark resistance by 47 for 31 minutes 20 seconds
+18 Increases Dark resistance by 48 for 32 minutes
+19 Increases Dark resistance by 49 for 32 minutes 40 seconds
+20 Increases Dark resistance by 50 for 33 minutes 20 seconds
+21 Increases Dark resistance by 51 for 34 minutes
+22 Increases Dark resistance by 52 for 34 minutes 40 seconds
+23 Increases Dark resistance by 53 for 35 minutes 20 seconds
+24 Increases Dark resistance by 54 for 36 minutes
+25 Increases Dark resistance by 55 for 36 minutes 40 seconds
+26 Increases Dark resistance by 56 for 37 minutes 20 seconds
+27 Increases Dark resistance by 57 for 38 minutes
+28 Increases Dark resistance by 58 for 38 minutes 40 seconds
+29 Increases Dark resistance by 59 for 39 minutes 20 seconds
+30 Increases Dark resistance by 60 for 40 minutes
Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration and resistance to dark attacks

Lightning Barrier
Spreads lightning's defensive barrier for 20 minutes. Paralyzes the target that attacked you.
++1 Activation rate is increased
++2 Activation rate is increased
++3 Activation rate is increased
++4 Activation rate is increased
++5 Activation rate is increased
++6 Activation rate is increased
++7 Activation rate is increased
++8 Activation rate is increased
++9 Activation rate is increased
+10 Activation rate is increased
+11 Activation rate is increased
+12 Activation rate is increased
+13 Activation rate is increased
+14 Activation rate is increased
+15 Activation rate is increased
Enchant Power: Activation rate is increased
++1 MP consumption decrease to 35, increases the activation rate and the success rate
++2 MP consumption decrease to 33, increases the activation rate and the success rate
++3 MP consumption decrease to 32, increases the activation rate and the success rate
++4 MP consumption decrease to 31, increases the activation rate and the success rate
++5 MP consumption decrease to 30, increases the activation rate and the success rate
++6 MP consumption decrease to 28, increases the activation rate and the success rate
++7 MP consumption decrease to 27, increases the activation rate and the success rate
++8 MP consumption decrease to 26, increases the activation rate and the success rate
++9 MP consumption decrease to 25, increases the activation rate and the success rate
+10 MP consumption decrease to 25, increases the activation rate and the success rate
+11 MP consumption decrease to 23, increases the activation rate and the success rate
+12 MP consumption decrease to 22, increases the activation rate and the success rate
+13 MP consumption decrease to 21, increases the activation rate and the success rate
+14 MP consumption decrease to 20, increases the activation rate and the success rate
+15 MP consumption decrease to 18, increases the activation rate and the success rate
Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption, increases the activation rate and the success rate
++1 Success rate is increased
++2 Success rate is increased
++3 Success rate is increased
++4 Success rate is increased
++5 Success rate is increased
++6 Success rate is increased
++7 Success rate is increased
++8 Success rate is increased
++9 Success rate is increased
+10 Success rate is increased
+11 Success rate is increased
+12 Success rate is increased
+13 Success rate is increased
+14 Success rate is increased
+15 Success rate is increased
Enchant Chance: Success rate is increased

