Любая карта Spike timings Objects go through teleporters 100% accurate while on ropes How to figure out what walls are bangable 1 minute bhop guide CS:GO vs Valorant tapping inaccuracy Game Economy Buckshot shotgun right-click Silent bhop up hills
Любая карта Wall placement for blocking thin entrances Block off spike Block off spike for defuse Haven Heaven boost Hide behind wall + peeking above double door slit Jett + Sage peek long A A site sewer boost Block A push + cheeky peek Split A site boost to peek into T-side A main B site boost to peek into T-side B main T spawn to A heaven peek Bind Useful slow orbs
Bind Trick/Tip: A site molotovs
Haven C long cubby nade A main door jump Split A long nade
Любая карта Jumping higher Updraft side boost for angled cielings Bind Double updraft to peek B long B hall smoke from hookah Heaven Jett + Sage peek long A A main door jump A long smoke Heaven smoke from A long Split B boost spot for spike defense 5 tricks
Любая карта Molotov close right corner on A A site to bathroom molly 5 Molotovs Bathroom to default plant molly
Любая карта Free spike plant Split Hookah and long smoke Bind A site lineups x3 More lineups Heaven C site smoke Alternate C site smoke
Любая карта Throw smoke + ult into it Tp behind enemies on round start Ult + Map teleporter play
Любая карта Self boost with ult Heaven A long to T spawn recon bolt T spawn to B mid recon bolt Bind B Site to outside A bathrooms recon bolt Same as above but with explanation
Любая карта Pick up trip-wires at round end to save $200 for the next round Bind One-way cage Split Split Setup "Site A"