Re: [Халява] Guild Wars 2 — Успей забрать второй эпизод 4 сезона живой истории
To improve the stability of the game, performing any of the following actions will "reset" your status, removing ongoing skill effects such as damaging area effects, traps, preparations, missiles, and many boons and profession-specific enhancements.
This process will clean up many possible broken states in which a skill effect could be present when it should not have been. Some of these states caused duplication of performance-intensive skills such as traps, which degraded server performance for everyone.
The actions that trigger this skill cleanup include the following:
- Swapping your Build Template
- Swapping your Equipment Template
- Changing specialization
- Changing traits
- Changing items equipped in a weapon slot via the Hero panel
- Respawning after being defeated
Бобма, худшее изменение в ПвЕ со времен переделки фракталов и появления сингулярности.