Soul Of Pain
Unleash a soul to attack an enemy. Has a chance to remove the enemy's target. Consumes 5 Souls. Power 108.
++1 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 111 Power
++2 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 112 Power
++3 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 112 Power
++4 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 112 Power
++5 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 113 Power
++6 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 113 Power
++7 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 113 Power
++8 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 114 Power
++9 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 114 Power
+10 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 115 Power
+11 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 115 Power
+12 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 115 Power
+13 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 116 Power
+14 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 116 Power
+15 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 116 Power
+16 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 117 Power
+17 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 117 Power
+18 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 117 Power
+19 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 118 Power
+20 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 118 Power
+21 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 119 Power
+22 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 119 Power
+23 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 119 Power
+24 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 120 Power
+25 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 120 Power
+26 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 120 Power
+27 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 121 Power
+28 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 121 Power
+29 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 121 Power
+30 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 122 Power
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 109 Power and MP consumption decrease to 54
++2 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 109 Power and MP consumption decrease to 53
++3 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 109 Power and MP consumption decrease to 52
++4 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 109 Power and MP consumption decrease to 50
++5 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 110 Power and MP consumption decrease to 50
++6 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 110 Power and MP consumption decrease to 50
++7 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 110 Power and MP consumption decrease to 49
++8 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 110 Power and MP consumption decrease to 48
++9 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 110 Power and MP consumption decrease to 48
+10 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 111 Power and MP consumption decrease to 46
+11 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 111 Power and MP consumption decrease to 46
+12 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 111 Power and MP consumption decrease to 45
+13 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 111 Power and MP consumption decrease to 44
+14 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 111 Power and MP consumption decrease to 44
+15 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 112 Power and MP consumption decrease to 42
+16 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 112 Power and MP consumption decrease to 42
+17 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 112 Power and MP consumption decrease to 41
+18 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 112 Power and MP consumption decrease to 41
+19 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 112 Power and MP consumption decrease to 40
+20 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 113 Power and MP consumption decrease to 38
+21 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 113 Power and MP consumption decrease to 38
+22 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 113 Power and MP consumption decrease to 38
+23 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 113 Power and MP consumption decrease to 37
+24 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 113 Power and MP consumption decrease to 36
+25 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 114 Power and MP consumption decrease to 34
+26 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 114 Power and MP consumption decrease to 34
+27 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 114 Power and MP consumption decrease to 34
+28 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 114 Power and MP consumption decrease to 33
+29 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 114 Power and MP consumption decrease to 32
+30 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 115 Power and MP consumption decrease to 30
Enchant Cost+Power: Enchant cost: MP consumption is decreased and Power is increased
++1 Increases Dark damage by 21
++2 Increases Dark damage by 22
++3 Increases Dark damage by 23
++4 Increases Dark damage by 24
++5 Increases Dark damage by 25
++6 Increases Dark damage by 26
++7 Increases Dark damage by 27
++8 Increases Dark damage by 28
++9 Increases Dark damage by 29
+10 Increases Dark damage by 30
+11 Increases Dark damage by 31
+12 Increases Dark damage by 32
+13 Increases Dark damage by 33
+14 Increases Dark damage by 34
+15 Increases Dark damage by 35
+16 Increases Dark damage by 36
+17 Increases Dark damage by 37
+18 Increases Dark damage by 38
+19 Increases Dark damage by 39
+20 Increases Dark damage by 40
+21 Increases Dark damage by 41
+22 Increases Dark damage by 42
+23 Increases Dark damage by 43
+24 Increases Dark damage by 44
+25 Increases Dark damage by 45
+26 Increases Dark damage by 46
+27 Increases Dark damage by 47
+28 Increases Dark damage by 48
+29 Increases Dark damage by 49
+30 Increases Dark damage by 50
Enchant Dark Attack: Increases Dark damage
++1 - Duel Power: 109
++2 - Duel Power: 110
++3 - Duel Power: 111
++4 - Duel Power: 113
++5 - Duel Power: 114
++6 - Duel Power: 115
++7 - Duel Power: 116
++8 - Duel Power: 118
++9 - Duel Power: 119
+10 - Duel Power: 120
+11 - Duel Power: 121
+12 - Duel Power: 123
+13 - Duel Power: 124
+14 - Duel Power: 125
+15 - Duel Power: 127
+16 - Duel Power: 128
+17 - Duel Power: 129
+18 - Duel Power: 130
+19 - Duel Power: 132
+20 - Duel Power: 133
+21 - Duel Power: 134
+22 - Duel Power: 135
+23 - Duel Power: 137
+24 - Duel Power: 138
+25 - Duel Power: 139
+26 - Duel Power: 140
+27 - Duel Power: 142
+28 - Duel Power: 143
+29 - Duel Power: 144
+30 - Duel Power: 146
Enchant Duel: Increases power during PvP

