Обновление за 2 апреля
Updated God: Bastet
- Bastet’s visual presentation has been updated. This includes Loading Screen Art, 3D Model, Special FX, Voicepack and Animations.
- NOTE: The Dominatrix, Golden and Legendary skins have been updated for the new model. However, the loading screen cards are not yet updated. These updates will come in a future release.
- Casting time (before Bastet left the ground) has been reduced from 0.3 to 0.15.
- Removed a short delay after landing before the ability could be triggered again for a return pounce.
- Removed return pounce impact fx.
- Razor Claws (now Razor Whip)
- Is now a swiping sequence for hits (left to right), rather than an instant in the cone.
- Increased the cone angle from 45 to 70.
- Changed the visual treatment, and renamed to Razor Whip.
- Reduced the casting time from 0.66 to 0.3.
- Changed the visual treatment, and renamed to Declaw.
- Bastet now has a basic attack hit progression of 1/0.7/1.3.
- Note: If you also own the Tyr voicepack, you will have custom voice commands when playing this skin.
- This seasonal skin is available to purchase until April 23, 2014.
- Note: If you also own the Bakasura voicepack, you will have custom voice commands when playing this skin.
Player Icons
- The “HiRezTroll” Icon, featuring trollface HiRezBart, is priced at 64 gems. When purchased, you will also receive 1 gem.
- Several backend match-making changes have been implemented. Additional changes are expected in future releases..
- Fixed an issue in which some passive bars on the HUD could cause your HUD to be incorrectly scaled. This most especially impacted Apollo..
- Minor improvements to Fire Minion FX for performance and visibility
- Fixed an issue in which Worshipper counts would sometimes not update correctly on the UI.
- Fixed several client crash conditions.
- The Conquest map has received some modest performance optimizations.
- Several UI elements have been optimized for performance (most especially the in-match scoreboard).
- Improved support has been added for showing the SmiteTV broadcast on the homescreen in a less intrusive manner.
- Fixed an issue in which team names would not show on Spectator HUD.
- Fixed a few minor bugs in the new user tutorial.
- Made changes to the “Highlight and Bracket 2” targeting option.
- Fixed an issue in which the Twitch Broadcast overlay would overlap the enemy team bars on the in-match HUD.
- Fixed a bug with multiple sound card sources.
- Fixed an issue in which Pythagorem's Piece and Doom Orb were displaying the incorrect buff icons.
- Your new God Rotation is: Isis, Athena, Odin, Anhur, and Loki.
- The team gold awarded for killing outer towers has been reduced to 100 (previously 200). Inner towers are still 300.
- The minimum respawn time in any gamemode now is 5 seconds. Previously, Joust respawn times could be lower than this in some cases, which caused some animation anomalies.
- Fixed an issue with not being able to purchase Hydra’s Lament in Assault.
- Root Immunity no longer provides Cripple Immunity in any place it is used.
- Ward health has been changed to be 100 hp + (20*level), and may still only be damaged by auto attacks.
- Vision range reduced from 85 to 60.
- Fixed debuff icon being incorrect.
- Fixed debuff icon being incorrect.
- Fixed buff icon being incorrect.
- Fixed debuff icon being incorrect.
- Increased tier price from 200/400/600 to 300/600/900.
- Improved Sprint (Rank 2) now removes and provides protection from slows.
Gods - Balance/Updates/Fixes
- Fixed an issue in which the buff icon tooltip was incorrect.
- When using Blink or Teleport, Chronos will now regain the health and mana values from 8s ago.
- Fixed incorrect tooltip scaling value.
- If under 15% health at the end of channeling this ability, Kali now heals to 15% of her maximum health.
- Increased base casting range from 55 to 65.
- Reduced time to become the Monster from 0.8 to 0.5.
- Eagle form no longer provides knockup Immunity, but still provides slow and root immunity.
- Fixed an issue with Ullr’s arrow flickering when in ranged stance.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes his arrow would be missing.
- Fixed an issue where switching from Wield Axes to Wield Bow would allow Ullr to use both basic attacks simultaneously.
- Fixed an issue where switching stances would cancel the post fire slow from basic attacks.
- Fixed an issue where Ullr would still be partially in a previous stance.
- Reverted previous change that prevented Zhong Kui from using abilities while channeling this ability. He may now take all actions again.
- Zhong Kui is no longer CC immune while channeling this ability, however it will continue to channel while he is under the effects of CC.
- Cooldown increased from 10 to 15s