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Viktor, The Machine Herald
Автор темы: evkOo
Дата создания: 13.12.2011 16:07
Аватар для Dzen
Re: Viktor, The Machine Herald
Готовят реворк Виктора.

Passive: Glorious Evolution

Виктор начинает игру с преметом Prototype Hex Core, который можно 3 раза улучшить за 1000з. Каждое улучшение даст +25AP, +150Mana, +1 AP per level, до максимум +75AP, +6 AP per level, +500 Mana после 3.
Каждое улучшение так же позволяет усилить одно из базовых умений Виктора, после всех 3 улучшений - Chaos Storm (R, ульта) автоматически будет улучшен.

Q: Siphon Power

Range changed to use bounding boxes (Effectively 100 range increase)
Cooldown changed to 10/8.5/7/5.5/4
Damage reduced to 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.2AP)
Empowered autoattack that deals 15~250 (depending on Viktor's level) (+0.5AP) bonus magic damage on next basic attack.
NOTE: The entirety of the damage of the next basic attack is converted to magic (ex: Poppy Q)
Shield amount changed to 30/50/70/90/110 (+0.2AP)
Shield and speed boost (Augment) duration reduced to 2.5
Shield, speed boost and empower all granted immediately upon cast

W: Gravity Field

Range increased to 700
Particle starts playing as soon as Viktor starts cast, time between start of cast and enemy being slowed is unchanged
Stunned enemies are no longer affected by the slow

E: Death Ray

R: Chaos Storm

Cast time reduced to 0.25 (from 0.33)
Cooldown reduced to 120/110/100
Radius of initial impact increased to 325 (from 250)
Radius of DOT zone reduced to 325 (from 350)
Storm always moves at maximum speed when moving towards Viktor
DOT damage changed to 30/60/90 (+0.2AP)
DOT damage interval now 0.5 seconds (from 0.25)
No longer silences on impact, interrupts channels instead

Я где-то, кажется, почти, хотя и еле-еле, в каком-то смысле на пути, возможно, к некой цели...

В жизни ведь как? Сначала не везет, не везет, потом КАААААК НЕ ПОВЕЗЕТ и опять не везет, не везет, не везет...

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