Annihilation Circle
Inflicts darkness damage near the enemy with 108 Power added to magic power. Increases power upon soul consumption. Up to 5 are consumed.
++1 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 111 Power
++2 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 112 Power
++3 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 112 Power
++4 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 112 Power
++5 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 113 Power
++6 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 113 Power
++7 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 113 Power
++8 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 114 Power
++9 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 114 Power
+10 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 115 Power
+11 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 115 Power
+12 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 115 Power
+13 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 116 Power
+14 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 116 Power
+15 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 116 Power
+16 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 117 Power
+17 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 117 Power
+18 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 117 Power
+19 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 118 Power
+20 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 118 Power
+21 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 119 Power
+22 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 119 Power
+23 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 119 Power
+24 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 120 Power
+25 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 120 Power
+26 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 120 Power
+27 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 121 Power
+28 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 121 Power
+29 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 121 Power
+30 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 122 Power
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 109 Power and MP consumption decrease to 89
++2 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 109 Power and MP consumption decrease to 88
++3 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 109 Power and MP consumption decrease to 87
++4 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 109 Power and MP consumption decrease to 85
++5 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 110 Power and MP consumption decrease to 84
++6 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 110 Power and MP consumption decrease to 83
++7 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 110 Power and MP consumption decrease to 82
++8 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 110 Power and MP consumption decrease to 80
++9 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 110 Power and MP consumption decrease to 79
+10 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 111 Power and MP consumption decrease to 78
+11 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 111 Power and MP consumption decrease to 77
+12 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 111 Power and MP consumption decrease to 75
+13 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 111 Power and MP consumption decrease to 74
+14 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 111 Power and MP consumption decrease to 73
+15 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 112 Power and MP consumption decrease to 72
+16 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 112 Power and MP consumption decrease to 70
+17 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 112 Power and MP consumption decrease to 69
+18 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 112 Power and MP consumption decrease to 68
+19 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 112 Power and MP consumption decrease to 67
+20 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 113 Power and MP consumption decrease to 67
+21 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 113 Power and MP consumption decrease to 65
+22 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 113 Power and MP consumption decrease to 64
+23 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 113 Power and MP consumption decrease to 63
+24 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 113 Power and MP consumption decrease to 62
+25 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 114 Power and MP consumption decrease to 60
+26 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 114 Power and MP consumption decrease to 59
+27 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 114 Power and MP consumption decrease to 58
+28 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 114 Power and MP consumption decrease to 57
+29 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 114 Power and MP consumption decrease to 55
+30 - Supplements user's M. Atk. by 115 Power and MP consumption decrease to 54
Enchant Cost+Power: Enchant cost: MP consumption is decreased and Power is increased
++1 Increases Dark damage by 21
++2 Increases Dark damage by 22
++3 Increases Dark damage by 23
++4 Increases Dark damage by 24
++5 Increases Dark damage by 25
++6 Increases Dark damage by 26
++7 Increases Dark damage by 27
++8 Increases Dark damage by 28
++9 Increases Dark damage by 29
+10 Increases Dark damage by 30
+11 Increases Dark damage by 31
+12 Increases Dark damage by 32
+13 Increases Dark damage by 33
+14 Increases Dark damage by 34
+15 Increases Dark damage by 35
+16 Increases Dark damage by 36
+17 Increases Dark damage by 37
+18 Increases Dark damage by 38
+19 Increases Dark damage by 39
+20 Increases Dark damage by 40
+21 Increases Dark damage by 41
+22 Increases Dark damage by 42
+23 Increases Dark damage by 43
+24 Increases Dark damage by 44
+25 Increases Dark damage by 45
+26 Increases Dark damage by 46
+27 Increases Dark damage by 47
+28 Increases Dark damage by 48
+29 Increases Dark damage by 49
+30 Increases Dark damage by 50
Enchant Dark Attack: Increases Dark damage
++1 - Duel Power: 109
++2 - Duel Power: 110
++3 - Duel Power: 111
++4 - Duel Power: 113
++5 - Duel Power: 114
++6 - Duel Power: 115
++7 - Duel Power: 116
++8 - Duel Power: 118
++9 - Duel Power: 119
+10 - Duel Power: 120
+11 - Duel Power: 121
+12 - Duel Power: 123
+13 - Duel Power: 124
+14 - Duel Power: 125
+15 - Duel Power: 127
+16 - Duel Power: 128
+17 - Duel Power: 129
+18 - Duel Power: 130
+19 - Duel Power: 132
+20 - Duel Power: 133
+21 - Duel Power: 134
+22 - Duel Power: 135
+23 - Duel Power: 137
+24 - Duel Power: 138
+25 - Duel Power: 139
+26 - Duel Power: 140
+27 - Duel Power: 142
+28 - Duel Power: 143
+29 - Duel Power: 144
+30 - Duel Power: 146
Enchant Duel: Increases power during PvP

