Re: Разработчик The Lord of the Rings Online показал Амбарул — первую зону дополнения Legacy of Morgoth
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Mordor was the only expansion that truly stood out since SSG took over in late 2016. It was absolutely stunning, featuring unique mobs, the Black Book of Mordor, new High Elven race and extremely memorable zones. Mordor was captured almost perfectly, offering a variety of zones, the dreadful dead, despair, and hopelessness. Tons of interesting lore as well. The soundtrack was top-notch, and the Allegiance system was an excellent addition. Because Mordor ultimately stood out far far above anything that came after and it was extremely refreshing ,also the Northern Mirkwood update. Fall 2018 - Beginning of the end. i often came back to Mordor and sometimes Minas Morgul was the last straw for me on live servers. However, slowly but steadily, with each update, the game started to decline due to a lack of creativity. It's striking how many people are either deluded, refuse to acknowledge this, or simply want to "lick the boots" of SSG, pretending all is well. Or perhaps they’re so attached to the game that they're willing to spend money on poor content. I admire the effort and willingness, but what you see now are reused assets, the same mobs, the same NPCs, and almost identical flora and fauna—particularly Orcish warriors, Mordor statues, and architecture. It’s all been seen before and also npcs, It matters what they release, it matters how hard are you trying to look for positives, this is miserable attempt and not worthy to invest. I m not going to even touch on the most boring and dull implementation even added Missions, even skirmishes and big battles had somewhat better and more creative variety. Those who’ve played will know: this doesn't feel like high fantasy anymore. It feels like I’ve stepped foot in Africa or a Middle Eastern desert. We're clashing with scarabs, crocodiles, lions, cobras, and scorpions.. Oh, and there's a new weather system and the Milky Way galaxy—is that really all they can conjure? People are going to burn $130 just to flex their titles, pets, and outfits while sitting in Bree or other major sections, having minimal skill and knowledge of the game at all chatting endlessly in world chat and repeating the most boring content in existence. It's pathetic. The trailer is below average at the best. I am being generous and soft. Beyond mortal comprehension how lame this all is. Influx of the new generation of LOTRO players will never understand how incredible LOTRO once was in its golden days. They shall realize soon how wrong they were. The game survives purely because of people who are willing to buy tens of thousands of points, ultimate fan bundles, patron coffers, or deluxe kinship and premium island houses. They have their uses though I must admit and thank them even because you and I otherwise would not be here playing. Make no mistake, the most hardcore and deluded fans will always find an excuse, twist things around, and defend them. Rarely have I seen a more double-sided community. They’ll milk SSG and pretend all is well, yet on the other side, thousands of them are secretly supporting illegal project in Discord channels like Echoes of you know what. I wont name it fully. At 41 seconds into the trailer, these beings already exist: the Mordor and Morgul statues are all replicated—the stones, trees (except for the palms), and that Orc skin (but supersized) all already exist. This is not LOTRO anymore. There’s a good reason why a lot of people enjoy the older content on Legendary servers—it was superior and still light years ahead of the current abomination. You have to be truly insane to burn $130 on a nearly 18-year-old game for below-average content. Most of what you see in the trailer has already been seen; it's so deceiving. It’s utterly embarrassing that they’re unable to create more unique models and have to replicate 2007 assets.
Что подтверждает мои слова о том что лотра перестала быть лотрой.
Потому что ты привык путешествовать в тех землях, о которых идет речь в книгах. Гендальф, Арагорн, Гимли, Галадирэль и многие другие рассказывали нам о тех землях, в которых они были, но у Толкина есть гигантское кол-во контента который не был задействован в трилогии и хоббите. Поэтому глупо считать что вот это Лотра, а вот это не Лотра, это все Средиземье и многое из этого было использовано Толкином в его других работах. Это все равно что читать допустим "Войну и Мир" Толстого и делать вид, что Россия - это все что мы видим во время наполеоновского нашествия, а все что не было затронуто войной - это уже не Россия.
По мне, Мордор был разочарованием, а не топовым дополнением. Топовым дополнением я считаю Морию, ММ и Гундабад, но Гундабад имел очень резкий обрыв в разработке когда они все бросили и начали экспериментировать с лоу левел локами
меня одел эльмаго, спасибо ему за это.
Грейт бьет конусом и попасть под него не так просто, если его кастуют не на тебя. Для этого нужно постоянно бегать рядом с хилером, чего в динамике боя не бывает.
Я не навязываю тебе или еще кому то свои жизненные ценности!
Я не упрекаю тебя в том, что ты не играешь в премы, мне сугубо похрен!