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Мой авторитетный дневник!
Дата создания: 10.07.2020 18:27
Аватар для Dzirti
GoHa.Ru - 10 лет Медаль "2К лайков" Меценат
Награжден за: За пожертвование от 5000 руб. на развитие и поддержку портала GoHa.Ru 20 лет вместе!
Награжден за: 20 лет вместе!
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Сообщение от Vitalidze:
"задница к заднице!
Четырёх ягодичное чудовище.

Сталь подчиняется покорно, её расплющивает молот. Её из пламенного горна бросают в леденящий холод. И в этой пытке многократной, рождается клинок булатный. (с) Д.М.А.
Аватар для finbar
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Сообщение от Vitalidze:
А Разделение-то посмотрел?
Посмотрел две серии. Ну да, остросюжетности больше, такое зрительский интерес в целом лучше держит, но не могу про себя сказать, что сериал на момент двух серий больше экзальтации вызвал, чем Тёмная материя. Совмещение триллера и комедии, стилистика, сатира на корпоратскую культуру интересные, но юмор в меня совсем не попал; сопереживания персонажам особо нет, потому как и экспозиции нет: умершая жена героя в кадре не появлялась, его мотивация топить боль в "забытьи" не выглядит убедительно, ведь на состояние "домашнего я" это принципиально не может влиять. А хорошо выписанные чувственность, переживания персонажей я люблю, и поболее всего прочего, потому и котирую высоко тот же Сидерхаус с его кучей трагедий.
Сама идея процедуры Разделения пока кажется оверкиллом, ну, если, конечно, злая корпорация не прячет от всех какие-то прямо страшенные-престрашенные, подрывающие основы мира секретики. В книге "Лавина" Нила Стивенсона* есть схожий попутный сюжет, где решение более простое: мать героини, программист, работает на федералов, те дробят разрабатываемые проекты на столь мелкие сегменты, что рядовые сотрудники, распределённые к тому же в не сообщающиеся друг с другом отделы, просто не знают над чем работают.
Ну посмотрим, что там дальше.
*Роман, кстати, концептуально отвал башки, про нейролингвистический вирус, религии рассматриваются как хакерство, жаль только, что практически весь остальной нарратив, по сути, трешеватая сатира на любителя, своего рода высмеивание киберпанка в том числе.
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Аватар для Vitalidze
Медаль "2К лайков" GoHa.Ru II Степени
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Ну самый ахуй, это персонаж тянки, Хелли. Она как будто даже больше протагонист, чем мужичок, и доставит еще много раз. Ну мне понравилось как ее показывали в "двух ракурсах" у черного хода, в первые 2 серии, понял в этот момент что Бен Стиллер могет.
Сообщение от finbar:
умершая жена героя в кадре не появлялась

He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a punk
She did ballet
What more can I say?
  1. He wanted her
She'd never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth
Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
And stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry, girl, but you missed out
Well, tough, luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
He's just a boy
And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each other's world
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
1 пользователь оценил это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Vitalidze
Медаль "2К лайков" GoHa.Ru II Степени
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Финбар посмотрел от 4 до 9 серий Разделения, и сейчас копит ульту на рецензию.

He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a punk
She did ballet
What more can I say?
  1. He wanted her
She'd never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth
Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
And stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry, girl, but you missed out
Well, tough, luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
He's just a boy
And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each other's world
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
Последний раз редактировалось Vitalidze; 09.01.2025 в 20:13.
1 пользователь оценил это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Яуточка
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Я бы обсудил с вами девок из второго сезона Игры в Кальмара, так никто не смотрит.

2 пользователя оценили это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Vitalidze
Медаль "2К лайков" GoHa.Ru II Степени
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Утояка, как тебе? Попробовал бы?


He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a punk
She did ballet
What more can I say?
  1. He wanted her
She'd never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth
Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
And stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry, girl, but you missed out
Well, tough, luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
He's just a boy
And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each other's world
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
Аватар для Dzirti
GoHa.Ru - 10 лет Медаль "2К лайков" Меценат
Награжден за: За пожертвование от 5000 руб. на развитие и поддержку портала GoHa.Ru 20 лет вместе!
Награжден за: 20 лет вместе!
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Сообщение от Vitalidze:
Финбар посмотрел от 4 до 9 серий Разделения, и сейчас копит ульту на рецензию.
Ульта Финбара, и реакция форумчан с гохачки.

Сталь подчиняется покорно, её расплющивает молот. Её из пламенного горна бросают в леденящий холод. И в этой пытке многократной, рождается клинок булатный. (с) Д.М.А.
Аватар для Neverlove
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
толпа.. пришла посмотреть на Ульту !..

Добавлено через 4 минуты

Сообщение от Dzirti:
Ульта Финбара
Последний раз редактировалось Neverlove; 10.01.2025 в 11:19. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
Аватар для Яуточка
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Сообщение от Vitalidze:
Утояка, как тебе? Попробовал бы?