Summons the devastating cannon Leopold to fire upon an enemy, supplementing user's M. Atk. with 224 Power
++1 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 235 Power
++2 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 235 Power
++3 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 236 Power
++4 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 237 Power
++5 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 237 Power
++6 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 238 Power
++7 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 238 Power
++8 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 239 Power
++9 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 239 Power
+10 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 240 Power
+11 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 241 Power
+12 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 241 Power
+13 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 242 Power
+14 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 242 Power
+15 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 243 Power
Enchant Power: Increases effectiveness
++1 MP consumption decrease to 103
++2 MP consumption decrease to 99
++3 MP consumption decrease to 95
++4 MP consumption decrease to 92
++5 MP consumption decrease to 89
++6 MP consumption decrease to 85
++7 MP consumption decrease to 82
++8 MP consumption decrease to 78
++9 MP consumption decrease to 75
+10 MP consumption decrease to 72
+11 MP consumption decrease to 68
+12 MP consumption decrease to 64
+13 MP consumption decrease to 62
+14 MP consumption decrease to 58
+15 MP consumption decrease to 54
Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption
++1 Increases Fire damage by 22
++2 Increases Fire damage by 24
++3 Increases Fire damage by 26
++4 Increases Fire damage by 28
++5 Increases Fire damage by 30
++6 Increases Fire damage by 32
++7 Increases Fire damage by 34
++8 Increases Fire damage by 36
++9 Increases Fire damage by 38
+10 Increases Fire damage by 40
+11 Increases Fire damage by 42
+12 Increases Fire damage by 44
+13 Increases Fire damage by 46
+14 Increases Fire damage by 48
+15 Increases Fire damage by 50
Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage
++1 - Duel Power: 228
++2 - Duel Power: 232
++3 - Duel Power: 236
++4 - Duel Power: 241
++5 - Duel Power: 245
++6 - Duel Power: 249
++7 - Duel Power: 253
++8 - Duel Power: 258
++9 - Duel Power: 262
+10 - Duel Power: 266
+11 - Duel Power: 270
+12 - Duel Power: 275
+13 - Duel Power: 279
+14 - Duel Power: 283
+15 - Duel Power: 288
Enchant Duel: Increases power during PvP

Soul Strike
Consecutively throws souls to inflict non-attribute damage on the enemy using 166 Power added to magic power. Increases power upon soul consumption.
Up to 5 are consumed
++1 167 Power added to magic power
++2 168 Power added to magic power
++3 169 Power added to magic power
++4 170 Power added to magic power
++5 171 Power added to magic power
++6 173 Power added to magic power
++7 174 Power added to magic power
++8 175 Power added to magic power
++9 176 Power added to magic power
+10 177 Power added to magic power
+11 178 Power added to magic power
+12 180 Power added to magic power
+13 181 Power added to magic power
+14 182 Power added to magic power
+15 183 Power added to magic power
Enchant power: Power is increased
++1 - Duel Power: 168
++2 - Duel Power: 170
++3 - Duel Power: 172
++4 - Duel Power: 174
++5 - Duel Power: 176
++6 - Duel Power: 178
++7 - Duel Power: 180
++8 - Duel Power: 182
++9 - Duel Power: 184
+10 - Duel Power: 186
+11 - Duel Power: 188
+12 - Duel Power: 190
+13 - Duel Power: 192
+14 - Duel Power: 194
+15 - Duel Power: 196
Enchant Duel: Power is increased during PvP

Soul Vortex Extinction
Detonates an Soul Vortex to inflict non-attribute damage on the enemy with 195 power added to magic power. Increases power upon soul consumption. Up to 5 are consumed.
++1 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 197 Power
++2 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 198 Power
++3 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 198 Power
++4 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 199 Power
++5 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 199 Power
++6 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 200 Power
++7 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 200 Power
++8 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 201 Power
++9 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 202 Power
+10 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 202 Power
+11 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 203 Power
+12 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 203 Power
+13 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 204 Power
+14 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 204 Power
+15 supplementing user's M. Atk. with 205 Power
Enchant Power: Power is increased
++1 MP consumption decrease to 102
++2 MP consumption decrease to 98
++3 MP consumption decrease to 96
++4 MP consumption decrease to 92
++5 MP consumption decrease to 88
++6 MP consumption decrease to 85
++7 MP consumption decrease to 81
++8 MP consumption decrease to 77
++9 MP consumption decrease to 75
+10 MP consumption decrease to 71
+11 MP consumption decrease to 67
+12 MP consumption decrease to 63
+13 MP consumption decrease to 60
+14 MP consumption decrease to 57
+15 MP consumption decrease to 53
Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption
++1 - Duel Power: 198
++2 - Duel Power: 199
++3 - Duel Power: 201
++4 - Duel Power: 202
++5 - Duel Power: 204
++6 - Duel Power: 205
++7 - Duel Power: 206
++8 - Duel Power: 208
++9 - Duel Power: 209
+10 - Duel Power: 211
+11 - Duel Power: 212
+12 - Duel Power: 213
+13 - Duel Power: 215
+14 - Duel Power: 216
+15 - Duel Power: 218
Enchant Duel: Increases power during PvP
Последний раз редактировалось NorseSunset_renamed_652826_08122020; 20.10.2010 в 21:18.
Аватар для oyy_renamed_637000_01022021
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Spread Wing точатся на какую либо стихию ?
Аватар для Jolin
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
мда шайнинг не точится на дарк, а шахмат точится только на дарк ппц
так хоть на дагеров бы походили
Аватар для v0ltag3
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
а где можно прочитать про шансы заточки на разных лвлах? :)
Аватар для BIOHell
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
в первой части 2го поста этой темы есть описание Ставра, где приведены практически все эти данные (смотреть вторую таблицу)
Аватар для BSK_renamed_57659_04092022
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Жаль нет точных цифр на шансовые заточки, остается проверять на глаз

Аватар для xSDx_renamed_571898_01092021
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Точил критикал сенс, проточка на шанс дала цифры:
+1 25.1% шанс крита
+2 25.3% шанс крита

В результате переточил на павер, на +3 дает 432 атаки при крите.
Аватар для princeneon
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Increase critical rate - я так понял в прайде этой фразой называется шанс прохождения шайнинга ?
Аватар для NorseSunset_renamed_652826_08122020
Награжден за: за вклад в развитие раздела Soulbreaker
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.

Cadmus-RoA-kurica ninja!
WildCat (Hero SoulHound x18) [sold]
Katelyn (Hero Hierophant x5) [sold]
Аватар для AkeJIJIuoH
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Интересует вопрос: Enchant Duel: Increases power during PvP Сколько же циферок сие чудо нам даст +1+2+3... ?
Аватар для princeneon
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
много искал, но не где точно не нашел ответ на вопрос: " что же лучше точить маг скилы на power или же Enchant duel" Если кто знает конкретику по этому вопросу, просьба пояснить ;)
Аватар для Shinsoo
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
точил на дарк, + дарк атрибут+тогл+дарк веапон = не жалуюсь)
Аватар для Shinsoo
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Shinsoo - вопрос о скилах которые на дарк не точятся!