Ну да, настроил бы движение на каждый крит вара, а когда был бы готов - прожимал бы реклеснесс!
1 пользователь оценил это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Neverlove
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Сообщение от Яуточка:
Ну да, настроил бы движение на каждый крит вара, а когда был бы готов - прожимал бы реклеснесс!

или хер я тут чё то писать буду !..
1 пользователь оценил это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Яуточка
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Виталя, ты когда-нибудь срал в школьном туалете? А в универском?
Аватар для Vitalidze
Медаль "2К лайков" GoHa.Ru II Степени
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Сообщение от Яуточка:
Виталя, ты когда-нибудь срал в школьном туалете? А в универском?

He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a punk
She did ballet
What more can I say?
  1. He wanted her
She'd never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth
Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
And stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry, girl, but you missed out
Well, tough, luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
He's just a boy
And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each other's world
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
1 пользователь оценил это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Vitalidze
Медаль "2К лайков" GoHa.Ru II Степени
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Ну срал да, и там и там срал точно, как минимум по разу. Не знаю что тебе еще сказать.

He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a punk
She did ballet
What more can I say?
  1. He wanted her
She'd never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth
Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
And stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry, girl, but you missed out
Well, tough, luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
He's just a boy
And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each other's world
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
1 пользователь оценил это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Яуточка
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Виталя, из-за того, что ты нормально не можешь ответить на вопрос про туалет, Финбар сидит не в МАД, а в общем разделе:


Ты доволен?!
1 пользователь оценил это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Яуточка
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
В этом фильме Виталю не посадили бы в тюрьму.

1 пользователь оценил это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Vitalidze
Медаль "2К лайков" GoHa.Ru II Степени
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Вернулись с пляжей обратно в БангКОК на 4 дня. В 200 метрах от отеля:

Silom Soi 4 in Bangkok is more than just a street; it's the heart of the city's LGBTQ+ community. This is where the gay nightlife comes alive, with colorfu

As evening approaches dive into Bangkok’s electrifying nightlife. The Silom District, especially Soi 2 and Soi 4, is known as the heart of gay nightlife. Here, you can experience an array of gay-friendly clubs and bars that pulse with energy. DJ Station, a landmark in the gay party scene, is famous for its exhilarating drag shows and themed parties. The lively atmosphere ensures that you’ll dance the night away surrounded by a friendly crowd.


He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a punk
She did ballet
What more can I say?
  1. He wanted her
She'd never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth
Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
And stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry, girl, but you missed out
Well, tough, luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
He's just a boy
And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each other's world
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
2 пользователя оценили это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Яуточка
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Сообщение от Neverlove:

или хер я тут чё то писать буду !..
Дед, тебе сколько лет, если в 2009 ты в Сбербанке работал.
Я думал, что ты просто глупый школьник.

Какой кринж
Аватар для Neverlove
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Сообщение от Яуточка:
Дед, тебе сколько лет

Аватар для Яуточка
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
1 пользователь оценил это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Neverlove
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Сообщение от Яуточка:
и чё.. думаешь Финбар купится на эту лысину деда.. и зайдёт сюда
Аватар для ghostwolf
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Сообщение от Vitalidze:
Кто лучшая девочка?
Aerith, и я готов умереть на этом холме.

Сообщение от Vitalidze:
Не появилось желания накатить ориджинал, на любую из доступных платформ?

Пожалуй нет. Мне хватило этой части истории, жду релиза Rebirth.

Сообщение от Vitalidze:
Ты бы трахнул чокобо, если бы ты был другим чокобо?

Думаю да. С кем ещё чокобо заниматься этим, если не с другими чокобо?

Но на самом деле я зашёл оставить эту ссылку: https://rus.err.ee/1609577068/profes...zdushnym-putem

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Аватар для Яуточка
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
1 пользователь оценил это сообщение: Показать
Аватар для Vitalidze
Медаль "2К лайков" GoHa.Ru II Степени
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Сообщение от ghostwolf:
Aerith, и я готов умереть на этом холме.

He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a punk
She did ballet
What more can I say?
  1. He wanted her
She'd never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends
Stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth
Five years from now
She sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends
They already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
And stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
He was a skater boy
She said, "See you later, boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star
Slammin' on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Sorry, girl, but you missed out
Well, tough, luck that boy's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
He's just a boy
And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each other's world
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
I'm with the skater boy
I said, "See you later, boy"
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
Аватар для Яуточка
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
Виталя, если не представишь отчёт Ботикеру завтра к 9 утра - будешь постовым следующий месяц! Чёр-те что происходит в нашем участке!
Аватар для Flammender
Re: Мой авторитетный дневник!
@Vitalidze, Линч все. 4 сезона твин пикса не будет теперь точно! Как овориться, пресс Ф.
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