эм,нетак понял тебя просто..
Ну из атакующих - соул страйк имхо на пауер(кост никчему он итак 43мр жрет), шайнинг ейдж тоже самое(если ты конечно в рапиру атрибут дарка пихаеш, если нет - то на соотв. атрибутик точи..)
Пасивки - ну кому как, я на +П.деф, конечно +М.деф,(абусал понятно на М,Атк), критикал сенс, я,судя по тому как точил xSDx на шанс крита, последовал ему примеру и сразу вточил на крит.дмг..
Дебафы - ясень пень на шанс..грация финал на дворе, и 74лвл скилла на 80-84 не проканает:)
Прайд оф камаель - ну тут кому подо что..я лично как сб девочко без 83-го паралича вточил его на +М.Атк(пока +20%), с дистанционным, обычно, пвп - не жалуюсь)
вроде как все..
Аватар для Dr9vik
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
соп тоже на пвп
Аватар для Shinsoo
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
соп тоже на пвп

смысл сопа на пвп при дарк атрибуте в рапире,+ затачиваемом сельфе Дарк Веапона и тогл?
Аватар для BIOHell
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
давайте расставим точки.
можно точить соп на дарк, но только для того, чтобы пробивать резист противников или мобов.
если вам этого не нужно - точите на павер, поверьте: разницу вы не увидите.
Аватар для Shinsoo
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
то есть соп сам по себе уже имее
т дарк атрибут?

со скилла:.....108 Power to inflict Dark damage on an enemy
Аватар для BIOHell
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Сообщение от SirAhtung:
то есть соп сам по себе уже имеет дарк атрибут?
статистика говорит о том, что "да".
не стесняйтесь обращаться с вопросами мне в аську - сэкономите время себе и другим.
Аватар для Shinsoo
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
как сможеш,добавь пож-та раскодировку на Death Mark, Voice Bind, Shadow Bind на шанс..очень интересно глянуть процентики..
Аватар для BIOHell
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Сообщение от Shinsoo:
как сможеш,добавь пож-та раскодировку на Death Mark, Voice Bind, Shadow Bind на шанс..очень интересно глянуть процентики..
такой информации в клиенте нет..
можно только сослаться на субъективные оценки, согласно которым, +1 заточка добавляет +1% к шансу прохождения дебаффов
Аватар для xSDx_renamed_571898_01092021
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
Сообщение от BIOHell:
такой информации в клиенте нет..
можно только сослаться на субъективные оценки, согласно которым, +1 заточка добавляет +1% к шансу прохождения дебаффов
если эти скиллы апаются так же как и прочие дебаффы(типа сала, рута и т.д.), а корейцы вряд ли стали бы придумывать отдельные формулы заточки для дебаффов СБ, то каждые +3 точкидадут +2% к шансу прохождения. Как-то так...
Аватар для BIOHell
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
вот тут тоже не до конца понятно..
прохождение дебаффов после 80+ уровня сильно зависит от разницы в уровнях.
то есть, я своим 82+ СБ кладу сайленс на 79+ чара с шансом почти около 99%, а вот на 85го чара - 1 раз с 10ой попытки..
Аватар для Shinsoo
Ответ: Gracia Final: заточка скиллов SoulHound.
вот тут тоже не до конца понятно..
прохождение дебаффов после 80+ уровня сильно зависит от разницы в уровнях.
то есть, я своим 82+ СБ кладу сайленс на 79+ чара с шансом почти около 99%, а вот на 85го чара - 1 раз с 10ой попытки..
а изначальные шансы сала,рута, марки и вампирика нашего(курс оф лайф флоу) каковы при макс.лвлах?

п.с. жаль что нету(( я прост в раскодировке сам дуб дубом,вот и спрашивал..

вот тут тоже не до конца понятно..
прохождение дебаффов после 80+ уровня сильно зависит от разницы в уровнях.
то есть, я своим 82+ СБ кладу сайленс на 79+ чара с шансом почти около 99%, а вот на 85го чара - 1 раз с 10ой попытки..
а может это как у сумонеров фишка? Я вот знаю что у них на первой профе откат скила вызова сумона 2 часа, а при взятии второй профы(скажем самого варлока уже) сразу откат скилла вызова падает до пары минут, хотя скилла такого нету. мб у нас после 80+ точно такоеже происходит с шансами дебафов?) типо для корейцев 80+ уже другой уровень персонажа("не чита 78")?
Последний раз редактировалось BIOHell; 16.09.2009 в 17:07. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
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